"Human! Do you know the consequences of angering a god?!!"

The angry voice reached the ears of the four people, and the King of the Galaxy trembled.

Jak and Taisi were at a loss as to who was roaring.

Only Mark stood there, his face full of disdain.

"Hmph! Old man, I advise you to stay honestly on the Great King Kai."

"Otherwise, I don't mind going to the heaven to talk to you about what it means to kill a god!"

Others fear the gods, but Mark doesn't feel anything.

It is undeniable that the heaven headed by the Great King Kai does play a certain role in maintaining the order of the universe below.

But in fact, they do not have too much authority to interfere with the development of the universe itself.

Even the King of the Worlds and the Great King of the Worlds will not easily interfere with the natural reproduction and development of life.

In the twelve universes created by the King of All, strictly speaking, the so-called gods are more like servants of God!

They have different responsibilities, and the god system headed by the Great King of the Worlds.

The basic duty is to create life planets and continuously nurture civilizations, but they cannot interfere with the development of civilizations.

The God of Destruction, on the other hand, is to eliminate some civilizations with lower average human standards.

Only by removing the coarse and retaining the fine can the overall level of the entire universe be maintained at a certain height.

In this regard, there is no doubt that the first universe is the most perfect!

However, the worst among the twelve universes is the ninth universe, followed by the seventh universe, which ranks second to last.

The gods in the seventh universe are basically not doing their jobs!

As the God of Destruction, Beerus only knows how to eat delicious food, sleep, and destroy planets at will every day.

Eating delicious food is fine, after all, everyone has the right to like something.

But this problem of sleepiness and random destruction of planets is really a delay.

Originally, if there is a guy who destroys the balance of the universe in the universe.

It should be dealt with by the God of Destruction. The combat power of the Great King God and the King God is not enough.

Their main job should be to continuously create planets suitable for human reproduction.

As a result, Beerus fell into a deep sleep without any problem.

During this period of time, once an extremely powerful evil life appeared, it could only be led by the Grand Kai and the Four Kais to fight hard.

Ten million years ago, when Beerus was sleeping, an evil life that lived by absorbing the vitality of the planet appeared-Mara.

The Grand Kai sealed his ability at the cost of losing half of his own divine power, and was eventually imprisoned in the prison of the Galactic Patrol.

As a result, Majin Buu appeared five million years ago.

The Grand Kai, who was only half as powerful as he was at his peak, was absorbed by Majin Buu.

In addition to him, the three Kais of the West, South, and North were also absorbed and destroyed at the same time.

If Bibidi had not sealed Majin Buu, he would have been destroyed by the East Kai when he was about to transfer.

This seventh universe might have been destroyed by Majin Buu alone!

However, at this time, the God of Destruction Beerus was still sleeping!

The most amazing thing is that the young King Kai Shin was actually unaware of the existence of the God of Destruction!

When Majin Buu appeared again, this guy was still thinking about solving the problem himself.

Such behavior is as funny as a chef who doesn't think about how to cook and studies military tactics every day.

However, this was all caused by the God of Destruction Beerus.

Who told him to seal the old King Kai so capriciously that the new King Kai had no chance to know these secrets!

It's okay that the East King Kai is young and ignorant, but the Great King Kai is also a guy who doesn't know the tune.

He is old and smart, and he only knows how to be lazy and enjoy his retirement life.

Even the North King Kai knows about the existence of Beerus. As the Great King Kai, how could he not know?

When Moro and Majin Buu were wreaking havoc in the universe, didn't he know?

Why did this guy pretend to be dead and didn't say anything when the East King Kai wanted to stop Babidi?

You know, just 20 or 30 years ago, Beerus was in a state of awakening.

Why not tell the East Kai and let him contact Beerus?

And there is Frieza, this guy has dominated the northern galaxy for more than 20 years.

It's because Frieza is Beerus' agent.

This guy can't afford to offend Beerus, so he pretends to turn a blind eye.

Think about it carefully, why is the Galactic Patrol so rubbish?

But they can firmly control the central area of ​​the galaxy, whether it is Frieza or the Gura Corps in the east.

No one has ever targeted the Galactic Patrol, and the Galactic Patrol has turned a blind eye to them?

These are just a tacit understanding, and the initiator behind it is most likely the Great King Kai!

The Great King Kai is for his ownWhether it is his own interests or his life, it is not convenient to take action.

Then why doesn't he ask King Kai to deal with Frieza?

In the mouth of King Kai, Frieza's little Karami is a player who can be killed with a slap!

In this case, Mark thinks there are only two explanations.

The first is that the Great King Kai's dimension is not enough, and he can't contact high-level gods such as Beerus and King Kai at all.

But obviously, this statement is not tenable at all.

When King Kai appeared on Earth, even North King Kai could find it, so why couldn't the Great King Kai come forward to inform?

Or, he is just being bad and is simply lazy and doesn't want to care. It's better to have less trouble than more. Anyway, he lives on the Great King Kai planet in the heaven.

Even if the human world explodes, it doesn't matter to him. After all, he doesn't want to care about things that King Kai can't care about.

Or, it's the second situation-this guy can't go to the human world in person, nor can he go to the Destroyer God Planet and the Holy Realm casually.

Compared with the first situation, Mark is more inclined to the second situation.

The so-called Great King Kai is just a servant of God trapped in the heaven.

If something really happened in the universe, this guy would at most send his underworld strongmen to remedy the situation.

Now, Frieza, the white glove of the God of Destruction, was killed by himself.

This guy wants to jump out and point fingers at him, but Mark will not tolerate him!

Even if he is a god, so what?

Majin Buu killed four King Kais, including the Great King Kai.

Then he is still alive and well?

As long as you have enough strength, it is not difficult to kill gods in the Dragon Ball world!

"Boy, you are looking for death..."

The Great King Kai, who was so angry that he exploded by Mark, lowered his voice helplessly.

Even in the red temperature state, he can't do anything to Mark.

He can't come to the human world, but Mark has learned the Jebit version of teleportation.

In the future, when you become stronger, you can go to the heaven to find trouble with the Great King!

Mark's speed of becoming stronger is so fast that even the Great King feels afraid.

In the impotent rage, the noble Lord like the Great King doesn't know what to say next.

"Old man, I advise you to keep your mouth clean!"

"The order in this universe is not something you gods can control!"

"We, a group of ant-like humans, also have the right to formulate an order suitable for our development!"

"Similarly, we will also have the ability to kill gods. It's best for everyone to keep out of each other's way and live in peace!"

"Otherwise, hum hum...you can try to ask those powerful people in the underworld under your command to come down to the world and try!"

Seeing that the old man was still stubborn, Mark spoke up and threatened the Great King!

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