December 22, 749th year of the Ai Ji era.

Nandu, Satan City Martial Arts Hall.

"Warmly congratulate Vice-Hall Master Mark for signing up for the World Fighting Competition and Mr. Satan's championship swearing-in ceremony"

At this time, it was being held in the hall of the dojo.

Unlike the world's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, which is held every three years.

The World Fighting Competition is held at the end of each year.

The start time of each competition is December 31st!

"Emm... Isn't this the difference between the Champions League and the World Cup?"

After carefully studying the rules of the World Fighting Competition, Mark couldn't help but complain.

The rules of this World Fighting Competition are exactly the same as those of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

It is also a closed selection with preliminary competitions.

However, there will be 16 contestants participating in the final stage of the World Fighting Competition.

The contestants draw lots and compete against each other in pairs, and finally produce the champion, runner-up and third place.

Only this point is different from the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

The venue of the competition was fixed in the Nandu Duel Arena.

Although, in terms of the influence of the competition, the World Fighting Competition is not as good as the World No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

But it is still a very influential competition in the fighting world.

However, this kind of competition held every year is not valued by the Dragon Ball Warriors.

As a super fighting star who has recently become famous in Nandu, Mark invited a TV station to interview him in a high-profile manner.

And in front of all the audience, he announced his participation in this World Fighting Competition.

In order to attract enough attention, Mark even performed Kamehameha in front of everyone!

In front of a group of stunned reporters and cameramen, Mark clapped his hands and smiled: "This is the martial arts I realized after watching the World No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament!"

"The champion of this World Fighting Competition must be me!"

Raising his thumb to himself, Mark confidently vowed to win the championship.

In the past six months, Mark has made a lot of money.

Three months ago, he defeated the famous Nandu martial arts master, Chaiba Wang, in one move!

Chaiba Wang's proud eight-handed fist was a show of fancy.

But it had no effect in front of Mark, and he was knocked out by his punch.

In fact, Mark didn't want to be so high-profile.

But the system didn't allow it.

At the moment of registration, new options appeared in front of Mark.

The first option, Mark participated in the competition in a low-key manner, and was rewarded with 1 million Sony.

The second option, Mark officially announced his participation in the competition, and was rewarded with 50 points of combat power!

The options are still two-choice, but for Mark it is a single-choice question.

After half a year of accumulation, Mark's current money is enough for him to live a luxurious life.

Although 1 million Sony is not a small amount, it is not worth mentioning compared to 50 points of combat power.

In the past six months, Mark has increased his combat power to 85 points through fighting with Chaiba Wang and fighting with some ordinary people.

Although this combat power is not as good as Tao Pai Pai, Xiao Wukong, Tien Shinhan and others of the same period.

But it is definitely stronger than Yamcha and Krillin.

Just after Mark loudly declared that he would win the championship, the system directly issued a reward.

After feeling that the breath and strength in his body had become stronger again, Mark quickly opened his personal panel.

[Name: Mark. ]

[Age: 14 years old. ]

[Combat power: 135. ]

[Martial arts: Basic boxing, Sun Fist, Satan Iron Fist, Kamehameha, Super Kamehameha. ]

[Comprehensive evaluation: Combat power over 100, entry level martial arts, complex character, no evaluation. ]

There is no problem with everything else, the system is not short of weight.

But what does this complex character mean and no evaluation?

Mark cursed and called the system in his heart.

He asked it to give an explanation, but the system did not respond.

In the silence of the system and the silence of the reporters, this press conference that was not a press conference ended.

TV stations rushed to report Mark's victory declaration.

Especially the Kamehameha wave that appeared in the picture.

Everyone was shocked.

Thousands of miles away in Kame House, a sea turtle stretched its head and bit Kame to watch the news replay.

The Kamehameha wave was learned by others, which shocked Kame.

"Is there really a martial arts genius in this world?"

"Well, if Xiao Wukong can't be contacted, then let them go!"

Turning off the TV, Kame looked through the window at Yamcha and Krillin who were fighting on the beach.

After half a year of training, Yamcha's strength has improved a lot.

Krillin made rapid progress under Kame's conditions.

The twoNow, it is considered to have encountered a bottleneck period, and the speed of progress has obviously slowed down.

If Mark had not publicly displayed Kamehameha, Master Kame would still think that there was no need to participate in the World Fighting Competition.

But being able to display Qigong waves has already surpassed the level of ordinary martial artists.

In Master Kame's eyes, this guy who calls himself Mr. Satan has good fighting power.

It is enough to be a touchstone for his two apprentices!

Soon, Master Kame, who had made up his mind, put on a suit and asked the two to stop training and go to Nandu with him to participate in the competition!

At the same time, Master Crane, who was thousands of miles away, also saw the TV report.

Unlike Master Kame, Master Crane could not contact Tien Shinhan and Jiaozi at this time.

At the same time, Master Crane could not contact his younger brother Tao Pai Pai.

Helplessly, Master Crane could only set off for Nandu by himself.

If that arrogant guy is really related to the Kame style.

Master Crane does not mind killing Mark in front of everyone!

Mark's high-profile championship declaration directly changed history.

He had not noticed this so far.

In the villa he had just purchased, Mark was lying on a beach chair, holding a glass of wine, looking at the girls in the swimming pool, and enjoying life.

"Mark, you will definitely win the championship this time, and then it will be time for us to open a branch!"

Baka, who was lying on another beach chair, raised his glass to celebrate for Mark in advance.

However, Mark waved his hand and refused.

"After the World Fighting Championship, I will go out to practice for a while!"

"It is also to prepare for the next World No. 1 Martial Arts Conference!"

"As for the martial arts hall, you should make the decision!"

"As for my salary and dividends, just give them to my lawyer!"

Drinking the remaining wine in the glass in one gulp, Mark got up and rushed into the swimming pool to discuss life with the girls.

The owner of the Baka gym showed anger on his face at first, but then it was covered by helplessness!

Compared with the profit paid to Mark, it is obvious that Mark's income from being listed in the dojo will only be greater!

It's just that Mark's attitude is really a bit annoying.

But this guy is really powerful, even the Chaiba King is not his opponent!

Thinking of this, Baka sighed helplessly.

Mark continued this extravagant life until three days before the competition.

Early in the morning on the 31st, Mark was almost the last to appear at the registration site!

As soon as he got off the car, he saw an interesting scene!

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