"Ah! How is it possible?! I clearly……"

The Kurdish king felt a pain and his face became distorted.

"Damn it, what on earth is going on?"

Kude King roared in pain and violence.

The opponent's attack was very strange.

If he hadn't moved fast enough, he might have been cut in half by the opponent's blue light.

Such a horror, even with the strong vitality of the Frozen Clan, he would not be willing to die.

Even if King Kude normally has a combat power of 150 million, such combat power is still not enough for Sun Wukong.

Before he could exert all his strength, he might have died.

If he hadn't dodged fast enough, he might have been killed by the opponent.

If that happened, his death would be too miserable.

"Donema, quickly detect the opponent's combat power for me!!"

King Kurd yelled in frustration. He became very impatient because he lost his tail. Fortunately, the tail of the Frozen Clan is like the tail of a gecko, and it can grow again as it transforms.

"Yes, King Kurd!"

The cosmic man who had just escaped a disaster responded in a hurry after receiving the order, and immediately ordered his subordinates to turn on the large energy detector on the planet.

However, before Donema could transmit the opponent's combat value,

King Kurd began to prepare to transform.

He knew that his normal state was no longer the opponent of the human opposite.

"It's too late. I asked you to transform just now, but you didn't. How can I let you transform so easily now? Even if I let you transform, you have to have fun!"

With a slight smile,

Sun Wukong's body moved quickly, and a series of blurry afterimages formed a series of straight lines.

Sun Wukong suddenly came in front of the Kurdish King, quickly stretched out his palm and grabbed the two horns on the top of the Kurdish King's head, and then pulled hard.

The Kurdish King's face suddenly became panicked, but the palm as hard as steel held his horns tightly like an iron clamp , and he couldn't shake it off at all.

With a"clang", the black horn was suddenly broken into two sections by Sun Wukong's single hand, and the severe pain was transmitted to the brain through the nerves on the top of the head.

"Ah!! I will kill you!"

The Kurdish king's eyes suddenly burst into tears and he roared in grief and anger.

He was very angry with Sun Wukong.


so strong!

Is this Goku's progress?!

He hasn't transformed like Trunks yet, is he already so strong?" Krillin was shocked to see that Goku hadn't transformed into a Super Saiyan like Trunks yet, and his hair was still black.

At least he had seen Goku like that on Namek, and now he didn't need to transform into a Super Saiyan to fight King Cold, and he was able to do it with ease.

He immediately felt much calmer.

Gohan's little face was full of excitement, and he clenched his little fists.

"Dad, come on!"

Picco and Tien Shinhan stared at Son Goku.

As former rivals, they seemed to not be able to feel where Son Goku's limit was. They couldn't help but sigh together, feeling that the gap between them and Son Goku was getting wider and wider.

But both of them were arrogant, especially Piccolo, who secretly vowed in his heart that he must catch up with Son Goku again.


After breaking the Kurdish King's horns,

Sun Wukong obviously felt that it was not enough, and then he beat the Kurdish King like a sandbag.

All that could be heard was the continuous"bang bang bang" sound of beatings in the air.

The Kurdish King had no time to come to his senses, and he was beaten again, his eyes were dazzled , and his brain seemed to be a mess.

Suddenly, there was a loud"bang", and

Sun Wukong's iron fist hit the Kurdish King's abdomen hard. The sound of breaking made the Kurdish King's bloodshot eyes bulge outward, his abdomen was hit with a dent, and his back was high. The white sand armor was completely shattered, covered with fine cracks.

""Oh, damn it!"

The Kurdish king who was knocked away wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He had never been beaten like this before. He felt a strong sense of humiliation in his heart while feeling grief and anger.

But Sun Wukong didn't seem to have any intention of killing him at this time.

Instead, he ravaged the Kurdish king more fiercely.

With a crash, the Kurdish king's body suddenly flew out diagonally like an arrow shot out, scraping the ground. The strong force scraped up the thick layer of soil and dug a deep trench dozens of meters long. While knocking the Kurdish king away, Sun Wukong flashed even faster, whoosh, and suddenly appeared next to the Kurdish king again, flying parallel to the Kurdish king's body for a while.

PS:Hey, I wrote this chapter, I started this chapter, and I want to pass this chapter, leave some flowers!

Extra, Extra, this book will be on the shelves two days in advance, this Thursday, I hope all the book friends will let me know.

Starting from 8 updates today and tomorrow, friends who like it, don’t forget to leave me some flowers, evaluation tickets and monthly tickets. I bow to thank you all!

More than ten updates on the first day of the shelves, I hope the first order can be more than 800, I am infinitely grateful to all the book friends!

Ten updates on the first day of the shelves! Ten updates!

Ten updates!

Important things must be said three times!

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