While everyone was looking at each other, the King of All and the High Priest slowly appeared, attracting everyone's attention at once.

The High Priest floated in front of everyone.

"All 12 universes are here. I will now tell you the rules of the preview match. In fact, the rules are very simple. The ring match adopts a one-on-one duel mode."

"As long as you step onto the ring, there is no time limit. You win until your opponent surrenders or loses the ability to fight. There is no penalty for losing in this preview match."

"As for the opponents, they will be randomly selected from the twelve universes, and then the God of Destruction will choose the contestants himself."

The High Priest slowly stated the rules.

Everyone held their breath and stared, listening quietly to the rules spoken by the High Priest. This also made everyone present feel relieved. As long as there is no penalty for losing, it's fine.

This way, the pressure will not be too great.

It's just a competition, and you can also get to know your opponent.

It's not far from the Great Power Conference.

While everyone was quietly waiting for the High Priest's next move, the High Priest stared, and something like a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of him.

There were 12 numbers sliding randomly on it.

The two sides were aligned, and each side had 12 numbers. When it stopped, the number it corresponded to represented which universe was facing which universe.

This was a completely random rule.

The High Priest did not delay too much. He just waved his hand, and the light curtain began to rotate wildly.

The numbers on both sides stopped at nine and seven respectively.

This made all the gods of destruction look at the ninth universe and the seventh universe at the same time.

The two universes came on stage at the beginning.

"The ninth universe and the seventh universe, send one person to the stage now!"

As the High Priest finished speaking, the ninth universe and the seventh universe began casting.

The ninth universe was okay, after all, they didn't have many people, and only brought three contestants, and other extra people didn't follow at all.

On the contrary, the seventh universe...

Even their small stage was full, which made people confused. At the same time, they didn't know who the contestants were.

Carl, Greta, and Ahena looked at each other.

At the beginning, it was impossible to let Mu Chuan play.

There were only three of them, and they had to choose two of them. One of them must not be able to play.

They were all conveying information with their eyes.

"Let me do it!" Carl was the first to speak and broke the silence.

"Since it's the first game, we must show the momentum of our universe and never let the other side underestimate us!"

The other two also nodded. The reason why Carl was allowed to play was because Carl's fighting power was not weak, and it was also relatively safe.

Steady and calm, he would not be rash in battle, so he would not lose a point in the first battle.

Mu Chuan patted Carl on the shoulder.

"Don't worry and show your strength boldly. I believe you can do it. This is also a good opportunity to see the strong people from other universes. Cherish this opportunity, and your strength will be greatly improved!"

Karl nodded, and it was precisely because he thought this was an excellent opportunity that he needed to treat it with caution.

He thought that he did not have the talent and strength of the boss, so he could only use diligence and hard work to create his own strong fighting power.

In the seventh universe, either he was too weak or he could not beat him at all.

Since he could fight with the strong people from other universes, this was definitely a very good opportunity, an opportunity not to be missed!

Therefore, he seemed particularly cautious.

After he stepped onto the stage, a figure also appeared on the square array of the ninth universe.

It was a red wolf, just like Red Wolf!

Named Bajir!

The strong man of the ninth universe!

After both sides stepped onto the stage, with the order of the high priest, the battle officially began.

After the High Priest gave the order, Carl directly transformed into the fourth stage of Super Saiyan. He didn't want to transform one by one, because that would not only prevent him from showing his strongest fighting power, but would also consume a lot of physical strength.

This would be a loss!

And he didn't want to make any mistakes.

Directly show the strongest fighting power.

A very huge breath filled the air.

This also made everyone look at him sideways.

After all, he had just shown such weakness, but a transformation could burst out such a powerful force,What kind of race is it?

All the gods of destruction and the strong men in each universe looked at it sideways!

The Saiyans of the sixth universe widened their eyes when they saw this scene. After all, their transformations were somewhat different from those of the Saiyans of the seventh universe.

There are differences in form!

The Saiyans of the sixth universe do not have tails, but the Saiyans of the seventh universe do.

These are some subtle differences!

Now seeing it, all the Saiyans of the sixth universe were shocked.

"Cabbe, is this the Saiyan of the seventh universe you mentioned? Sure enough, they are fundamentally different from us!"

"Every Saiyan has a tail, and their transformation is different from ours."

Caulifla looked at Carl with curiosity.

Because Cabe is too kind-hearted, he can't become a Super Saiyan at all, but Caulifla is different. She has already mastered the transformation of a Super Saiyan.

But it is slightly different from the seventh universe.

Therefore, seeing this scene, I really feel very curious.

Of course.

The transformation of the Saiyans in the two universes is roughly the same, but Carl directly becomes a Super Saiyan 4, which makes them think that the transformation of the Saiyans in the seventh universe is slightly different.

Gabe does know clearly. The transformation of the Saiyans in the seventh universe and the Saiyans in the sixth universe actually have certain similarities.

So he hurriedly introduced it.

Caulifla heard it and became more curious.

"There are even higher-level transformations, doesn't that mean we can also try it? If we can perform a higher-end transformation, then our combat power will definitely be stronger!"

She quickly drew inferences from one example. Now their combat power is not weak in itself. If they can perform a higher-end transformation, then their combat power will definitely be stronger.

It's exciting to think about it!

Therefore, the two have been staring at everything in front of them, wanting to see what kind of special features the Saiyans in the seventh universe have, and whether they can learn something from it!

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