Thousands of degrees Celsius of magma continued to drill into the lake.

In a short moment, countless water vapors rose up.

The green lake water was heated and gradually began to boil.

After a while, countless bodies of young dragonflies surged up.

Because there were too many of them, the lake surface was quickly blocked.

Such a spectacular scene lasted for three hours before it gradually stopped.

The volcanic lava gathered in the low-lying lake water, and eventually the magma evaporated all the lake water.

The magma cooled down and gradually filled the bottom of the lake.

In the end, the eggs and young dragonflies born at the bottom of the lake of the Gulu dragonfly were all swallowed and covered by the magma.

Mark, who witnessed the whole process, flew to the next settlement only after confirming that there was no living Gulu nearby!

In the next two days, Mark slaughtered all the Gulu people in the remaining two settlements.

These guys are originally a group of insects.

They have no limbs and no flexible fingers.

Strictly speaking, they should not be called people. It is more appropriate to say that they are dragonflies.

Of the remaining two settlements, one is built on the hillside, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The other is built on a huge ancient tree. There are also a large number of eggs and larvae and young dragonflies in both places.

It is much more troublesome to deal with them than the first one in the lake.

Mark almost slaughtered adult dragonflies while using qigong waves to eliminate eggs and larvae and young dragonflies.

Even though his combat power is nearly 30,000, Mark still rested three times before completely eliminating the Gulu dragonflies on Gulu Star!

After killing the last young dragonfly, the system prompt sound rang directly in Mark's mind.

[Selection completed, reward has been issued! ]

As the voice fell, a palm-sized and thumb-thick test tube appeared in Mark's hand.

In the test tube, there was half a tube of light pink crystal liquid.

Without hesitation, Mark pulled out the stopper and swallowed the liquid in one gulp.

After spitting it out, he put the stopper back into the bottle.

There was still a little immune agent left on the wall of the test tube, and Mark planned to send it back to Pilaf for research.

Mark wanted to give it a try to see if he could copy it!

After all this last night, Mark began to realize that the immune agent began to work.

Starting from the ends of his limbs, Mark's skin turned red, and his body also emitted heat far beyond normal.

Obviously, this is the result of a stress response in the human immune system.

Mark's brain began to heat up as his whole body was scalding.

A few minutes later, he lost consciousness and fell into the layers of dragonfly people's corpses and blood on the ground.

Mark was unconscious for nearly three hours, and then his consciousness gradually recovered.

But his body felt very tired!

In fact, if Mark had not fought before taking the potion and maintained his physical strength at a certain level.

He would not have lost consciousness at all, but he had to slaughter a clan alone.

This workload was still a bit beyond Mark's ability.

That's why he lost consciousness for a short time and fainted.

Fortunately, Mark had turned Gulu into an uninhabited planet, so it was safe!

"Damn, why do I feel like I was hit before crossing?!"

Mark muttered to himself, and took the combat power detector.

The detector displayed data such as time, location, longitude and latitude.

After checking, Mark was sure that he had only been unconscious for three hours.

Gurgle, gurgle!

Before Mark could figure out what to do next, his stomach made a series of rumbling sounds.

After continuous fighting and not having a good rest, Mark was naturally hungry.

He did not pay attention to the surrounding environment and took out a universal capsule from his arms.

Mark threw it on the ground and directly turned it into a hemispherical house.

After entering the house, he took a shower despite his hunger.

Then Mark put on a bathrobe and walked into the kitchen.

He opened the refrigerator, took out the food prepared in advance, and heated it in the microwave.

Soon, a sumptuous dinner was ready.

Mark finally experienced the good mood of Goku when he ate with such a whirlwind of food!

After a while, after having a full meal, Mark sat in front of a pile of plates and began to think about his next plan.

There is no doubt that Mark completed the daily work of the Saiyan in just a few days.

Of course, the system defines this Guru star as an evil person.

So, Mark has no psychological burden.

But what to do with this empty planet next is a tricky problem.

Obviously, as a high-oxygen planet,The mass of Gulu planet is about twice that of the Earth, and it is very rich in resources!

The gravity here is slightly lighter than that of the Earth, about 0.9 times the standard gravity of the Earth.

Mark thinks that if he just sprinkles some seeds on the ground to grow crops here, he can get a good harvest.

After all, weeds more than three meters high are everywhere here.

If wheat is planted here, it is estimated that one grain of wheat from a wheat ear is enough for a family to eat for several days.

If rice is planted, it is estimated that a grain of rice will be several dozen centimeters in size and weigh more than ten pounds!

Don't think that Mark's metaphor is a bit exaggerated, this is simply the world of giants!

In the final analysis, Mark thinks that it is because the oxygen content here is too high!

Because the environment here is too dangerous, even if it cannot be colonized by Earthlings.

But if it is used as a granary, Mark will be able to monopolize the entire Earth's food market in the future.

And this is still the most superficial way of development. There must be mineral deposits on this Gulu planet.

Maybe there will be rich kyanite mines!

There is no reason for Mark to abandon such a rich place.

After locating the accurate interstellar coordinates here, Mark took out the video recorder and flew around the planet to shoot.

After returning to Earth after a while, he will consider the development plan here.

Even if it is impossible to complete it with Pilaf's technological strength alone.

Mark doesn't mind pulling Bulma on his pirate ship, and everyone will get rich together.

Of course, talking about cooperation with Bulma and saying that making money is the lowest-end way to attract.

This girl likes adventure, and if you mention this, she will definitely come to help!

After figuring out how to deal with Gulu Star, Mark cleaned up the leftovers on the table.

Put on pajamas and go back to the bedroom to sleep beautifully.

Early the next morning, Mark was awakened by a burst of explosions!

Quickly put on the martial arts uniform, Mark turned the house back into a capsule, and quickly flew to the place where the explosion was heard in the distance.

After a while, he noticed something strange.

Beep beep!

The combat power detector hanging next to his ear sounded an alarm!

Mark was also shocked after locking on to the target.

"Ten huge energy reactions?! Each has a combat power of nearly a thousand?! One of them has a combat power of over ten thousand?"

"Could it be other aliens?! Well, it is also possible that they encountered the Frieza Army."

In the Northern Milky Way, in addition to behemoths like the Frieza Army.

There are also many local tyrants who control several planets or dozens of planets.

This sudden uninvited guest must not be a Gulu star person.

Then, it must be an alien visitor!

Mark thought to himself.

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