May 18, 755 A.E.

Jilo Star, Dr. Gro's research base.

Mark stood outside the G3 metal cabin, lost in thought.

In less than a day, Pilaf and the other two searched the not-so-big research base.

In the storage device where Dr. Gro stored important data, Pilaf found a lot of data on androids, cyborgs, genetic modification, etc.

According to Dr. Gro's experimental diary.

He currently has three android technologies and two cyborg technologies.

Among the two cyborg technologies, the first one is a cyborg like Tao Baibai.

Their bodies retain more than 90% of their vital signs, and the modified part only accounts for 10% of their body structure!

It is precisely because of this that the combat power limit of cyborgs based on Earth humans can only reach about 200 million in theory.

Dr. Gro tried to use other cosmic people for transformation, but all failed.

And the time required for Tao Baibai's transformation is also very long, nearly three years!

After all, everyone's physical condition is different.

Dr. Gero needs to be distracted and arrange different transformation plans for them.

The other type of cyborg is much simpler. Dr. Gero named it the technology of cultivating cyborgs.

Cultivation technology is also one of the most advanced technologies in the universe.

The Frieza Corps once had the technology of cultivating cyborgs, which was inserted into the soil and watered like planting flowers.

A cyborg with a combat power of 1200 points can grow quickly.

This type of cyborg has two inherent defects.

The first is the life span.

The life span of cyborgs is usually very short, the shortest is only one day, and the longest will not exceed one month.

The length of life is directly related to the amount of nutrient solution used for irrigation.

The cost of preparing this nutrient solution is very high, so it has not been widely used in the Frieza Corps.

Another defect is that their combat power is not high.

With the scientific research strength of the Frieza Corps, the combat power of the cyborgs developed is only 1200 points.

A lot of resources were spent, but the result was just useless soldiers.

Unless there was an extreme shortage of manpower, the Frieza Army would not easily use the cultivated people to assist in combat.

Frieza Army still has remnants that are struggling to survive.

This cultivation technology was purchased by Dr. Gero at a high price in the black market half a year ago.

Dr. Gero upgraded his technology, and now the cultivation technology has matured.

After this madman's upgrade, the combat effectiveness of the cultivated people can reach a maximum of 20,000!

Compared with the combat effectiveness of nearly 200 million Earth's cyborgs, this cultivation technology is really inferior.

But this is Dr. Gero's hope to dominate the universe - it can directly solve the current situation of insufficient manpower in the Red Silk Army!

And the life span of the upgraded cultivated people can basically reach three years.

In terms of genetic technology and cyborg technology, Dr. Gero is really good at it.

In addition to the technology of cyborgs, what he is most proud of is the technology of androids!

According to the records in the experimental notes, Pilaf discovered three ways to make androids.

The first one is the technology of androids made of pure machinery.

The semi-finished android No. 16 lying in the metal cabin No. 16 is the most typical representative.

According to Dr. Gero's self-narration in the diary.

After No. 16 is manufactured, he will transform Android No. 19.

In the end, he will also choose this method of memory uploading and mechanical ascension to live forever!

To be precise, Dr. Gero is very optimistic about the development prospects of this technology.

As the two most important "people" to Dr. Gero, No. 16 and No. 19 will perform mechanical ascension like himself.

The appearance of Android No. 16 is the image of Dr. Gero's biological son.

Before he died, he had been working at the headquarters of the Red Silk Army.

After Xiao Wukong attacked the headquarters of the Red Silk Army, he eliminated most of the Red Silk Army.

Dr. Gero's son died in that battle - of course, at that time, Dr. Gero's son was just an unknown person and a passerby.

In order to avenge his son and the Red Silk Army, the most important thing is to dominate the earth and the universe.

Dr. Gero stole a spaceship and moved to Jilo when Frieza's Ninth Army invaded the earth!

At that time, the coordinates of the Ninth Army's spaceship were set on Jilo!

Dr. Gero, who discovered the new world, quickly moved his experimental equipment and experimental subjects to Jilo.

However, despite all his calculations, he never expected thatWant Tao Baibai to ruin the big thing!

In fact, Tao Baibai's participation in the world's first martial arts tournament this time was completely his own decision.

As a result, Dr. Gero's whereabouts were completely exposed.

And from the recent records in the notebook, Dr. Gero ordered Tao Baibai to go to Earth.

The purpose is to capture as many young earthlings as possible for further experiments on artificial humans and modified humans.

In the months before this, Tao Baibai had been very conscientious and captured a pair of siblings.

That is, the unlucky artificial humans No. 17 and No. 18.

Dr. Gero was very satisfied with the siblings and had been soaking in the laboratory to carry out the second type of artificial human technology transformation on them-the artificial human technology transformation based on humans.

Dr. Gero had high hopes for the blue crystal decay permanent energy furnace prepared for No. 17 and No. 18.

According to his calculations, once the androids 17 and 18 are activated, their combat power will reach 3 billion.

The most important thing is that once an energy furnace with a higher load limit is developed later, they can continue to upgrade!

This is one of Dr. Gero's trump cards for ruling the universe in the future!

And Dr. Gero's strongest trump card is the last type of android technology - gene fusion android technology!

"Lord Satan, after observing the battles and training of you, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and others, Dr. Gero discovered that Androids 17 and 18 also have upper limits!"

"No matter how much the permanent energy furnace is upgraded, it will eventually reach its upper limit. He wants to use gene fusion technology to fuse the genes of super strong people together to create super strong androids!"

"At present, he has collected the genes of you, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Frieza!"

"In his notes, this technology has been activated, but... I searched everywhere here and didn't find the figure of the gene-fused android!"

"According to Dr. Gero's plan, this android was named Cell, but I don't know where Cell is!"

"I'm worried that if we can't find this Cell, our Satan Legion will encounter a terrifying enemy that is difficult to deal with in the future!"

Pilaf closed Dr. Gero's notes and said his prediction with worry.

Mark nodded thoughtfully after hearing this, and then comforted him: "It's okay, take these materials and experiments back first."

"Dr. Gero can create Cell, and we can do the same as long as we master the technology."

"If he can make one, we can make a hundred of him!"

The technology given by the system includes three types of android technology.

Mark threw the android technology to Pilaf, and then added: "There is nothing to be afraid of androids. Only humans have the possibility of becoming infinitely stronger!"

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