The fire was so strong that it was burning.

"Hot, hot, hot~!"

Ling Tian soared into the sky and left the Nether Turtle's body.

The hot breath emanating from the Nether Turtle directly boiled the sea water near its body.

"You old bastard, you can actually transform!"

Ling Tian cursed and took out a new pair of shoes from the storage ring and put them on.

The Nether Turtle opened its bloody mouth and continuously gathered energy to condense a giant energy ball.

"The flames spread all over the prairie!"

While the energy ball attacked Ling Tian, ​​it continued to split into several fireballs.

"Old bastard, I give you face!"

Ling Tian used the annihilation energy to condense a protective shield to protect himself.

Then, he quit the Super Saiyan 1 transformation and returned to normal!

As soon as the fireball touched the protective shield, it was devoured without leaving any residue.


Ling Tian shouted loudly, releasing all his breath, and the violent energy on his body continued to surge out. The sky above his head instantly became dark clouds, and lightning fell from the sky and struck around Ling Tian.

Ling Tian's black hair slowly grew longer and draped messily on his shoulders. Black hair grew on his chest and palms, and a long black tail was behind him.

After Ling Tian transformed into Super Saiyan 6, he directly withdrew the protective shield.

Then, Ling Tian raised his right hand to condense an energy ball and threw it at the Nether Turtle.

"A huge amount of meteors!"

During the flight, the energy ball turned into a giant energy ball and attacked the Nether Ghost.

"Old bastard, let's see if you can resist!"

At the beginning, Ling Tian underestimated the strength and defense of the Nether Turtle, thinking that the strength of Super Saiyan 1 could deal with this Nether Turtle.

"Damn! How can this ant be so strong?"

The Nether Turtle was frightened by the breath burst out by Ling Tian.

Then, the Nether Turtle retracted all its limbs and head into the tortoise shell, preparing to use the tortoise shell to resist the energy.


Broly, Cell and Paragus in the Demon Sea Capital were also frightened when they sensed Ling Tian's breath.

What kind of enemy did Ling Tian encounter?

He even used the transformation of Super Saiyan 6!

The demons on the land were full of admiration. With such a strong man as the boss, wouldn't he be able to walk sideways near the Demon Sea Capital!

The King of Warcraft and his companions in the Forest of Beasts were very worried.

The strong man who appeared this time was much stronger than the one who fought in the Demon Sea before!

What happened to the poor and destitute Demon Sea Capital recently? Why are there always strong men appearing?

I hope that strong man will not set foot in the Forest of Beasts!



A violent explosion sounded, and thick smoke billowed out from the location of the Nether Turtle.

When the smoke dissipated, there were only a few cracks on the Nether Turtle's shell.

Ling Tian muttered to himself: "This shell has strong defense! It can be used as armor for the demon army!"

The Nether Turtle poked its head out of the shell with blood flowing, and said to Ling Tian angrily.

"I will fight you!"

The Nether Turtle shrank in its shell and witnessed 360 of its children being killed by the shock. Now, all 361 of its children died at the hands of this man.

The Nether Turtle kept condensing energy and attacked Ling Tian.

"Useless struggle!"

Ling Tian chuckled, raised his right hand and condensed a giant energy ball.

"Vast Omega!"

Ling Tian shouted and threw the condensed energy ball forward.

As the energy ball left Ling Tian's hand, it continued to split into multiple gas bombs, attacking various energies in the air.

"Bang! Boom!"

For a moment, explosions sounded everywhere, and thick smoke billowed out of the air.

"It's time to end!"

Ling Tian moved in an instant and appeared on the head of the Nether Turtle.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Tian gathered all the energy in his body into his right hand, forming a giant energy blade, and slashed at the Nether Turtle fiercely.

"Earth-shattering Slash!"

The Nether Turtle's blood-red pupils stared at Ling Tian, ​​without a wail or begging for mercy.


The Nether Turtle's head was chopped off directly, and the surging blood energy instantly filled the surroundings.

Ling Tian quickly put the head and body of the Nether Turtle into the storage ring.

Ling Tian did not quit the Super Saiyan 6 transformation, but continued to fly to the other side of the Demon Sea.

Go, there is no more monster!

The monsters in the Demon Sea had already sensed the shocking battle between Ling Tian and the Nether Turtle just now. Now Ling Tian appeared with murderous intent. It seems that the Nether Turtle has been killed by this person.

Sensing that Ling Tian was flying towards them, the monsters in the sea didn't care whose territory this was, and fled to the distance in a swarm.

Fearing that if they were a second slower, they would die here!


1 hour later.

Ling Tian also successfully crossed the Demon Sea and saw a primeval forest.

The forest was full of towering trees hundreds of meters high, and the trees were full of green leaves. The grass on the land was several meters high.

The environment here is very similar to the earth, and it is completely different from the Demon Sea Capital, which is dead!

"Where is this place?"

Ling Tian fell from the air and raised his feet to walk deep into the forest.

Just less than a hundred meters deep, a black shadow fell from the sky, revealing a fishy smell.

A black giant python, a hundred meters long and as thick as a tree, its head looked like it had been doused with phosphoric acid, its black eyes revealed a cruel murderous aura.

The black giant python opened its bloody mouth, trying to swallow Ling Tian in one bite.

"Another fool?"

Ling Tian was also a little surprised. He hadn't even quit the Super Saiyan 6 transformation yet. Could it be that this giant python really couldn't feel how powerful he was?

Ling Tian waved his hand, and a strong wind suddenly appeared. The hundred-meter-long black giant python was blown away by the strong wind before it could get close.


The black giant python broke dozens of towering trees in succession before it fell heavily to the ground and lost its life.


A roar was deafening.

A hundred-meter-tall gray giant bear suddenly appeared in front of Ling Tian, ​​but the giant bear was very afraid of Ling Tian.

He lay on the ground honestly, not daring to move!

"You're smart!"

"I'll give you that stupid giant python to eat!"

After Ling Tian finished speaking, he walked towards the depths of the jungle.

After Ling Tian left, the giant bear sniffed the remaining scent around, and after a moment, it found the black giant python.

Then it began to eat the body of the black giant python.

As Ling Tian went deeper, the surroundings became cleaner, but there were more and more large white bones.

It seems that this forest is basically inhabited by monsters!

The weak monsters will not speak, so I'd better go inside and take a look!

Ling Tian took off into the air and flew towards the depths of the jungle.

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