Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 898: Old World King God

"Do you still want to deal with Majin Buu?"

Luo Lan looked at the world king **** Asin. This world king **** really didn't see the coffin without tears. The responsibility that didn't belong to him had to be carried on him forcibly, and he didn't know whether his body could bear it.

"It's not Demon Buu." The world king Asin was taken aback, shook his head, and smiled bitterly: "I already know my shortcomings. I will think of another way about Demon Buu. If there is a **** of destruction. , It may be more appropriate to hand the Demon Buu to the Destroyer."

Fairly self-aware.

Luo Lan's expression eased a lot, and he nodded in agreement, "It's best for you to think like this."

"Then what can I do?"

The Realm King God's expression was tangled, and he didn't know how to speak. Just then Jiebit helped and said, "Master Realm King God hopes that Lord Dragon God can take action and rescue the Senior Realm King God who is sealed in the Excalibur."

"Let me unlock the seal?" Luo Lan pondered after listening.

The Realm King God Axin was worried that Luo Lan would refuse their request, and quickly said: "I know that I am not a qualified Realm King God, and I don’t know many things, but because of this, I need to grow even more. The inheritance cannot continue to be cut off."

"But the seal on the Divine Sword of the Realm King is too strong. With the strength of me and Jiebit, it is impossible to break it."

A ray of light flashed in Luo Lan's eyes, "It's normal if it can't be broken. That is the seal set by the **** of destruction Birus. It is for restraining the Realm King God. Okay, I'll go to the Realm King God Realm with you. "

"Your Excellency Dragon God, did you agree?" The Realm King God was extremely surprised.

Luo Lan nodded, "Well, hurry up and go, let's go."

If the Realm King asked him to destroy the Demon Buu on his behalf, Luo Lan would definitely refuse.

Just kidding, the appearance of Majin Buu was originally not about the king of the world, why should he be a hero and get involved, even if Luo Lan himself is more interested in Majin Buu, it is also his own business, he does not Like the Monkey King in the original book, because of a few words from the King of the World, he became a hero for a while.

However, Luo Lan did not refuse to save the Old World King God. After all, it is a good thing for the Seventh Universe, and the ability of the Old World King God to develop the human body's potential has a certain effect. It may be used sometime in the future. With.

"Okay, Jebit's ability can take everyone to the Realm King God Realm in an instant."

Jie Wang Shen looked excited, and asked concerned: "Would you like to talk to your family?"

Luo Lan shook his head: "No, they are not interested in Realm King God Realm."

The so-called Realm King God Realm has the highest sacred status in the minds of the gods, but for Luo Lan and the others, apart from a mystery, there is nothing special. To say that the scenery may not be comparable to the mortal planets of the Lower Realm. It's actually quite common to have jewels like Destroy God Realm ahead, and places like Realm King God Realm.

When the world king **** heard the words, he stopped saying anything, and motioned with Jiebite's eyes, Jiebite immediately understood, and then used Teleport.

The teleportation of the world king gods and the trainee world king gods is the ability endowed by the rules of the universe, which can reach any range of the universe in an instant, and the original intention is to let them understand the situation of the universe more effectively.

Such an ability, the **** of destruction, Birus did not have.


In the Realm of the Realm King, on a flat hillside, Jiebit took the two to the place where the Divine Sword of the Realm King was sealed.

"Lord Dragon God, the Realm King Divine Sword is just ahead."

Jebite respectfully pointed out the direction. The Divine Sword of the Realm King is a **** of the sanctuary. Generally speaking, it is not allowed to be easily shown to others. But now that the God of the Realm King is asking for help, Jebite lowered his posture very low.

As for the existence of the Dragon God and the Destruction God, Jebit has never had a clear understanding.

Luo Lan walked in front, ascended a mountain that stood a hundred meters high, and found the divine sword on the ground with only the hilt exposed.

On the golden sword hilt floated a touch of lavender Destruction God energy, which was newly added by Destruction God Birus, and it was strange that such a Seal Realm King God could break it.

The Realm King God Asin pointed to the hilt of the Realm King’s Divine Sword and said: "This divine sword is the Realm King’s Divine Sword. For countless years, many realm kings and gods have tried to pull it out, but without exception, they all failed. The strength of the world kings and gods in the past is not enough, but now it seems that there should be other reasons."

"The purple energy above only appeared recently..."

He hadn't finished speaking, but Luo Lan was already squatting beside the hilt of the divine sword, and then grasping the hilt with his hands and pulling it hard, the realm king divine sword was pulled out.

Then, with a simple effort, he directly pulled out the Divine Sword of the Realm King.

Zheng! The sound of a sword cutting through the air is crisp and sweet, and the sharp edge is exposed.

"Ah, I was taken out!!" The realm king **** looked at him incredulously, his chin almost fell to the ground, and the divine sword that the realm king gods of the past generations were sure could not be pulled out was so simple?

Luo Lan weighed the weight of the King's Divine Sword, felt the energy on it, and determined that it was the supernatural power of destruction.

He glanced at the Realm King God, "What a big thing, the seal on it was originally not strong, but anyone who finds a Super Saiyan 2 level master can easily pull it out, but unfortunately you didn't let people come over and try."

Realm King God Asin sneered and said: "The Realm of Realm King God has always been a sanctuary of gods, so basically no mortals have set foot."

"The God of Destruction took this into consideration, so he didn't set a particularly strong seal." The God of Destruction, Birus, may just throw the sword into the ground at will, but this has been difficult for the realm kings and gods for countless years. From this point, we can see that the realm of the realm king is self-proclaimed.

The Realm King God was said to be blushing and ashamed.

But now is not the time to be ashamed, he eagerly looks at Luo Lan, hoping that Luo Lan can release the Senior Realm King God in the Excalibur.

"Luo Lan Dragon God, has the seal been unlocked?"

"Not yet." Luo Lan shook his head.

The real seal of Destroyer Birus is not on the ground, but on the sword body, plus it has been strengthened once, and it is extremely difficult to break the Excalibur with the power of Super Saiyan 2.

But Luo Lan couldn't help it. He saw him holding the hilt of the sword on one side and the end of the sword on the other, and then pulled it hard, and the indestructible Realm King Divine Sword cracked in two with a click.

"The Realm King Divine Sword actually broke..."

"This is how to unlock the seal?"

"I haven't seen the senior world king god!" The world king gods Asin and Jiebit looked left and right. They didn't find anything special. They failed to crack the seal?

At this moment, an old voice sounded behind the two of them, "Hey, I've been here for so many years, and finally came out of that ghost place. You are the contemporary world kings and gods, you don’t seem to be very strong. Looks like."

The Realm King God and Jebit were taken aback by this sound. When they turned their heads, they saw an old man with wrinkles crouched and standing behind them, wearing Real King God’s costume. His appearance was very ugly and his skin was drooping. , As if it was about to die soon.

"Ah, old man, are you the ancestor of the Realm King God?"

"Hey, I am the Realm King God fifteen generations ago..." The old voice of the Old Realm King God came.

The world king gods Asin and Jebit confirmed each other's identities with surprises on their faces. Both knelt in front of the old world king gods, kowtowing and shouting: "My ancestors, the contemporary world king gods greet you."

"Well, your generation of Realm Kings and Gods is not so good!"

"A long time ago, I was sealed in this divine sword by a very powerful guy. I always thought that the one who would unlock my seal would be a certain generation of realm kings, but I didn't expect it to be..."

Seeing the slender figure of the world king **** Asin, he was a little indifferent, and then his gaze swept over Luo Lan's body.

He frowned slightly, and his expression was a little puzzled. The power in this young man was very strange, and he looked like a god.

Realm King Asin grieved: "Ancestor, we can't be blamed. After the inheritance of Realm King is lost, we are trying to maintain the order of the universe, but our ability is limited."

"The person who sealed you back then was the Destroyer God Birus. His seal is definitely not something that the Realm King God can break." Luo Lan's light and fluttering voice sounded.

"That's not wrong." The Old World King Shen crouched and fixed his eyes on Luo Lan: "Who are you, it seems that you are also a god?"

"Ancestor, this is the Dragon God Lord Luo Lan." Realm King Asin quickly introduced.

"Huh, Dragon God?"

The Old World King's brows furrowed tightly, and he opened his eyes.

At this time, Luo Lan also opened up his identity, a silver-gray light flashed by, and the pure dragon **** power was released from his body, condensed into a complex silver-gray dragon pattern on his forehead, and at the same time, a silver-gray dragon pattern appeared on his body. Set of **** robes covered with silver Tamron motifs.

The strong and mysterious spirit of the spirit rushed toward his face, and the powerful divine power of the second step of the fourth level sequence pressed on the old world king god, causing him to tremble, and his rickety body was even more pressured. The latest chapter address of Dragon Ball God Saiyan: https://www.readwn.com/book/105245. htmlReading the full text of Dragon Ball God-level Saiyan: https://www.readwn.com/read/105245 /Dragon Ball God-level Saiyan txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/105245 .htmlDragon Ball God-level Saiyan mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn.com/read/105245 /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 898 World King God) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Dragon Ball God Saiyan", please recommend it to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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