On the mineral planet, the soldiers of the Frieza Corps stationed here had no doubts.

The combat power detector hanging on Mark's ear was the style of the Frieza Corps.

And it was the latest model, and ordinary people were not qualified to wear it.

In the base, the large combat power detector showed that Mark's combat power reached 28,000 points.

Such combat power is definitely the elite among the elite in the Frieza Corps.

At least, the crocodile soldiers did not have the courage to come forward to verify Mark's identity.

"Yes! Sir! Please wait in the base for a while!"

Almost in a flattering state, the crocodile soldiers respectfully took Mark into the base.

As soon as Mark walked in, he turned his head and said to the crocodile man: "My combat uniform was damaged in the previous battle. Do you have the latest combat uniform?"

Mark was still very interested in the combat uniform of the Frieza Corps.

For him, the defensive effect of this thing is almost negligible.

But for the earthlings, it is very good equipment.

Mark plans to cheat one and give it to Pilaf to crack.

By the way, he can fool Chiss in half a year!

However, Mark's expectations were still dashed.

The crocodile man explained very embarrassedly: "Sorry, sir, we are just garrison personnel and are not equipped with the latest combat uniforms!"

"However, the old combat uniforms still have your size, please come this way!"

The soldiers and generals of the Frieza Army, regardless of their race, will wear combat uniforms.

But according to the different roles of the arms, they will naturally be treated differently.

Mark spread his hands helplessly and followed the crocodile soldiers to the equipment storage area.

Fortunately, Mark had seen how to wear this old combat uniform in the comics.

First put on the tights, and then put on the combat uniform with shoulder pads on the outside.

Mark, who changed into a combat uniform, said directly: "Where is the restaurant, I'm hungry."

The welfare benefits of the Frieza Army are quite good.

Even the food, although not as good as the Earth's delicacies, has its own flavor.

Mark's request did not arouse the suspicion of the crocodile man at all - isn't this the most normal thing?

In this way, Mark ate and drank in the garrison base of the legion, and three hours passed in a flash.

After the crocodile man told Mark that all the blue crystals had been loaded, Mark walked to the front of the warehouse with a full stomach.

Press the button, and the warehouse will turn back into a universal capsule again.

After three hours of contact, the crocodile man who was somewhat familiar with Mark said frankly that this was the power of high technology.

In this way, Mark, who cheated to eat and drink, took a spaceship and left the mineral planet under the welcome of a group of soldiers.

It was not until a few days later, when the generals of the Frieza Legion who really came to transport the blue crystals arrived.

The crocodile soldiers realized that they had been deceived!

However, he did not even have the opportunity to regret, and was directly executed on the spot by the intermediate generals of the Frieza Legion!

Mark, the instigator of all this, has already arrived near the Jilo Trade Star.

October 2, 752 A.E.

After a few days of flight, Mark successfully arrived at the Jilo Trade Star.

The spacecraft landed on the elastic pad of the berthing port and did not cause a big explosion.

After paying a little blue crystal particles as berthing fees, Mark officially entered the trade star.

This is a life planet with a highly developed civilization.

Mark felt as if he had entered a future city in science fiction novels.

After hiring a guide to lead the way, Mark successfully applied for an e-commerce voucher.

With this voucher, you can trade with anyone in the Jilo Trade Port.

However, the premise is that there must be enough points in the account bound to the voucher.

The points of Jilo Trade Star can be exchanged through Jilo Bank.

Mark took out some blue crystals and successfully deposited 1 million points in his account.

If converted into blue crystal, it would weigh about 1 kilogram!

This is just a drop in the bucket compared to the more than 300 tons of blue crystal Mark got this time.

However, the purchasing power of these 1 million points is also amazing enough.

Mark, who is rich in money, did not wrong himself.

He opened a top-level room in the best hotel in Jiluo Trade Port, and enjoyed the top-level service.

Alien wine, alien food, alien beauties...

After tasting them one by one, Mark started to do serious things.

Turning on the computer-like device in the hotel room, Mark began to read the supply and demand information on the trading platform.

"Purchase a life planet, the quality must be no less than 1.2 times the standard volume, good living environment requirements, offer 100 tons of kyanite? "

"What is the standard volume? How is a good environment measured? Headache! "

Mark read out the information displayed on the screen, and he was overwhelmed.

Helplessly, he had to start searching for relevant information on the network of Jilo Trade Star.

Fortunately, these basic information are not difficult to find, and Mark quickly found the corresponding answers.

If the standard volume of the planet is 1, then the volume of the earth is 1.5, and Satan Star is 2.8 times the standard volume.

The living environment standard is not difficult to understand. The environment on Earth is slightly polluted.

There are four levels above: passing, good, excellent, and perfect. Satan Star belongs to the perfect level.

Comprehensively speaking, the value of Satan Star, which Mark accidentally occupied, should also hover around 400-500 tons of blue crystal.

You know, blue crystal also exists on many life planets.

So, generally speaking, this price will fluctuate.

With a reference for comparison, Mark quickly understood the purchasing power level of blue crystal.

Same Similarly, he also understood the value of other general equivalents.

Here, Mark also searched for information about Gulu Fruit.

One Gulu Fruit is basically sold for 3000-5000 Jilo Points.

Almost, it is equivalent to the value of 3-5 grams of blue crystal powder.

However, this Gulu Fruit is a special commodity with restricted sales.

Without the authorization of the Jilo Trade Star Administration, ordinary merchants are not qualified to sell it.

Mark looked it up and found that there were only three chambers of commerce on the list of authorized sales, and Qis Chamber of Commerce was among them.

Mark also carefully studied the situation of the other two chambers of commerce.

After finding out this information, he can have a clear idea.

In the transaction six months later, he will not be cheated by Qis!

After finishing the serious business, Mark relaxed and strolled around the platform.

After a while, he found many interesting and useful products!

"Hmm? This thing is interesting! "

Clicking on the message, Mark read the content description word by word.

"Planetary defense system, with early warning, shielding detection, armed counterattack, and intelligent control capabilities."

"Well, the price is not expensive, only 10 million points?"

"Oh! It turns out to be a product of the Ziful people, no wonder!"

Mark muttered to himself as he looked at the name thoughtfully.

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