The more you eat, the more you eat.

Shalu said angrily.

"Raksha King, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and prepare the firewood!"

"Yes! Lord Shalu!"

After receiving the order, the Raksha King quickly took action.

"Shua~! Shua~!"

Ling Tian waved the sickle and cut the hundreds of meters of sea snake into several sections.

After a while, the Raksha King came back dragging a mountain of firewood.

Ling Tian nodded with satisfaction, and then said.

"Raksha King, if you want to eat, do it yourself!"

"Yes, Lord Ling Tian!"

As soon as the Raksha King finished speaking, he picked up a piece of sea snake meat and started to chew it.

"Baji~! Baji~!"

The Rakshasa King said with a happy face.

"That's the taste! It's really great!"

Ling Tian was a little confused. In the palace of the Rakshasa King before, he saw that the food eaten by the demons was cooked! Why are they eating raw meat now?

Shalu said to the Rakshasa King who was eating with blood in his mouth.

"Rakshasa King, you are still good at this!"

After swallowing the sea snake meat in his mouth, the Rakshasa King explained to everyone.

"Lord Shalu, the senior who gave me the monster meat said that eating the monster meat raw will increase your strength more. After cooking it, the nutrients in the monster meat will be lost!"

"Is it really like this?"

Shalu looked at the Rakshasa King whose eyes kept rolling, and was a little unconvinced.

Broly said with a smile: "Cell, you will know if you try it yourself!"

"I still prefer to eat cooked meat!"

Cell shook his head. Although the Rakshasa King was enjoying it, he still couldn't accept eating raw meat!

Ling Tian ignored the Rakshasa King after hearing this. He lit a fire on the shore and roasted the sea snake meat on it.

As if they wanted to see it quickly and eat the meat that could increase their combat effectiveness, Cell and Broly kept adding firewood to the fire.

The sea snake meat roasted over a big fire sizzled with oil, and a burst of fragrance came to the nose.

After more than ten minutes of roasting, the sea snake meat was also roasted to a golden brown.

Cell swallowed his saliva and kept urging.

"Ling Tian, ​​take out your secret seasoning quickly!"

Ling Tian smiled, took out the technological barbecue seasoning from the storage ring, and sprinkled it on the pieces of sea snake meat.

Ling Tian and his friends were grilling meat on the shore, which had already caused the monsters in the sea to become restless. The moment the high-tech barbecue ingredients were sprinkled, the sea surface suddenly became turbulent, and a group of monsters surfaced, staring closely at the sea snake meat on the fire.

If they had legs, they would definitely crawl ashore and snatch the sea snake meat from Ling Tian and his friends.

The Rakshasa King suddenly felt that the meat in his hand was not fragrant.

Ling Tian shook his head helplessly and threw a can of high-tech barbecue ingredients to the Rakshasa King.

"Thank you, Lord Ling Tian!"

After thanking him, the Rakshasa King lit a fire nearby and grilled the sea snake meat.

"Can eating raw monster meat increase strength? I, the Rakshasa King, am not bad at all!"

The Rakshasa King, who got the high-tech barbecue ingredients, instantly forgot about improving his strength.

Ling Tian took out various drinks and wines from the storage ring and put them aside.

"Broly, Cell, let's eat!"

Broly and Cell didn't mind the heat, and took a large piece of sea snake meat and gobbled it up.

Ling Tian chewed slowly, savoring the sea snake meat carefully, and by the way, felt how much strength this sea snake meat could increase!

As soon as the sea snake meat was swallowed into his stomach, his combat power changed slightly, which could be said to be negligible.

The increase in combat power of tens of thousands was of no use to Ling Tian at all now.

What shocked Ling Tian the most was that the combat power increased by the monster meat in the Demon Sea was even greater than that of the spiritual fruit!


Ling Tian sighed, what a pity!

Namekians can survive by drinking water, and Piccolo only occasionally eats some fruits and other things. I have never seen Piccolo eat meat.

These monster meats that can increase combat power, Namekians are not blessed to enjoy!


Half an hour later, everyone was full and satisfied.


A long and loud burp sounded suddenly.

Ling Tian, ​​Broly and Cell looked over.

They saw that the eight abdominal muscles on the Rakshasa King's belly had been completely unified, and his round belly was like a balloon.


Seeing that Ling Tian and the others were looking at him, the Rakshasa King scratched his head, stupidly...

He laughed.

Broly leaned close to Lingtian's ear and whispered.

"Lingtian, I feel that this Rakshasa King has some problems with his brain!"

Broly's tiny voice was still heard by Rakshasa King.

Rakshasa King quickly retorted.

"Lord Broly, I'm normal! There's nothing wrong with my brain!"

Cell pointed at Rakshasa King's big belly and said.

"You still dare to say that your brain is fine? Haven't you eaten meat for hundreds of years? Aren't you afraid of dying of bloating after eating so much!"


Rakshasa King responded with a smile.

"Lord Cell, I really haven't eaten the meat of the monsters in the Demon Sea for hundreds of years!"

"Broly, Cell, don't worry about him for now!"

"Let's go to the deep sea first to see if there are any powerful monsters!"

Lingtian said and took off into the air and flew towards the Demon Sea.

Broly and Cell looked at each other and smiled in tacit understanding, apparently planning to hunt for their next meal.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"

As soon as Lingtian, Broly and Cell appeared over the Demon Sea, the monsters in the sea could not hold back and attacked them one after another.

"I'm not interested in you small fish!"

Lingtian raised his right hand and condensed a round disc, throwing it at the monsters in the sea.

"Cut the disc!"

"Ji~! Wu~!"

Dozens of monsters blocking the way ahead were cut in half.

As if they smelled the blood, the remaining monsters no longer paid attention to Lingtian and the other two, and swarmed towards the monster corpses in the sea.

It seems that the bodies of monsters are more attractive to them!

Lingtian, Broly and Cell flew forward unimpeded all the way.

A black laser-like light suddenly shot out from the sea and attacked Broly.

"How dare you sneak attack me!"

Broly was furious, raised his right hand and slapped the light away.

Then, Broly condensed a green energy ball in his hand and threw it into the sea.


A violent explosion sounded, and the sea water rushed to the surroundings, forming a huge wave.

Broly's energy attack alarmed the monsters within a few miles.

"Swish~! Swish~!"

Colorful rays and energy shot out from the sea and attacked Lingtian, Broly and Cell.

Seeing that the energy was about to attack, Cell condensed a protective shield with energy to protect the three of them.

"Lingtian, the monsters here are much stronger than those on the coast! And they can use energy attacks!"

Lingtian nodded. Although the strength of the monsters here was still acceptable, he was not very satisfied.

"Let's take care of them all and then go to the front and take a look!"

"Let me do it!"

Broly was very unhappy after being attacked by surprise!

Do the monsters in the sea think they are easy to bully?

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