The golden ape that Sun Wukong transformed into roared, and a violent and barbaric breath rushed to his face. He stepped down and the ground instantly cracked. When he looked up, he saw No. 6 and fired a giant ape cannon. The golden ape hit his chest, extremely excited, and a golden energy cannon burst out of his mouth, hitting No. 6 hanging in the sky. "Hmph! Let me see your strength!" No. 6's eyes condensed slightly, his figure stretched out, his hands clasped together, and a Kamehameha was instantly fired. The azure energy wave was instantly delivered from both hands and collided with the golden giant ape cannon. "Bang!"

With a loud roar, a powerful energy shock wave spread out instantly, and the azure energy light particles and golden light particles exploded to the surrounding cracked ground, and the two formed a push-pull light column that seemed to be connected together.


The golden giant ape felt provoked and opened his mouth wide. The golden light column instantly expanded and sprayed out more vigorously.

"Fuck! Damn, I can't hold on!" Number 6's cheeks flashed, and drops of sweat flowed down and fell to the ground.

The veins on his forehead suddenly appeared and kept beating. The energy output of the opponent was much stronger than his.

The golden giant ape cannon instantly swallowed the small azure light column and rushed towards the relatively small number 6.

Seeing this, number 6 gritted his teeth, dodged, and instantly escaped, falling to the ground with a gloomy face.

The golden giant ape cannon instantly rushed into the mysterious universe, gradually disappeared, and disappeared.


Like a declaration of victory, the golden giant ape beat his chest again, making a series of muffled sounds.

"Fuck it, I don't believe that his speed is so strong."

Number 6's body sank slightly, and his footsteps slammed on the ground, bursting out like a cannonball. The ground he stepped on instantly exploded, emitting white microwaves.


Number 6 didn't care about the energy consumption, and fired at full power. The golden flames soared into the sky, sizzling, and the whole body was surrounded by gold. The right fist was wrapped in golden flames, tightly clenched, and the breath was all condensed in it, and then changed into a finger. The golden light kept swallowing and emitting a sharp glimmer.

This was the strongest killing move he thought of on the spot through a previous life anime and some ideas of the Qi Sword. He didn't believe that it would not cause any damage.

Number 6's figure became faster and faster in the air, and the distance was close, which made the golden giant ape look sideways and look at each other.


The glowing index finger of No. 6's right hand instantly pierced the ear of the golden giant ape, spurting out a streak of blood.

At the critical moment, he turned his head unexpectedly and missed the target.

No. 6 turned around helplessly and wanted to jump and attack again, but he didn't expect the golden giant ape's advanced right fist to fall down with a bang, so fast that he couldn't react at all.


Without any complicated things, it was just a punch full of power. The space where No. 6 was located was instantly shattered, the air was torn and exploded, and dense cracks spread. No. 6's body was broken in many places, and blood was spilled and overflowed as if it was free. His body was instantly smashed to the ground and shot out.


No. 6's eyes were dull, and his body stopped after smashing into the ground for an unknown distance, breaking into countless soils, with blood in his mouth.

The body was broken in many places, as if his right arm was directly broken and flew out without a trace.

"This fucking performance in the anime wasn't that fast! But it still broke through the defense."

No. 6 came back from a trance, laughing, and a lot of blood kept flowing out of the corners of his mouth.

His face was serious, and the gray-black tentacles wrapped around him. No. 6's body was recovering quickly, and his state returned to full. This time, there were strong waves of energy in his body that kept pouring out and erupting outward, making him feel extremely comfortable.

"I said, my blood is still useful."

No. 6 opened his mouth, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, raised his head and raised his fist, and his body was full of golden light and burst out.

High in the sky.

No. 3 and No. 5 were looking up and down, watching the whole process of No. 6 being beaten.

"This golden giant ape is supposed to be 500 times the increase! The speed is so fast!" No. 5 turned his head to look at No. 3 and said softly.

"It should be so, but Sun Wukong's basic combat power has made a huge breakthrough in this battle, so he is much stronger now. To be honest, I am considering whether to help him complete Super Saiyan 4."

No. 3 stroked his chin, his eyes flickered, his brows slightly frowned, and he spoke slowly.

"Why?" No. 5 asked.


Sooner or later, his father will reach this point, but seeing that Sun Wukong has transformed into Super Saiyan 4 should help him transform to a certain extent, although it may be minimal! But as a son, any help is a blessing. "

"Then what should we do? There is no Xiaofang here, not even Sun Wuhan." Number Five waved his hand, a little helpless.

"No, just make him regain consciousness, beat him, beat him back from this violent state, and keep beating him."

Number Three thought for a moment and replied.

"This, this will work? Why do I feel a little unreliable?" Number Five scratched his head and said softly.

"It's okay! Beat first. "Number Three nodded, but did not move, still holding his hands across his chest and watching.

Number Five knew that Number Three was waiting for Number Six to speak, so he shook his head and said nothing, just looking down quietly.

On the ground, the golden giant ape touched his injured cheek in a very humane way, and when he saw the bright red blood, he started the violent mode again.


The golden giant ape stepped on the ground alternately with his feet. The ground could not support this huge force and cracked instantly. There was no ground supporting the golden giant ape below, and he fell into the deep pit and fell on his back.

"Huh~ What a fool." Number Six flew out from the ground and just saw this scene, grinning and sneered.

Seeing this, Number Six hung in the air, pressed his body down, pressed his hands on his waist, pinched out energy balls one after another, and kept swinging his hands and smashing them down, so fast that there were afterimages.

"Boom! "

Countless energy balls kept falling, the ground kept collapsing, burying the golden giant ape deep underground, explosions continued, accompanied by the sound of apes crying.

"Boom! "

Dense black smoke filled the air, rolling and surging towards the horizon. Number Six was panting heavily. He didn't save energy. He used all his strength. He didn't know how many times he had swung. If the golden giant ape was still not injured, he would have called for help. It was so tiring.


Number Six slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, began to gather energy, and clenched it in his right fist, which was covered with golden light.

Underground, the golden giant ape was dizzy and dazed by the explosion. The energy balls of Number Six were all aimed at one place, that is, his head. Now the golden hair was charred black.

And Sun Wukong's consciousness was also restored for a second or two.

"I, I am..." Sun Wukong, who had just recovered his consciousness, was once again occupied by the tyranny. The giant ape jumped out directly and shattered the rocks.

Smoke shrouded, Number Six, hanging upside down in the sky, looked at the golden giant ape with a charred head and a sharp roar, and couldn't help laughing, "Okay, it's not a loss, I dyed this guy. ”


PS: I was supposed to write at 2:00 AM, but I fell asleep, so I probably won’t be able to read it in the early morning.

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