In the early morning, it was drizzling in Nandu.

The crowd squatting outside the gate of the villa also disappeared.

Mark stood in the reception room on the third floor of the villa, watching the car of the owner Baka drive into the yard.

After a while, Mrs. Aisha called and asked Mark if it was convenient for him to meet with the guests.

After getting a positive answer, Mrs. Aisha took the owner Baka into Mark's reception room.

"You have worked hard, Mrs. Aisha! Owner Baka, please sit down!"

Holding two glasses of fruit wine in his hand, Mark handed one to Baka.

Old Baka didn't think much about it, took it, sniffed it, and drank it all.

After drinking a glass of fruit wine, the slight chill brought by the rainy season gradually dissipated.

"Mr. Satan, you are back!"

"To be honest, if you don't come back, I don't know what to do!"

The atmosphere was set off, and the owner Baka began to complain in front of Mark.

Mark knew that he came for the matter of Satan City Martial Arts Field, so he didn't beat around the bush and asked directly: "Mrs. Aisha told me about your current situation. Do you really want to sell the remaining shares of the Martial Arts Field?"

"That's right! I only want to keep 10% of the shares, and sell the remaining 70% to you! I hope you can buy it at the current market price!"

Old Baka is not able to support the Martial Arts Field alone, and he urgently needs to get rid of it but doesn't want to let it go.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

Unlike three years ago when Mark didn't join the Martial Arts Field, the current Martial Arts Field is really a money-making monster.

Every day, countless students rush in to give money, and they can't be stopped.

After receiving this money, the students can't learn the real boxing skills, so they must be dissatisfied.

For ordinary people, if they are not satisfied, the worst thing is to complain to the relevant management of Nandu, and the worst is to stand at the door and curse.

But for a group of martial artists, if they are not satisfied, they really dare to demolish the Martial Arts Field!

Mark had almost used coercion to seize 20% of the shares of the martial arts hall.

At that time, Mark was not famous, and Baka could barely cooperate with him.

When Mark was in the martial arts hall, he would occasionally show up during the day to teach the students some basic boxing.

At night, if there was a strong enemy coming to disrupt the place, Mark would take action and deal with it in minutes.

In the past two years, Mark has been practicing with Yamcha and Krillin at Bulma's house in Xidu.

In Nandu, it is basically a hands-off mode.

But with Mark's remaining power, Satan City can still operate normally.

In recent days, Mark won the championship in the world's first martial arts competition and solved the invasion of the great devil Piccolo.

This made him a hot superstar in the martial arts world.

In addition to the martial arts world, it has caused quite a stir in the media industry, the entertainment industry, and even the business world.

Mrs. Aisha receives many invitations from media and companies every day.

They either want to interview Mr. Satan or invite him to be a spokesperson.

There are also many entertainment programs that want to invite Mark to participate.

If normal martial artists are busy practicing, how can they have time to take care of these things?

But Mark is different. Even if he doesn't practice hard, he has already stood at the top.

Practice when you should practice, and make money when you should make money. This is Mark's way of practice!

Mark knows this, and so does the owner of the Baka.

If Mark is really dragged away by these "little goblins" and does not do his job properly.

In the future, Satan City may soon be beaten back to its original form!

Baka is old, he really can't afford it!

"Baka, you know that if I want to make money with my current status, I can find better projects in minutes."

"The money earned at the Satan City Martial Arts Hall is just hard-earned money, which is a waste of my time!"

"Of course, given that my nickname is Mr. Satan and the martial arts hall is the starting point of my career, I can consider acquiring it, but I will definitely not acquire it at the current market price!"

"On the one hand, I don't have so much cash to squander, and on the other hand, it is really not worth my high investment."

"To be frank, if I acquire it at the market price, why don't I open a new martial arts hall? It's more convenient!"

Mark took a sip of fruit wine and smiled to make it clear.

In fact, Mark is still a little interested in acquiring the martial arts hall.

In the martial arts world on Earth, whether it is Mr. Wu Tian's Turtle Immortal Style or Crane Immortal's Crane Immortal Style, they are all hidden schools.

They accept apprentices and implement the genius all-inclusive system.

Simply put, if you want to become their apprentice, you must have a certain

Before Goku became Master Kame's disciple, he learned martial arts from his grandfather, Son Gohan.

Before Krillin became Master Kame's disciple, he worked as a young monk in Shaolin Temple.

Before Yamcha became Master Kame's disciple, he worked as a bandit in the desert with good martial arts value.

In short, they are all geniuses among their peers.

When they joined the Kame-ryu and became masters of martial arts, Master Kame took care of their food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Of course, if you look closely, the income from Goku and Krillin's milk delivery and brick-moving training at the construction site will also be used for themselves.

But the two of them have such a big appetite, it is very difficult for Master Kame to support them alone.

Why did Master Kame suggest that Goku go out to practice alone after his first martial arts meeting?

There is no way, this guy is really a big eater!

Master Kame can't stand it!

It is for this reason that no matter whether it is the Turtle Immortal School or the Crane Immortal School.

They accept very few disciples, and it is precisely because of this that the martial arts that can really enter the mainstream have not been spread.

With Mark's current strength at this stage, he naturally wants to establish a school and become a master of the generation.

But the problem is that if you learn the method of teaching disciples of the Turtle Immortal School, there is no way to promote the spirit of martial arts, nor to improve the overall strength of the earthlings.

The most suitable way is to teach the most basic practice methods.

Just accept disciples and collect tuition fees.

In this way, in fact, as Mark himself said, it is enough to open a martial arts school again, and there is no need to spend a high price to acquire the City of Satan.

Mark's words hit the point, and Baka was speechless for a while.

Looking at him sitting on the sofa, Mark took out a quotation from the drawer of his desk and handed it to Baka.

"I asked Madam Elsa to make a research report. The market valuation of Satan City is 7 million Sony."

"If I sell my 20% stake, it should be 5.6 million Sony."

"Now I have two solutions. The first one is that you pay me 1.4 million Sony and I will withdraw from Satan City."

"The second one is that I pay you 5 million Sony and you sell all your shares to me."

"Choose one of the two. You are not eligible to bargain. Choose one."

In the past few years, Mark has seized 20% of the shares, which has long been compensated by his joining, and even overflowed a lot.

Baka also made a lot of money.

Now he can't do it alone, and he still wants to stay in the martial arts field to eat dividends. Mark is determined not to allow this.

Choose one of the two. After a struggle between heaven and man, Baka finally chose to withdraw!

"Master Baka, you made a very correct choice! When the Satan Martial Arts School opens, I hope you can come to support it!"

After Mark signed, he smiled and invited Baka to attend the opening ceremony of the Satan Martial Arts School.

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