Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 804: Steamed buns are not so fragrant anymore

The Saiyan in front of him is very agreeable.

Bados exchanged glances with Luo Lan calmly, showing a satisfied smile.

The attitude of other angels toward the Destroyer God is always humble and transcendent. Under the premise of not disrupting the balance of the universe, they will not interfere more with the behavior of Destroyer God. They usually maintain the attitude of the supervisor, even if they face the candidate of the Destroyer God who they do not like. Will also choose to be silent and abide by the duties of an angel.

Only Bados appears to be very detached, he almost treats the **** of destruction as a pet to raise, and when he has nothing to do, he will take it out and stroll around for a few laps. It seems that Pha is like a happy child, even if he is ridiculed by Bados, he will not be angry , A very willing look.

Looking at the size of the elephant and the daily meals, people who don't know think that Batos is raising pigs.

Say there is something wrong with Xiangpa’s IQ. Actually Xiangpa is quite smart, and his daily life is happily happily, unlike the destructive **** Birus who often suffers from bitterness and hatred.

But Bados does have a lot of means. That's how he targets Pa. Xiangpa is still obedient to Bados’s words and will not show any dissatisfaction. In comparison, although Vis will occasionally use the **** of destruction, Birus. It's a joke, but usually obey Birus' instructions.

Compared with his sister Bados, he was still much tenderer.

No, during this period of time, with a little lie, like Parjo happily took over the task of maintaining the planet of the Destroyer, Bados is nothing but light, and more time can be used to enjoy life.


Looking at Luo Lan’s fiery red hair and beautiful eyes, Bados smiled and said, “Congratulations on your successful becoming a realm god. The third-level sequence is already a rare powerhouse. It seems that the seventh universe has already A new alternate **** of destruction has appeared."

His head bends slightly, one side of a long ponytail, and he wonders: "But your form gives me a sense of familiarity, as if I have seen it somewhere."

Bados's beautiful eyebrows were raised, and there was a feeling of deja vu.

Luo Lan said: "This is a super Saiyan **** form. Miss Bados may have seen it before."

"The God of Super Saiyan..." Bados focused on Luo Lan. The God of Super Saiyan appeared in the history of the sixth universe and the seventh universe. He also has red hair and red eyes, but he looks like Luo. Arashi has such a hairstyle as Super Saiyan God, but it is very rare.

And don’t know why, Bados always feels that Luo Lan’s Super Saiyan God is different from other Saiyan Gods.

"Your power is strange, and the power of God has a strange feeling."

"Maybe it's because of the power of the Dragon God in my God's power." Luo Lan explained with a smile. When he became a god, he not only transformed the power of the Golden Eye Super Saiyan in his body, but also sublimated the Dragon God. Power and a small amount of power to judge the gods are incorporated.

"That's right." Bados shook his head noncommittal. Forget it, I really can't remember where I've seen it.

"Wait, Bardos, you said Luo Lan has the power of an alternate Destroyer God?" Xiangpa looked at Bardos in amazement, and then quickly circled Luo Lan and looked at it carefully.

"Why didn't I see it, it was clearly the third level sequence."

Bados said: "Luo Lan's power of God is extraordinary, and its destructive power far exceeds that of ordinary realm gods. What's more important is that Luo Lan has also comprehended a part of his free power."

Xiangpa was taken aback and exclaimed: "Freedom to work hard!"

Luo Lan said modestly: "I just realized that the use of the lowest level of Free Extreme Yi Kung has not reached the extreme level."

"Then you have mastered the Omen Realm."

Xiangpa's expression was a little moved, and he said with jealousy: "Many gods of destruction are still at the extreme level. If you let other gods of destruction know that you understand the omen realm at the third level, I don't know how surprised it is."

"Master Xiangpa, you are wrong. To be precise, he had already understood the omen realm when we met last time." Bardos added, "At that time, he was just a mortal, and he only reached the first stage with his energy and omen realm. The power **** of the first order."

Luo Lan nodded and said, "It is true."

"You have understood the Omen Realm so early, so your strength is indeed comparable to the alternate Destroyer God." After listening to the Destroyer Deity Phra, his face became envied and twisted with envy.

"Birus, how is luck so good!"

"Too hateful."

The alternate Destruction God is a strong contender for the Destruction God candidate. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a preparation Destruction God. Before the old Destruction God abdicates, he can temporarily serve as the apprentice Destruction God and exercise some of the authority of the Destruction God.

In the process of ranking the universe, the number of alternate destructive gods has always been a very important bonus item. It can be said that each additional alternate destructive **** is very important for the background of the entire universe. Although the sixth universe ranks higher than the seventh universe, no alternative **** of destruction has yet been born.

Therefore, Xiangpa was so envious when he learned that the seventh universe was the first to appear as an alternate Destroyer level master.

"Master Elephant Pa, if you want to beat Master Billus, you need to cultivate an alternate **** of destruction as soon as possible." Bados said with a smile.

"You don't think I'm like it. That's an alternate Destroyer God and not an ordinary master. Can it be cultivated casually?"

Xiangpa roared, his face suddenly slumped, and the buns in his hands were not so fragrant.

Bados was yelled at by the elephant, but he was not angry at all, still smiling, came to Melodys's face, angrily said: "You are the Saiyan queen of our universe, right? Are you interested in following me to the Destruction God Realm to practice?"


Melodys glanced at Broly with some embarrassment. She wanted to practice, but Broly and Alice couldn't worry about it.

Luo Lan said: "Don't hesitate, this is a rare opportunity. Don't worry about Broly and Alice. Although they can't go to destroy the God Realm, you can meet at Destroyer Star, and Melulia is also in the first place. You don’t want to lag behind her too much in the cultivation of the destruction of the God Realm of Seven Cosmos.

Speaking of Melulia, Melitis's face suddenly changed. Yeah, that disobedient sister ran out and left a lot of annoying things to herself. If she doesn't have enough strength, how can she look good in the future? .

But what should the planet Sharada do after he left? New managers have not been cultivated yet!

His brows frowned.

What Bados said at this time dispelled Melutis's worries, "You Saiyans are also one of the best people in the universe, even if there is no manager, there will be no major problems."

Melodys thought about it, and immediately agreed to go to the Destruction God Realm to practice.

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