"Uh, this is Goku's energy, so powerful! Gohan, maybe we are safe this time, maybe Namek will be fine too."

Krillin and Son Gohan were far away, but they were still shocked by the powerful energy that Son Goku burst out.

They didn't expect that Son Goku's fighting power would change so amazingly after not seeing each other for a long time.

"Well, Dad is the best!"

With the appearance of Son Goku, Son Gohan felt much more at ease, no longer so frightened, and found his backbone.


The energy flowing around Sun Wukong became more and more dense, and the air around him seemed to have solidified.

However, Sun Wukong had no intention of stopping the surging energy at this time, and continued to attack Ginyu and others mercilessly.

"Battle, combat power 300,000! It's unbelievable, is this your true strength?"

Ginyu seemed to be asking himself, he seemed to be in a state of excitement, unable to extricate himself.

"Is this the strength of the Saiyans? How can we beat him? This is simply impossible. Captain Ginyu's combat power is only 120,000, but it is still not enough in front of this Saiyan. No wonder King Frieza wants to kill all the Saiyans."

Gis, who was watching the battle, of course also knew the current combat power of Son Goku from his detector.

He felt a chill, he didn't expect his opponent to be so strong.

"Haha, I've already scared you guys. Let me make it clear to you that I haven't fully exerted my current strength. This is only one tenth of my strength."

Sun Wukong's entire figure at this time seemed like a god descended from the sky, with awe-inspiring power, making Ginyu and others panic and confused, and they had no intention of killing the enemy.

"Um, what? This is only one tenth of your combat power?"

Ginyu was in shock. His combat power had reached 300,000, but it was not the true strength of this Saiyan.

Could it be...

Ginyu suddenly looked at Son Goku, his tone full of uncertainty,

"Are you the legendary Super Saiyan, the strongest warrior in the universe? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Ginyu was completely stunned. He couldn't believe that the Saiyan in front of him was the legendary Super Saiyan.

"Super Saiyan? Kakarot? Did he really do it? Is this legend true?"

Vegeta didn't know whether he should be happy or helpless. Super Saiyan has always been a legend, and it has always been his only obsession and the only goal that supports his revenge.

Now if the legend is true, then his goal can definitely be achieved.

But unfortunately, the first person to reach Super Saiyan was actually a low-level warrior, which made him feel embarrassed.

But what he didn't know was that the legend of Super Saiyan was of course true. It's just that Sun Wukong is still a long way from becoming a Super Saiyan, and it's not that easy to do.

"First of all, let me make it clear that I have not yet become a Super Saiyan. I will repay Frieza for everything he has done to us Saiyans. A cosmic villain like him who often destroys other people's homes will definitely be punished by justice. And I am here to stop your evil deeds on behalf of King Kai of the North, so you will eventually die in my hands."

Sun Wukong looked at the dazed Ginyu and smiled indifferently. He now represents the side of justice, and King Kai of the North is backing him up.

"Since you haven't become a Super Saiyan yet, I'm relieved. But I like your super strong fighting power now."

Ginyu suddenly smiled evilly, as if everything was under control, then took off the detector beside his ear and threw it to Gis.

"Please keep it for me."

"Is the captain going to use that? It must be, haha, Saiyan, your doom has come!"

Gis took the detector thrown by Ginyu and said excitedly

"Then I will take care of your super fighting power!"

Ginyu said, and suddenly stretched out his right hand and thrust it fiercely into his chest.

"What? Is he crazy? What is he doing?"

Vegeta, Krillin and others were shocked by Ginyu's strange behavior. What is going on ?

"If you can't beat me, there's no need to hurt yourself. Tsk tsk, you're really interesting."

Sun Wukong suddenly remembered some scenes, and while laughing at Ginyu, he was cautious and observed the surrounding environment.

Ginyu was actually hurting his own body, doing something unexpected, and then shouted to Sun Wukong:


PS:The new book is released five times a day, I hope all the readers will support it! The current plot will connect Z, the movie version, and GT little by little, and will also introduce the plot of Super.

Of course, Dragon Ball Heroes is also indispensable.

In addition, regarding the angel Bardos and the beautiful goddess of destruction, do you have any opinions?

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