The sky is full of fog, and the sky is full of fog.

Temple of the Celestial God.

Mr. Popo, who was repairing the entrance of the Spirit Time Room, was stunned for a moment.

Mr. Popo had sensed that the Frieza trio was approaching the Spirit Time Room.

Popo was deeply impressed by this notorious trio. He still remembered clearly that seven years ago, Cool went directly to the Temple of the Celestial God and asked him to hand over the Temple of the Celestial God.

If it weren't for Vegeta and Son Gohan, he would have been killed by Cool.

But now, there is no one in the Temple of the Celestial God except him and a weak woman.

Popo quickly flew to the main hall.

Popo's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he looked at Videl worriedly.

He had sworn to live and die with the Temple of Heaven, but according to Bidili, he had no right to decide someone's life.

"Miss! Please hide quickly!"

"Three very dangerous guys are rushing here!"

Hearing this, Bidili's heart rose to her throat, and she asked tremblingly: "Isn't this the safest place? How could they!"

As soon as the voice fell, everything was too late.

Bidili's body froze, as if she was held by a pair of invisible hands.

She turned around in horror, and three people with extremely strange looks were reflected in her eyes.

One of them was two meters tall, and the other was more than two meters tall. Only the one in the middle was even shorter than her.


A dark figure blocked Bidili's way.

"What are you doing!" Mr. Bobo opened his hands, ready to fight.

Gula took heavy steps, his eyes full of sinisterness.

He was very familiar with this place. It was here that Vegeta had killed him. His eyelids twitched, and he obviously remembered it very clearly.

"What are you doing? Haha, you'll know the answer when you die."

After that, Gula stretched out his finger and was about to finish off Popo and Videl.

"Ah!!" The terrifying scene made Videl let out a sharp explosion. She had already felt Gula's threat to her life.

She tried hard not to tremble, but under extreme fear, her body was no longer under her control.

How could an ordinary person be the opponent of these three cosmic bullies.

Just as Gula was about to take action, an elegant and polite voice suddenly came from behind Gula:

"Oh, Miss, please don't be afraid, we have no ill intentions."

Gula's eyes were empty, and he turned his head to look. Frieza actually said such words.

Gula didn't understand what his brother was going to do for a while. It was him who proposed the Temple of the Gods, but he didn't let him kill anyone.

Moreover, this is not Frieza's style at all.

"Hey, Frieza, you'd better give me a reasonable explanation." Frieza asked.

Frieza did not speak, but walked slowly to Frieza's side. He stood on tiptoe and quickly slapped Frieza's fingers off.

The energy that was gathering disappeared as a result.

Suddenly, Frieza's expression changed, and he whispered in Frieza's ear: "Idiot."

Frieza gritted his teeth in an instant, became angry and stared at Frieza fiercely: "Asshole! What did you say?!"

"Do you know this thing called Qi? My stupid brother."

"Are you trying to attract Vegeta's attention with such a trick?"

"If you kill them, Vegeta and Son Gohan will come and kill us immediately."

Frieza suddenly realized.

Frieza just laughed and then walked quickly to Mr. Popo and Videl.

"Hello, sir, and miss."

"I am Frieza, and I am glad to meet you."

After that, Frieza bowed politely and gentlemanly.

Frieza's actions shocked everyone present. King Kurd widened his eyes and stared at Frieza.

Bidel, who had already collapsed, was also confused, and Mr. Popo was even more confused.

Frieza continued to say: "That... sir, do you know a magical house?"

The real purpose of Frieza was revealed.

Popo's heartbeat accelerated sharply. He didn't expect that the purpose of these three people was the Spirit Time House!

"What are you going to do!" Popo became alert.

Frieza continued to say politely: "We have no ill intentions, we just want to stay in for a while, and then we will leave."

Popo looked haggard, "I can't

I can tell you!"

But the next second, Frieza looked around the Temple of Heaven, "Please don't be afraid, we won't kill you."

That being said, Frieza instantly jumped in front of Videl and used his tail to stun Videl with brute force.

First courtesy and then force, this is Frieza's method.

"Don't move, otherwise you will die." Frieza smiled sinisterly.

After that, Frieza threatened Mr. Popo and said, "Let's go, take us, otherwise I'm not sure how long she can live. "

Mr. Popo clenched his fists. After an inner struggle, Mr. Popo had to compromise and led the three people to the Spirit Time House.

With her throat locked, Videl struggled immediately. She knew how much trouble it would be if these three people with bad intentions came out of the Spirit Time House.

Mr. Popo now regretted repairing the entrance to the Spirit Time House.

Finally, the three were brought to the door of the Spirit Time House.

Frieza said with a smiling face: "Please open the door, sir."

"Please let her go, otherwise Popo will not open the door!" Popo begged.

Gula roared: "Now is not the time for you to negotiate with me! I just need to move my fingers..."

But before Gula finished speaking, Frieza actually put Videl down.

Gula wanted to say something, but Frieza suddenly put his hand on his lips, "Shh."

"No! Mr. Popo! Don't put them in! "Bidelly shook her head frantically.

"Go! Miss Bidelly!" Mr. Bobo ordered.

At this point, Bidelly could only run away frantically, and finally she ran out of the hall.

After Bobo made sure that Bidelly was far away, Bobo finally put his mind at ease.

Because, in his mind, he already had a plan.

He opened the door of the Spirit Time House, but was greeted by the questioning eyes of the father and his three sons.

"You go in first." Frieza ordered.

In order to dispel doubts, Bobo went in first: "Come in, there is no problem inside. "

King Kurd and Gula also entered.

When it was Frieza's turn, he smiled sinisterly and gestured with his hands.

There was a scream from the hall outside, and a big tree rose from the ground, just like when Frieza used his superpowers to make Krillin explode on Namek.

And the big tree fell on Videl's thigh. Videl did not die, but just lost the ability to move.

Frieza didn't want to cause trouble, he just needed to restrict Videl's actions to prevent her from leaking information.

If Videl was killed directly, it would definitely attract Vegeta's attention.

After doing all this, Frieza entered the Spirit Time House with satisfaction.

Then, what he had to do next was to restrict Mr. Popo's actions.

But the next second, something he didn't expect happened.

I saw Popo instantly blow down the door of the Spirit Time House, "Then, you will stay here forever. "

The father and his two sons showed astonishment at the same time, and Frieza roared: "What did you say? ! ! "

I saw Popo said righteously: "With your current strength, there is no way to get out of it."

"Also, I will tell you a secret. This place is isolated from the world. Once I enter the Spirit Time Room, my breath will disappear, and Vegeta will definitely notice it."

"He will find this place soon, and you... will be killed by him in the end."

Frieza's body trembled. He had calculated everything, but he didn't expect to miss this place.

He was furious and finally knew why Mr. Popo entered the Spirit Time Room first.

Frieza made a prompt decision. Anyway, he would soon attract Vegeta's attention. He suddenly jumped up and attacked Mr. Popo with all his strength.

What surprised him was that Mr. Popo was able to fight with him for a few moves.

Seeing this, the father and his two sons attacked Mr. Popo at the same time.

"Go to hell! "

Finally, the three cosmic bullies simultaneously fired chaotic laser rain at Popo.

Although he had rich combat experience, he could not withstand the overwhelming force of the opponent.

The corners of Popo's mouth rose slightly. From the moment he entered the Spirit Time Room, he had expected this scene to happen.

Even without his reminder, Frieza would eventually notice the abnormality here.

Popo smiled and slowly closed his eyes. He said in his mouth: "Lord God, Popo is here to see you."


At the same time.

Vegeta, who was in the West Capital, also felt that Mr. Popo's breath had disappeared.

He was asking everyone about Sun Wukong's news and suddenly

Be alert.

[Mr. Popo's breath has disappeared! ]

[Something must have happened in the Temple of Heaven! ]

[Damn it! What on earth happened! ]

Vegeta looked back and told Bra: "Bra, you surprised me. You and these little Cells are responsible for protecting their mother here!"

In an instant, Vegeta suddenly flew towards the Temple of Heaven.

Bra nodded suddenly, and the five little Cells also obeyed Vegeta's words at this moment, standing straight.

Looking at Vegeta who was leaving, everyone also concluded that something must have happened, so several people followed Vegeta's footsteps.

The five little Cells were on full alert, and they would not let go of even the slightest movement around them.

But in the next second, the bodies of the five little Cells could not stop shaking.

One of them suddenly swallowed his saliva and said to the others: "Everyone... did you feel it too?"

The other four little Cells' faces suddenly changed in shock, because they sensed a familiar breath.

It was the kind of blood suppression, and this breath was their father!


In a dark basement.

This is Dr. Gero's research institute.

Dr. Gero, who regained his freedom, did not go to the laboratory like Androids 17 and 18 to give up his life.

Instead, he took Cell back to the laboratory where he had worked hard all night.

Dr. Gero was laughing at the computer. After operating for several minutes, Dr. Gero leaned back and collapsed on the ground.

Dr. Gero threw the notebook he brought out of hell back in ecstasy.


Dr. Gero looked at the culture cabin next to the supercomputer.

The one gurgling inside is the young Cell of this time and space. When Vegeta and his companions destroyed the adult Cell from other time and space, they did not find Dr. Gero's laboratory.

So this young Cell has been in the development stage.

After being killed by Son Gohan and Vegeta, the adult Cell also went to hell. After learning about this, Dr. Gero has been studying hard in hell how to make Cell stronger.

And today, because he ran out of hell, he can finally show his theories for many years through practice.

I saw Dr. Gero came to another culture chamber, which also had a Cell, but this was an adult Cell.

Now the crazy Dr. Gero is doing an experiment that he has been planning for many years.

That is to transform into an adult Cell so that he can continue to have the ability to absorb.

And his purpose is to let the adult Cell absorb the young Cell! Then create a more powerful Cell!

And now, he is about to succeed!

Dr. Gero directly pressed the confirmation button, and at once, the two incubators began to operate.

The tail of adult Cell, which had been retracted into the wings, grew out again.

The next second, the tail stretched directly into the incubator of young Cell.

Wow, wow, wow!

An indescribable bloody scene was staged.

Dr. Gero smiled and looked at the scene with satisfaction.

Finally, after a few seconds.

Adult Cell suddenly opened his eyes.

The sound of muscle reorganization sounded again, and at once, Cell completed a new evolution.

His body turned purple at this moment.

"Welcome to wake up, my child." Dr. Gero smiled.

Cell carefully felt this new body, which made him dumbfounded.

"Then, obey my orders and conquer the world." Dr. Gero ordered.

Cell looked at Dr. Gero with disgust, "Oh? Is that so, my father."

Dr. Gero felt something was wrong instantly, and a fear of his head falling to the ground came to his mind.

Dr. Gero looked at Cell in disbelief, "How is it possible! Didn't I set it as the first command to obey my orders?"

What Dr. Gero didn't expect was that Cell was not only stronger now, but also had a stronger self-awareness.


Cell glanced at Dr. Gero, his eyes shot out lasers, and Dr. Gero's head rolled down.

He crushed it with one foot without blinking.

Now, what the stronger Cell has to do is revenge!

"Vegeta, Son Gohan, I will torture you well."

After saying that, Cell put his finger on his forehead.


Cell's figure disappeared on the spot.

A second later, Cell slowly removed his fingertips from his forehead, and in his field of vision appeared the enemy he had been thinking about day and night.

"Long time no see, Vegeta."

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