""Hey, there's a No. 16 here, and he looks a little different from us! Dr. Gero actually created so many androids. I wonder how strong this guy is. Do you want to open him and take a look? I heard from the doctor before that this No. 16 can kill us." No.

18 asked with his head tilted.

No. 17 shrugged, letting her decide for herself.

No. 18 smiled excitedly, bent down and was about to press the button of No. 16's hibernation capsule.


At this moment, the steel gate of the institute was blown open, the smoke dissipated, and

Son Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Tien Shinhan and others appeared at the entrance of the institute.

"Don't even think about it! Qigong wave!"

Trunks was furious, and he sent out Qigong waves with both hands, trying to stop No. 18 from releasing No. 16.

""Fool, don't waste your energy!"

Vegeta was very anxious and snorted.

But it was too late.


The institute was blown up by the Qigong wave and began to collapse.

Everyone rushed out

"You are too impulsive. Your energy waves are useless. It's just a waste of your energy!"

Although he didn't know what abilities No. 17 and No. 18 had,

Vegeta had fought No. 19 and knew that they were not afraid of this kind of energy wave, but could absorb it.

"But I can't let them release another android! The Earth will be destroyed by them."

Trunks said loudly. He had experienced too many threats from No. 17 and No. 18 in the future , so he was anxious to kill them.

"Take a good look for yourself! Is it useful? At this time, we should think of a way, not be so impulsive!"

Vegeta already knew that Trunks was his child from the future, so he patiently educated him and pointed to the side of the cliff.

No. 17 and No. 18 were standing there unharmed, and

No. 18 was still dragging the hibernation chamber containing No. 16.


No. 16's hibernation chamber opened, and slowly a burly, brown-haired No. 16 woke up.

"Oh my! So many people came at once, what should we do now! Oh, it's a pity that Sun Wukong is not here, forget it, I'll kill you and then go find Sun Wukong! No. 18, let's go and kill them!"

No. 17 looked at Vegeta and others coldly and said harshly

"Do we really want to kill Sun Wukong? But we don't seem to know him, so why not just kill these people?"

Number 18 was a little hesitant.

"No. 18, what are you saying? We were created to kill Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong is also responsible for our bodies being in this state. There is also a bomb in our bodies. We must kill Sun Wukong to be safe."

No. 17 was very dissatisfied with No. 18's attitude, but after all, she was her sister.

"Humph, don't even mention it, I'm the one who wants to kill you! Prepare to die, you think you can fight against us Saiyans!"

Vegeta raised his eyebrows, looked at the two androids chatting and laughing with disdain, and said to Son Gohan:"Gohan, how about we compete again, one each, and see who can kill them faster!"

"Uncle Vegeta, these androids are very powerful! Trunks also said that we have to be careful!"

Son Gohan was shocked, and Vegeta's arrogance began to appear again.

""Tsk, forget about you. I can handle them all by myself!"

He roared and turned into a Super Saiyan at the same time, then flew towards No. 17 and No. 18.

Trunks was stunned. It was such a time and his father was still thinking about the competition.

This was related to the peace of the whole world.

Thinking of the next twenty years of being killed by the androids,

Trunks couldn't bear it anymore and rushed up:"Everyone be careful, their strength is very terrifying, don't take it lightly!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It was as if the sky and the earth were shaking. The mountain where the research institute was located was completely blown up, and the rocks and crazy energy produced by the explosion flew everywhere, and thick smoke spread out.

"Bastard! This is my opponent, get out of my way!"

Seeing Trunks suddenly attack, Vegeta's face turned black, and his gloomy face seemed to be dripping with ink

"Vegeta, let's attack together. One person will suffer."

"Get out of my way!"

Vegeta was furious and punched Trunks hard, knocking him far away.

With a bang, he crashed into a cliff dozens of kilometers away.

"Hehe, they're already fighting before the fight even starts. It seems like you're really arrogant, Vegeta! Well, let me show you how powerful we are!"

No. 18 chuckled, covering his mouth with his hands.

"Android, I don’t care whether you are a woman or not, today I want to let you know how powerful we Super Saiyans are!"

"That's really interesting."

The blue eyes glanced around.

"This place is not suitable for a battlefield. If you want to fight, you guys come with me!"

After saying that, he flew up into the air with No. 17 and No. 16, and then accelerated in one direction, like lightning, appearing hundreds of kilometers away in the blink of an eye.

On a winding canyon, No. 17, No. 18 and No. 16 were already waiting there, like hunters waiting for prey to come to them.

Several figures flashed across the sky, and Vegeta and others flew over one after another.

"Haha, you are in such a hurry to come and die. Then we will grant your wish!"

No. 17 jumped down from the rock, stared with two sky-blue eyes, and said contemptuously:"The one rushing in the front is Vegeta, and following behind should be Son Gohan and a boy of unknown origin. Oh, there are also a few guys with good strength……"

"No. 17, I'll leave that Son Gohan to you, I'll play with Vegeta! No. 16, are you okay with dealing with the others?"

No. 18 stroked the golden hair hanging by her neck and said elegantly.

""Okay, since you want to play so much, I'll leave Vegeta to you! No. 16, let's stop Son Gohan and the others, but don't kill them like this, otherwise it will be a lot less fun! Our main opponent is Son Goku, but I don't know where he is now?"

No. 17 said.

PS:On the first day of listing, I need to apply for recommendation tomorrow. I beg all book friends to support me so that I can have a chance to participate.

I bow and thank you all in advance. I will add more chapters today, more than ten chapters, I will try my best!

I have tried my best, almost one chapter every hour now, I hope book friends will support me!

After the efforts of comrades, more than an hour has passed, and the first order has only increased by less than 20. It's so pitiful, I need at least 200!

I am very sorry for the trouble I have caused you!

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