Boom, boom!

The extremely violent energy moved like an electric snake, instantly penetrating the void.

The two energies that were enough to destroy the world met in the asteroid belt in an instant.

The scorching and chaotic energy immediately entangled together, destroying the originally balanced order in a very short time, and pushing all the meteorites far away.


King Kurd's death jet was instantly defeated by the huge impact of Kamehameha.

King Kurd's face was crazy, and he began to use all his strength, but it was still useless.

On the other hand, Sun Wukong still had a calm face and looked relaxed and comfortable.

Suddenly, the energy in his hand suddenly increased.

In the face of King Kurd's horrified expression, the red energy swallowed him...

A colorful explosion broke out in the asteroid belt full of meteorites.

Everything was like the beginning of the world, falling into chaos and uncertainty.

"Done, you are destined to be just a bystander!"

Sun Wukong confirmed again and again that the Kurdish king was dead, and then he prepared to return to Earth.

"We should go back quickly. We can't fully exert our combat power in space. It seems that Saiyans still have many weaknesses. Only by becoming a god can these weaknesses be eliminated."

At this time, Sun Wukong thought of becoming a god, becoming a Super Saiyan God, but in that case, the subsequent improvement in strength would be different.

It can be said that there are two different ways of evolution, one is the Super Blue series, and the other is the Super Saiyan bloodline series.

The two roads made Sun Wukong a little difficult to choose.

"Forget it, I don't think about it for now. I haven't even reached the full power of Super 1 yet, so I'd better go back first! I'm not used to being here!"

Thinking of this, Sun Wukong immediately flew to the earth.

When he returned to the ground, he found that Frieza had been cut into dozens of pieces by Trunks, and the battle was over long ago.

"Oh my god, it's over so soon. Frieza is too weak. It seems that Dr. Gero's computer has obtained Frieza's cells. What a pity. Forget it, let Cell come out, otherwise the plot will not be perfect! Cell, you should be able to help me break through to Super Saiyan 2. Maybe Gohan and the others can also break through to Super Saiyan 2 together. Cell is a very good trial stone."

Son Wukong looked at Frieza's mechanical body thoughtfully.

Vegeta had also woken up at this time. He was worthy of being the Saiyan prince.

After waking up this time,

Vegeta's combat power increased again, at least to 10 million.

This made Sun Wukong wonder if his Nine Yang Magic Skill could also improve the combat power of others, otherwise how could his combat power increase so much at once?

"Boy, can you tell me who you are now? Why are you here?"

Vegeta seemed to be arguing with Trunks, and asked him as soon as he woke up.

Poor Trunks, facing his father, didn't dare to speak at all, and was timid and didn't say a word for a long time.

""Okay, Vegeta, don't push him. I want to talk to him, and you'll know what's going on later."

Sun Wukong saw Trunks in trouble and hurried out to help him.

Otherwise, with Vegeta's personality, he might really fight with Trunks, and then it would be a mess.

"Kakarot, do you know something? Why can't you tell me now?"

Vegeta was of course very upset with Son Goku's mysterious attitude.

"I've already told you later, do you still want to know the secret of the Super Saiyan?"

Seeing that Vegeta was endless,

Sun Wukong directly threw out the last resort.

Sure enough, when Vegeta heard the secret of the Super Saiyan, he immediately stopped asking.

In his heart, only the Super Saiyan was the most worthy of pursuit.

Sun Wukong brought Trunks to a place hundreds of meters away from the crowd, and then said softly:"I know you have a lot of questions, such as how do I know your name, right?"

Trunks stared at Sun Wukong and nodded seriously,"Yes, your current situation is a little different from what I know. No, not just a little, but a big difference. How do you know my name, and it seems that you also know where I came from?……"

At this point, Trunks hesitated.

"From the future, right?"

"You really know? But, this is impossible, right? How do you know this?"

Trunks was shocked.

"It's very simple. When I was on the planet Yadrat, the wise man there helped me predict some future events. I saw you from the future, and Frieza and the others would come to seek revenge. Even more, the wise man showed me the rebellion of the future androids, No. 17 and No. 18!"

Sun Wukong naturally couldn't say that he was a time traveler, so he could only blame everything on the mysterious wise man of Yadrat.

Anyway, they couldn't ask him about it.

"Yes, I am indeed from the future world.

There, androids kill and destroy the earth, and no one is their opponent.

My father Vegeta, Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, Krillin, were all killed, and after Piccolo died, the dragon of the earth also died, so no one can be resurrected.

A few years ago, brother Son Gohan was also killed by them, and I am no match for them alone, so I want to go back to the past and find you, Mr.

Son Goku, hoping that you can find the weakness of the androids so that I can destroy them!


Trunks said was almost the same as in the original work, but the more he said this, the more surprised Son Goku was.

"What about me? I won't be killed by the androids, will I?"

Sun Wukong was shocked.

Why didn't Trunks say anything about him? Did he really die of a viral heart disease like in the original novel ? This is impossible. He is now practicing the Nine Yang Magic Skill, and his body is very strong inside and out. It is impossible for him to have a heart attack like in the original novel.

"Could it be that time and space have reversed the changes that occurred after my appearance? Could it be that I was wiped out by the rules of time and space before that? Otherwise, I would not have had this viral heart disease again."

Sun Wukong fell into deep thought.

PS:It's finally on the shelves. I hope the first order will exceed 800. I hope all book friends can help me. I'm infinitely grateful!

Ten updates on the first day of the release!

Ten updates!

Ten updates!

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