Dragon Ball: I Am One Punch Man

Chapter 41 Break The Chain, Break The Limit! (Ask For Flower Collection)

Qi Yu was beaten by Beerus!

At this moment, he experienced a new kind of joy, which belonged to heroes and Warriors.

The heart is beating violently, and the blood flow is accelerating.

Qi Yu stretched out his hand, and his five fingers snapped together like iron tongs.


The air seemed to be crushed by this grip, and then he raised his head to the sky and roared.

"Hey, are you going to use your full strength?"

Beerus laughed out loud. As the most powerful Warrior, he understood Qi Yu's feelings immediately.

"Don't be shy, use all your strength, I want to see if you can make me, Gods of Destruction, surrender!"




Qi Yu's heart beat faster.

On the right arm that was clenched into a fist, red blood vessels protruded, wriggling crazily like an earthworm.

His body bent into a bow, and then his feet trampled on the void, turning into a shooting star and flying towards Beerus.

Beerus yelled up to the sky, raised his aura to the extreme, and also greeted Qi Yu.

In a trance, a hallucination appeared in front of Qi Yu's eyes.

He saw himself in a barren, dead world, wrapped in chains.

In the center of this world sits a bald man. He wears cheap yellow tights with a White cape behind him.

"Who are you?"

The man turned his head, and it turned out to be a face exactly like his own.

"I'm One Punch Man Saitama."

Qi Yu: "What is this place?"

Saitama: "This is the world of One Punch Man, but it has been destroyed by me."

Qi Yu: "The One-Punch Man I know is a hero, and he will never do anything to destroy the world."

Saitama laughed: "That's because you haven't tasted enough loneliness. After a long time, you will become a lunatic who destroys everything like me. I entrust my power to you, let You take it to a world strong enough to find enemies strong enough to fight."

Qi Yu was a little puzzled: "What are the chains on my body?"

Saitama said: "These are your subconscious minds. You are aware of your overpowering power, so you never dare to use your full strength. You imprison these powers and become these chains. But now, you should no longer need them. gone."

With a click, a chain snapped and fell to the ground with a heavy sound.

Qi Yu: "Are you still alive?"

Saitama: "I'm dead, and you will be the master of this body from now on. Now, please release its power."

There was another crisp sound, and the second chain broke.

Qi Yu could feel that a vast torrent was awakening in his body, it was his qi.

After awakening Qi, Qi Yu has never dared to use this power, but carefully sealed it in his body, and only used it a little when he destroyed Majin Buu last time.

Now, this energy that is countless times vaster than the universe is alive.

There is only a trace, which is less than one ten thousandth, but it has far exceeded anyone's experience.

Qi Yu rushed towards Beerus in the sky, and white flames burst out from his body, covering the sky and covering the sun in the sky.

What's even more frightening is that it is still getting bigger and stronger.

"One Punch Kill Series! Super Serious Punch~~~"

Qi Yu raised his fist and punched Beerus.

That's the punch!

The punch that Beerus saw in his dream, the punch that destroyed everything.

The power contained in that fist is enough to completely evaporate the entire universe, or even countless universes, in an instant.

Beerus forgot to resist, in the face of such vast power, any resistance is a joke.

Even as a god, he can only lower his proud head and maintain his due humility!



Die die!

Death was approaching, and before that fist arrived, the overwhelming flames had already arrived.

Beerus' body was like a bumpy boat on the sea amidst the flames, it might be destroyed and swallowed at any time!

What kind of monster did I release!

Countless universes, countless creatures, everything will be wiped out by this punch.

It was too late for Beerus to regret, under such strength, it was too late for him to resist.

At the critical moment, Beerus actually closed his eyes for the first time because of fear.

Just when he thought he was going to be destroyed by Qi Yu's punch, Qi Yu stopped suddenly.

The fist was less than a centimeter from his nose.

"Really! I accidentally used too much force."

Qi Yu withdrew his fist and smiled faintly.

"Oh ho ho... Fortunately, I caught up. I thought Mr. Qi Yu would really make a move. Our Lord Beerus can't be killed casually. Zeno will be angry."

At some point, Angel Whis appeared beside him, looking at Qi Yu with a hint of fear.

As Beerus' servant and teacher, Angel Whis certainly couldn't let the Gods of Destruction he cultivated by himself be killed by Qi Yu.

So after feeling Qi Yu's terrifying aura, he immediately came to Beerus' side, ready to stop Qi Yu.

In the super setting of Dragon Ball, Angel Whis is more powerful than Gods of Destruction Beerus, and the Combat Points are as high as 15 Jing!

And Beerus's Combat Points are only 10.

As for Super Saiyan God's red-haired Son Goku, there's only 6.

Whis is much stronger than Beerus, and he rarely takes shots in the original series, so no one knows how strong he is.

Even if Qi Yu released a few chains at this moment, he wouldn't dare to say that he could be destroyed.

Unless he is really desperate and breaks through all shackles.

But in that case, Qi Yu might become a lunatic who only knows how to fight.

What he needs at this stage is to keep fighting against the strong to unlock stronger power step by step.

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