
Several bright lights flashed suddenly, and just like cutting tofu, the huge rock in the air was cut into cubes of the same size, and the tiny debris at the corners was crushed into dust and disappeared.

"I wonder if this use of the Six Meridians Divine Sword by me is an insult to its status."

Sun Wukong couldn't help but laugh at himself at this moment.


The cut stones fell neatly on the ground and soon formed a small stove.

Sun Wukong nodded secretly to his masterpiece, and found a few arm-thick logs from the woods and built them into a support.

As the saying goes, do it yourself and you will have enough food and clothing.

In the following cooking process, Sun Wukong skillfully wielded the knife, cut open the belly, put it on the grill, and sprinkled it with natural spices he brought with him.

He looked very contented.

After a while, a wonderful aroma that whetted the appetite came towards him.

Sun Wukong couldn't help licking his tongue, and couldn't help but have a strong appetite.

He finally got rid of the days of eating dry food.

"Mm, delicious! It seems that my cooking skills haven't changed. What's more, the animals on this planet are still pure and natural, delicious and tender."

Sun Wukong praised with satisfaction while eating.

In the following days,

Sun Wukong hunted a lot of prey here.

He had to prepare more food.

God knows where the next planet with life is.

On this day, there was a sharp"hissing" sound in the sky, as if something was rubbing the air at high speed.

"What's going on? Is someone coming? Great!"

Sun Wukong put down the food and quickly sensed the other party's coming through his Qi perception. The energy of these three Qis was over 100,000, and the aura was very dark.

"It seems that the newcomers have bad intentions. These aliens have come to this planet and their combat power is extremely high!"

Although the opponent has a combat power of more than 100,000,

Sun Wukong doesn't care at all.

He just stands there, and these aliens can't hurt him even if they fight for a hundred years.

On the other side. In a forest that was turned into scorched earth by the impact, raging flames continued to burn, and billowing black smoke with a pungent smell spread everywhere.

At this time, three figures walked out of the black smoke.

"Hey, Captain, this is another planet that is very suitable for life. If we conquer it, we can sell it for a good price!"

Among the three, a green-skinned cosmic man laughed twice and wanted to do his old business again.

"Drey, we don't need to deal with these little things. You have to know that our mission this time is more important than King Gula's mission. This small planet can be handed over to others. If we can find the fruit of the spirit tree. For King Gula, it is more valuable than reselling ten thousand planets!"

The leader was a blue-faced, purple-skinned cosmic man. He was Shaviza, the captain of Gula's mecha team.

He stepped on a rock and smiled evilly with a cold expression.

The green cosmic man named Drey smiled suddenly, thinking that the captain had considered it carefully.

The most important thing for them now was to find the fruit of the spirit tree, and everything else was secondary.

"It's a pity, but it seems that there are not many people on this planet. We haven't found any signs of human life so far, so we can't experience the joy of fighting!"

Nez, who had orange skin on the other side, licked his lips with his tongue and sighed with regret.

After hearing this, Dre joked,"Then you should pray that we can complete the task assigned by King Gula as soon as possible, so that you can find a planet worth attacking!"

"Haha, that's true!"

Nez laughed.

What Shaviza and the others didn't know was that a black-haired figure not far away had already heard their conversation clearly.

"Is it them? I didn't expect to meet Gula's mecha team here. These guys are looking for the fruit of the spirit tree. It seems that Gula attaches great importance to this, and even sent out his ace troops. I just don't know what the use of this spirit tree fruit is?"

Sun Wukong couldn't help but become curious.

These three aliens who came to this planet turned out to be the ace team under Kvira's command - the mecha team!

At this time, Shaviza and others came to carry out the task of finding the fruit of the spirit tree assigned by Gula.

This mecha team was formed by Gula collecting galactic evil warriors.

The three members are all aces among aces, much stronger than Frieza's Ginyu Force.

Each of them is extremely powerful. Even the weakest member is much stronger than Ginyu. There are really not many strong people who can match them in the Milky Way.

In order to find the fruit of the spirit tree to improve his strength, Gula almost sent out all his elites, and the mecha troops came to this remote eastern region.

PS:The Chinese Valentine's Day is coming soon. Every reader who passes by this chapter, please leave your flowers and money.

Otherwise, be careful that I will make you single on the Chinese Valentine's Day.

Of course, this is a joke. I wish all the readers a happy Chinese Valentine's Day in advance. I hope you can find your sweetheart, date her/him, and live a shy life together.

Don't forget to leave your flowers and money.

If you think it's okay, please give me some tips. I'm here to beg for alms in order to get a room with the nun.

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