Xaviza was horrified.

He finally realized that everything he and his men had done was meaningless.

Facing such an opponent, they were not even ants.

Nez, who was standing by, was so shocked that he immediately flew to the spaceship.

He had only one thought: to leave this place immediately.

The opponent was too scary.

"You think you can escape? Too naive! Shangyang Sword!"

Sun Wukong sneered, and a sword energy shot out, quickly catching up with the fleeing Nez, and instantly blasting him into powder.

Under the powerful energy of Sun Wukong, the Six Meridians Divine Sword was so powerful that it was even more powerful than Kamehameha, and it was faster and consumed less energy.

So Sun Wukong was very satisfied with the effect of the Six Meridians Divine Sword.

He blew on his right index finger with satisfaction, and then said to Shaviza:"You are quite smart. You didn't run away? If your answer satisfies me, I can let you go."

"Do I dare to run away? You even killed King Frieza. If I run away, I will end up like Drey and Nez."

Facing Sun Wukong's question, Shaviza couldn't help cursing in his heart. This was too bullying.

But he still quickly answered Sun Wukong's question:"You tell me, I will answer what I know."

"What is the fruit of the spirit tree? What is its use? Where is Gula?"

Sun Wukong asked three questions in a row.

"This... Actually, I don't know what the fruit of the spirit tree is... It's just that King Gula asked us to go out and look for it. I heard that the planet where the spirit tree is located will eventually be absorbed by the spirit tree and become a dead star."

Shaweiza answered carefully, his eyes rolling non-stop, which made Sun Wukong feel a little unhappy

"So strong? However, I am not satisfied with your answer, so... Zhongchong Sword!"

Sun Wukong raised his right middle finger, and a sword energy flew towards Shaviza again. The powerful energy made it impossible for him to dodge.

"No! How could the mecha team be completely wiped out? King Gula will not let go.……"

Before he finished speaking.


With regret and unwillingness,

Shaviza was hit by the terrifying sword energy.

The huge energy had no emotion...

Facing the absolute destruction that crushed everything in its path,

Shaviza was mercilessly crushed into dust in the universe.


At this time, in the Milky Way, on a planet that has been transformed by high technology, in Gula's headquarters, a cosmic man who looked like a military advisor stood in front of Gula and said hesitantly,"King Gula, our communication with Lord Shaviza has been interrupted. They seem to have encountered a powerful enemy!"

At this point, the cosmic man hesitated, secretly glanced at Gula's face, and his voice trembled as he dared not continue.

"Hmm? The communication is interrupted? Did they damage the communication equipment during the battle? In that remote place, there shouldn't be any enemies stronger than them, right?"

A cold and ruthless voice sounded. Gula sat on the huge metal throne and looked at the alien with deep eyes.

The alien was startled and reported truthfully:"I will go and find out right away, and I will contact Lord Shaviza and others as soon as possible.""

"Frieza was killed by someone a few months ago? All the people who followed him died, and now Xaviza has lost contact. Do you think it was done by the same person? There are not many people in this universe who dare to go against our clan. Frieza's fighting ability is not low, and his talent is also very high, but he was killed. It seems that I have to be careful! You should find out the truth as soon as possible!"

Gula's eyes flashed with surprise, and then his face was gloomy, and his tail behind him kept slapping the ground.

""Yes... yes!"

The alien said tremblingly, his scalp tingling.

Gula's face was covered with dark clouds, and a cold light flashed in his blood-red pupils.

He looked at the other servants beside him and said grimly:"Do you think it is possible that someone from my father's side took action?"

Several other aliens prostrated themselves on the ground and said tremblingly:"My king, we have been living in peace with the eastern forces for so many years. Besides, King Kurd is your father, and I don't think it is possible that King Kurd took action. No matter what, King Kurd would not kill King Frieza. And I heard from you that King Frieza did not really die. Recently, King Kurd used a machine to fuse King Frieza's body and brought him back to life."

"Oh, Frieza is not dead yet? Father is willing to save Frieza. But, for me, it is hard to say... He is not as kind to me as he is to Frieza."

Gula said quietly, with a gleam in his eyes.

PS:The Chinese Valentine's Day is coming soon. Every reader who passes by this chapter, please leave your flowers and money.

Otherwise, be careful that I will make you single on the Chinese Valentine's Day.

Of course, this is a joke. I wish all the readers a happy Chinese Valentine's Day in advance. I hope you can find your sweetheart, date her/him, and live a shy life together.

Don't forget to leave your flowers and money.

If you think it's okay, please give me some tips. I'm here to beg for alms in order to get a room with the nun.

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