Mark was delighted when he heard the system prompt.

No one can resist the feeling of flying freely.

The air dance technique will be a must-have tactic for Dragon Ball warriors in the future.

Of course, except for Yajirobe.

Although he was happy in his heart, his face showed the sadness of the upcoming departure.

This was not entirely fake.

After all, the cat fairy has a good temper.

Strictly speaking, he is the first teacher who has taught Mark since he came to the Dragon Ball world.

However, the purpose of this trip has been achieved.

There is no benefit in staying any longer.

Before asking further questions, Mark asked the cat fairy for a large bag of fairy beans.

Roughly counting, there are about two or three hundred.

Mark will keep this thing carefully.

It is better to keep it here for emergency than to let the fat man Yajirobe squander it all!

Carrying the bag on his back, Mark finally resisted the request to ask the cat fairy for a cloud.

With the Gyrocloud, it will be very convenient to travel for a long time in the future.

But if you want to ride the Gyrocloud, you must be righteous and kind.

Mark claims that he is not a simple good person.

Krillin and Yamcha look like they can hardly ride it.

In the end, the three of them chose to climb down the Galin Tower headfirst!

Although Mark has learned the art of flying, he is not proficient yet.

So, he can only climb down the tower with a slightly embarrassing consciousness.

Half a day later, the three of them landed on the ground one after another.

"This posture... is really shameful!"

Yamcha blushed and felt ashamed of his appearance along the way.

Mark disagreed.

This posture is the fastest, so what if it's ugly?

Anyway, it's not just him who is embarrassed!

"Forget it, let's think about where to go next!"

Krillin stepped forward in time to change the subject.

As soon as this question came out, the three of them fell into silence.

After a while, Mark spoke first: "Let's say goodbye to Pola first, and then go to Xidu!"

"Yamcha, Bulma should be on summer vacation soon, right?"

"Hehe, you have been missing for more than half a year, so let's go see her! By the way, I can also visit Dr. Brief and ask him to help build a gravity training room!"

It was the middle of the night when the three landed under the Galin Tower.

Pola and his son did not stay under the Galin Tower.

After all, they should say hello before leaving.

After that, Mark wanted to meet the princess.

Of course, the most important thing is to order a gravity training room!

Recently, the system rarely triggers options.

Even if it is triggered, the reward is pitifully small.

Before encountering a stronger opponent, Mark wants to strengthen his strength.

Either practice by yourself and become stronger little by little.

Or just lie down and enjoy life.

Then, he will meet strong enemies step by step, complete the options, and improve himself.

Obviously, before coming to Galinta to practice, Mark was very much looking forward to the lifestyle behind.

But through the practice in the past six months.

Mark has fallen in love with the feeling of getting stronger little by little.

This is just like lifting weights in the gym before.

From the initial resistance to feeling uncomfortable without lifting weights for a day.

What's more, in the world of Dragon Ball, if you don't have strength, you are just an ant.

If you meet a bastard like Vegeta, Frieza, or Beerus who destroys the planet at will.

If you are too weak, you don't even have the chance to resist or even escape!

Mark feels that since he has the help of the system.

Becoming stronger and changing your own destiny, and taking your destiny into your own hands, this is the most basic pursuit.

But now it seems that this system is really not as powerful as the sign-in system, reputation system, etc.

Such a randomly triggered selection system is really hard to maintain.

There is still some effect, but it is hard to describe!

If Mark wanted to become stronger faster, the only thing he could think of in a short period of time was weight training.

This point is really true from beginning to end in the Dragon Ball world.

At the beginning of the Dragon Ball plot.

When Goku and Krillin became the apprentices of Master Kame, they had to carry heavy turtle shells for training.

At first it was 20 kilograms, and later it was 40 kilograms.

Then, when Goku went to the immortal to train.

The way to improve combat effectiveness is still weight-bearing.

However, this time it was a weight-bearing suit.

Then, when rushing to Namek.

Goku still used weight-bearing for training.

However, this time the weight-bearing equipment was upgraded to a gravity training room.

Later, even if Goku died and went to the underworld.

When training, he would still wear lead blocks for training.

After becoming the apprentice of Mr. Whis, the initial training was stillIt is weight bearing!

In essence, although there are many martial arts in the world of Dragon Ball.

But in terms of improving combat power and strengthening physical strength, the method used is still weight bearing practice.

In this case, Mark did not make a fuss.

In the next two years, if he lies down, the result does not matter.

But if the little bald head and the tea god do not improve their combat power quickly.

Then the fate waiting for them is one broken leg and one dead.

Although there are Dragon Balls in this world, Dragon Balls are not omnipotent after all.

Especially the little bald head here.

It is better to die less than one more time!

As for the historical changes brought about by this, Mark has no way to influence it.

History will always move forward in the general direction.


Mark's proposal deeply touched Yamcha's mind.

After all, he and Bulma are still in the period of passionate love.

They have not seen each other for more than half a year, and they must be missing each other!

The three made up their minds and decided to accept Mark's suggestion.

After the discussion, they rested for half a night.

Early the next morning, the three of them found Bola and Uba and said goodbye.

Then, the three of them drove to Xidu!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the three of them arrived at the gate of Bulma's house.

"Ring the doorbell? Yamcha, are you afraid?"

Looking at the tea god standing in front of the call doorbell, his fingers were frozen in the air, and he didn't move.

Mark teased directly.

Perhaps stimulated by Mark's words, Yamcha gritted his teeth and rang the doorbell directly.

It was Bulma's mother who answered the phone.

It's June now, and Bulma will have another month before summer vacation.

Usually, she has to go to high school every day.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, whether Bulma is at home.

It all depends on whether the eldest lady wants to skip class!

The world of the god of learning is like this.

Going to high school, taking risks.

Falling in love, skipping classes.

At last glance, Bulma became a scientist.

Who can you complain to about this matter!

Miss Bulma did not skip class today.

She was not at home.

However, Poole and Oolong were at home!

After not seeing her partner for a year, Yamcha talked to Poole for a long time.

It was past five in the afternoon when Bulma finally arrived.

"Damn Yamcha! You still remember to come back to see me!"

"Little bald head, it must be you, the bastard, who kidnapped him!"

"Huh? Who are you?"

Bulma angrily scolded the God of Tea and the little bald head.

But when she looked at Mark, she was confused.

"My name is Mark, and I am known as Mr. Satan in the world! I am a friend of Yamcha and Krillin!"

"Nice to meet you, Miss Bulma!"

Seeing this, Mark introduced himself directly.

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