After this period of study,

Sun Wukong learned several more special skills.

One of them is actually a special skill about time - time pause.

When it is activated, the time in a certain area can be completely stopped, and the time limit is 3 seconds.

Moreover, the larger the range of time stop, the stronger the opponent, and the more intense the energy consumed.

It is estimated that at its peak, this"time pause" ability can freeze targets with a combat power of less than 100 billion for 3 seconds, and then it will consume 90% of the energy in the body.

This will be Sun Wukong's most important trump card, and it will never be used easily until the critical moment.

The second is the ability related to teleportation, short-distance space movement, although it can only move up to 1 kilometer each time.

But the advantages are huge.

It does not need to sense the direction of the air, can move continuously in space, and is almost instantaneous.

The consumption is not large, which is very suitable for use in intense battles.

In addition to these, Sun Wukong has also learned more than a dozen different special skills, but these are all auxiliary special skills and have little to do with combat.

But this has shocked Hu Su Zhizhe.

You know, even he can't learn more than three special skills, and Sun Wukong has learned more than a dozen, which makes him more convinced of his prediction.



That day, Sun Wukong moved slightly, and his figure flashed and disappeared in front of Hu Su and others.

Not long after, he slowly appeared in front of everyone, but there were a few more green fruits in his hands.

The flowing lines on the fruit's skin were dazzling, as if it was a living thing.

If you put your nose close to it, you can smell a refreshing fragrance, which makes people relax a lot.

"Wukong, you are amazing. It only took you half a year to master so many unique skills. But the Green Soul Fruit in your hand……"

Franky looked at the green fruit in Sun Wukong's hand with a greedy look on his face and shining eyes.

He was one of Hu Su's guards, and his cheerful personality was very much in line with Sun Wukong's appetite.

So after a few months of getting along, they naturally became friends.


The voice from the throat was heard all around, and several Yadrat people nearby also looked at the several green soul fruits in Sun Wukong's hand with eagerness.

These guards also had a very good relationship with Sun Wukong.

During the months in the underground palace, they often sent food to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong also knew how strong the attraction of this fruit was to the Yadrat people.

The green soul fruit grew on the other side of the planet where the Yadrat people lived.

Yadrat can be said to be divided into two parts, one of which belongs to the place where the Yadrat people live, and the other part is the primeval forest covering more than half of the planet.

The size of the forest here can be seen by looking at the fact that it covers more than half of the planet.

The Yadrat people have a sparse population, and the distance between the two can be seen.

So far, the Yadrat people still have many unknown mysteries about this huge primeval forest.

After all, with their combat power, it is impossible to detect everything inside.

Because the primeval forest is very scary, its periphery is full of beasts with combat power of several hundred, not to mention the endless forest sea.

There were battles going on all the time, so it was very hard to explore there. Of course, the Yadrat people would not give up.

After many years of hard work, they finally entered the core of the primeval forest, but the beasts there were even more cruel and powerful.

Even though the Yadrat people had special skills such as teleportation as a means of saving their lives, many of their people died because of it.

Because of their low combat effectiveness, the distance of teleportation was greatly shortened, and it took some time to prepare.

Secondly, it was impossible for them to teleport from here to the inside of the primeval forest in an instant, so everything in the primeval forest was terrible for the Yadrat people.

Of course, these beasts with combat effectiveness were not worth mentioning in the eyes of Sun Wukong, and they were not even more lethal than cats.

Cats at least had cute lethality, and these beasts could only be regarded as his game.

Under Sun Wukong's perception, even the most powerful beast in the primeval forest had a combat effectiveness of less than 100,000.

At this time, it was not even qualified to be Sun Wukong's warm-up, which was even more serious than the difference between heaven and earth.

Although the Green Soul Fruit is not guarded by the most powerful beast, the beast guarding the Green Soul Fruit is also very powerful.

Even with the help of the strange skills of the Yadrat people, the chance of success is very small.

PS:The Chinese Valentine's Day is about to end, but I am still here to rob you.

Every reader who passes by this chapter, please leave your flowers and tickets.

Otherwise, be careful that I will draw a circle and curse you, and let you continue to be single after the Chinese Valentine's Day.

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Thank you with a bow!

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