“Friends from afar, are you looking for something?” The Great Elder asked in a calm tone.

Sun Wuyuan took out the egg without saying a word, and the moment the Great Elder saw the egg, he noticed an aura similar to that of their Nemesis, but it seemed to have a faint evil aura.

“We come from a distant earth from here, and hundreds of years ago, a young child from the Namex came to Earth, and was later regarded by the previous Celestial God at that time to become the candidate heir of the Celestial God…”

Sun Wuyuan briefly said what happened.

“He should have suffered a catastrophe on Namex hundreds of years ago and was one of the genius children sent out, but he didn’t expect that in addition to Namek, there were clansmen who survived. According to what you said, the Celestial God Vic should have belonged to the all-round genius at the beginning, forcibly splitting himself in two in order to become a Celestial God, and that innate talent was also halved, otherwise the strength would not be so weak… Thank you for sending back our people, I have a clear understanding of its situation, it is not too difficult to solve!

At this time, Sun Wuyuan seemed to have “suddenly” remembered something, and said with an embarrassed face: “Great Elder, I heard Lord King of the Northern Realm say that the Nemesis have some very strange abilities, such as making dragon balls and developing potential. I would like to ask you to develop our potential, can you? As

soon as Neiro wanted to stop it, the Great Elder spoke: “It’s okay Neru, is the Supreme God in charge of the Northern Galaxy, Lord King of the Northern Realm?” I didn’t expect that I could still be noticed by a high-level god, I can indeed open up some of the potential for people, you are warriors with a righteous heart, there is no problem in opening up the potential for you!

“Thank you (^~^), Goku, you go first!”

“Big brother, what is the development potential?” The emotional little Wukong listened quietly to him and the Great Elder here for a long time, but he still didn’t understand, this is really very Wukong!

“Simply put, it can make your strength improve quickly and become stronger, understand?”

Little Wukong listened and became excited again, and stepped forward and asked, “Great Elder, what should I do?” The

Great Elder motioned for him to walk over, and Goku walked over with the appearance of a good baby, and a hand that was really bigger than a fan was placed on his head.

“I didn’t expect you to be so strong at such a young age, and your qi is several times that of Neru…”

Neiro was very shocked when he heard what the Great Elder said, knowing that he was not only the Great Elder’s bodyguard, responsible for the safety of the Great Elder, but also the strongest fighting type Nemex on the Nemesis now.

Unexpectedly, Sun Wukong, who was still a child among the two, had several times his strength, and how strong would Sun Wukong’s brother Sun Wuyuan be, he couldn’t imagine that this was a warrior who could know the gods of the level of the realm king? It’s too strong, but it’s so strong, do you need to develop your potential to become stronger?

What the Great Elder said was only Sun Wukong’s basic combat power, Sun Wukong would also be suitable for his Realm King Fist, and the highest combat power was definitely not just a few times that of Neilu.

“…… Your potential is bottomless, endless, endless, and I can only develop a small part of your potential.

Then the breath on Sun Wukong’s body began to climb step by step, and the white flames around his body gushed out, and Sun Wuyuan could feel that Sun Wukong’s strength increased by about ten times in a moment.

“Wow, good ~ such a powerful feeling, big brother I think I can’t help but fight with you.” Little Goku trembled with excitement.

“Yes!” Sun Wuyuan agreed, brother, I want to challenge me when my strength has just improved, I will tell you, your eldest brother is still your eldest brother, and you can’t float when your strength is improved, understand?

“Great Elder, I’ll come back when I go with Goku!”

Sun Wuyuan and Little Wukong were far away from the residence of the Great Elder, standing in the air, the brothers looked at each other, and the air seemed to wipe out electric sparks where their eyes collided!

Sun Wukong rushed to Sun Wuyuan in a flash, and before he could attack, Sun Wuyuan slapped him on the door of the head: “Deal with your eldest brother is still playing temptation, see if I don’t let you remember longer!” Little

Goku’s body shot into the ground, and his clothes came out of the pit with tattered clothes, “Doesn’t big brother fight without warming up?”

“How many times have I taught you, don’t be tempted when facing a strong enemy, and directly bring out two hundred percent of your strength, otherwise you are likely to be killed by others in a second.”

“I know!”

Know <('^ ́)>? How many times have you kid said to me, I know that I know, I understand, next time I will commit it again, Sun Wuyuan is a little tired, let him go, don’t care.

Sun Wukong burst out with all his strength, and the Neiro sweat beside the Great Elder flowed down drop after drop, and the other Nemeris people on the Namex Star also sensed this terrifying aura and stopped all the work at hand.

“That direction is where the Great Elder is…” After the shock, many Nemesis people worried about the safety of the Great Elder rushed towards that direction!

Sun Wuyuan did not erupt his own breath, like this level of battle, he can use his body to control the qi, and it breaks out at the moment of the fight, which greatly reduces the consumption of qi and prolongs the battle time.

“Big brother, be careful, I’ve become very strong now!”

“Goku, you have indeed become stronger, but that’s not enough.”

“Ah~ fight and fight…”

Goku attacked with all his strength, and his mouth kept shouting…

“If that’s all you have, that’s the end of it.” Sun Wuyuan put on a masterful style and said, after all, strong is only a matter of time, and handsome is a matter of a lifetime, and he can still distinguish very clearly (. ò ∀ ó。 )!

“It’s not over yet!” Goku hurriedly said, for fear that the eldest brother would slap him on the back of the head after saying something similar as before, and then he would faint!

“This is just the beginning, Triple Realm King Fist, ha!” The red transparent aura wrapped around Little Goku’s whole body.


Is it against the wave again? Am I also the Sun family, or will your eldest brother be afraid of you?

Sun Wuyuan only raised his right hand and also hit the turtle school qigong wave, and soon pressed Wukong’s qigong wave back.

“Quadruple – Realm King Fist!”

“Fivefold – Realm King Fist!”


“Tenfold – Realm King Fist!”

This is already beyond the limit of what his body can withstand….

“It’s really okay to take you, I’m not your enemy, what are you doing so hard, it seems that you have to spend another fairy bean.”

Goku once again fell from the sky with all his strength, and Sun Wuyuan kept shouting when he caught him: “Pain and pain…”

“Big brother, you are really powerful, I have become so much stronger, and I still can’t beat you when I use the Realm King Fist beyond the limit.”

“That’s of course, don’t look at who is the eldest brother and who is the younger brother, how many times have you said it, your eldest brother is still your eldest brother, even if you become stronger, I will still be your eldest brother!” Sun Wuyuan and his brother said hiver.

“Big brother doesn’t know why? Seeing your expression, I want to punch you in the face! Little Goku opened his big innocent eyes and said with a smile!

“Nonsense, this expression with this handsome face of your brother, it’s just cool, right? It can’t be that you said that you owe the expression…” ”

Some sins are really self-inflicted, the younger brother is not very sensible, that fairy bean or keep it, you can still shout pain, the problem should not be very serious…”

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