Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 837: Three Destroyer Levels

After Macarita used the angel's power to seal off the entire space, the clown **** of destruction Beirumond could not help but first shot, and saw a lavender light flashing past, and the figure of the clown **** of destruction Beirumond Appeared beside Gillian.

The awe-inspiring murderous aura spread out, and a series of afterimages appeared in the void, and Belumund only stood in front of him, blocking an attack from the opponent for Ji Lian.

At this time, Gillian had consumed a lot of physical strength due to long-term battles with monsters, and the appearance of Berumond immediately helped him share the pressure.

"Thank you, Lord Belummond!" Gillian gasped.

"Well, leave it to me here."

Nodding lightly, Berumond stared at the monster, his whole face indifferent and ruthless: "Where did that thing come from, it actually forced you to this point."

Gillian's strength is one of the best in the Eleventh Universe, even Belumund himself can't say that he can beat him without using the power of Destroyer.

"That was not a powerful monster. I chased it for a long time, and suddenly it became difficult to deal with."

Gillian took a break and shook his head to answer.

Gillian’s answer surprised the Clown Destroyer, and nodded, understanding that something must have happened in it, but no matter what it was, as the Destroyer of the Eleventh Universe, he was not allowed to exist in his jurisdiction. Such a terrifying monster.

The humanoid monster suddenly saw the uninvited **** of destruction, Berumond, and its terrifying face was even more hideous. The devilish energy was vented, and the power of terror lingered on it, and it directly attacked the **** of destruction. .

"court death!"

A voice without any emotion squeezed out of Berumond's mouth, and Berumond became gloomy, and an invisible coercion swept out in all directions.

Resolutely clenched his fist and threw a punch at the opponent.

Boom, two fists collided in the void. The metal collision produced fierce sparks. The void space suddenly stirred up waves like the surface of water. The waves caused by the fierce impact spread out like waves, and the monster bears After a heavy blow from the **** of destruction, Berumond, his body flew out a long distance continuously.

The solid body hit the planets along the way, and several planets were instantly broken into pieces, but the monster's body did not suffer much damage. With a low growl, he shook his head and attacked them again.

Berumond's face suddenly changed, and he said solemnly: "Such an attack can't actually hurt him."

"Has he reached the second ladder of the Destroyer God level?"

His face suddenly changed wildly, and then he looked at the opponent solemnly, the second step of the **** of destruction, even he needs to use the power of the **** of destruction to be able to reach it. If this is the case, it is impossible for him to stop the opponent with his own power and move towards Luo Lan and Macarita in the void shouted:

"Macarita, don't you come out and help!"

"Oh, here comes!"

As soon as the voice fell, the figures of Macarita and Luo Lan appeared beside him. Macarita raised the angel's scepter on Gillian's body. The magical power immediately restored his physical strength.

"Miss Macarita." Gillian greeted politely.

Looking at Luo Lan next to him, he didn't feel the trace of the breath from the other party's body. Using the power of the gods to feel a little, a strong and powerful pressure from the gods was transmitted, and the intensity was not below him. Gillian took a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, he looked at Luo Lan in surprise.

Just like him, this one is also a realm god!

While Ji Lian was observing Luo Lan, Luo Lan was also observing Ji Lian. This warrior who shined in the All Kings Power Conference, with powerful power all over his body, said secretly: "This unquestionable spirit is worthy of The strongest in the eleventh universe."

"You are so strong!" Ji Lian said to Luo Lan seriously.

"You're not bad." Luo Lan smiled calmly and honestly.

"Don't go chatting, the power of that monster has reached the second stage of the Destroy God level, and we need to work together to destroy him." Beirumond said with a serious face.

Macarita smiled gracefully and said in a gentle voice: "Do you need me to take action?"

Berumond shook his head, "No, we are enough."

He did not let Macarita take action. The angels, as the overseers sent by the king, mainly assist the Destroyer God and guide them to properly exercise the power of Destroyer God. Under normal circumstances, they stand in a neutral perspective, although as long as the Destroyer God speaks. , The angel would not refuse to destroy the god's request, but to let Macarita help him deal with the enemy, Belumund could not speak.

Hearing what Berumond said, Macarita shrugged, knowing that Berumond's self-esteem was at fault, so she picked up the angel's scepter and watched quietly from the side.

Said playfully: "You have to be careful, don't get hurt, that monster looks uncomfortable."

"Hmph, can we not deal with him alone if we three masters of the Destroyer level work together!"

With a cold snort, the clown **** of destruction grinned fiercely, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and with a light touch on his toes, he attacked the monster.

When Luo Lan and Ji Lian saw this, they used their strength to join the battle. Berumond is the true **** of destruction. Although Ji Lian and Luo Lan are not gods of destruction, their realm is the third-level sequence peak. In addition to being a realm god, his power is comparable to a general fourth-level sequence of destruction god.

The three of them joined forces, and the powerful force suppressed the monster at once.

"Sky Strike!" Luo Lan shook his palm vigorously, with terrifying power running through the space.

"Qi Hequan!"

An invisible wall of air crushed over, and the void showed a terrifying distortion.

"Shockwave all day!"

"Giant energy cannon!"

A series of powerful attacks fell on the monsters. The terrifying attacks made people feel painful. The monsters screamed in pain. Berumond grinned and laughed loudly, with a mocking smile on his face and pinched it. The fist increased the attack even more, and the powerful attack caused the monster to retreat.

Although the monster possessed more power than the ordinary **** of destruction, its power was very crude. Facing the three Luo Lan, who were both powerful in realm and skill, they fell directly into a disadvantage.

"Hey, even if it is the power of the second ladder of the **** of destruction, it is not my Beirumond opponent."

The clown Belumund laughed, his eyelids squinted together, particularly indifferent, suddenly raised his hand to point at the monster, a light spot flashed on his palm, and a small purple energy ball appeared.

This is the "destroy" of the **** of destruction!

Upon seeing this, Luo Lan immediately knew that the Destroyer was about to use the most powerful attack. As Destroyer’s trick, he possessed the power to mobilize the rules of the universe. With this attack, the monster should have no possibility of surviving!

"It's over!" Luo Lan whispered softly.

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