The two stood still, and the game started immediately.

Yamcha put his hands together and saluted Mark.

Mark followed suit and saluted in return.

After the greeting, the two of them took their positions.

Mark had just prepared when the system options appeared in front of him.

[Option 1, only use Satan's Iron Fist to defeat Yamcha, and reward 5 points of combat power. ]

[Option 2, only use Kamehameha to defeat Yamcha, and reward 10 points of combat power. ]

[Option 3, use Super Kamehameha to defeat Yamcha, and reward 20 points of combat power. ]

Mark saw the options clearly and analyzed them quickly.

Super Kamehameha was ruled out first.

This move is too powerful, and you will lose strength after using it once.

In a short period of time, your physical strength cannot be restored.

The next game will be difficult!

Besides, if Yamcha is killed again, it will be difficult to explain to Master Roshi.

As for whether to use Satan's Iron Fist or Kamehameha to resolve the battle.

Mark still prefers the former.

Before Mark made up his mind, Yamcha had already made a move.

"Mark! Take my new Wolf Fang Wind Fist!"

Yamcha noticed that Mark was distracted and took the lead.

This move was his strongest move.

Before becoming a disciple of Master Kame.

Yamcha's Wolf Fang Wind Fist was considered a good martial art for ordinary people.

It was similar to the Lion Heart Fist and Eight Hands Fist.

After becoming a disciple, Yamcha also went through a series of training such as hand-to-hand flips, running to deliver milk, swimming with sharks, etc.

His body, strength, speed, reaction, etc. were greatly improved.

Looking back at the boxing he had displayed, he naturally had many loopholes.

After being repaired and upgraded, the lethality of the new Wolf Fang Wind Fist went straight to a higher level.

The five fingers were bent, like wolf claws.

It broke through the air and attacked directly towards Mark!


"Satan's Iron Fist!"

Mark reacted quickly and punched back subconsciously.

In this fight, Mark had no choice.

Mark, who was going all out, had a combat power of 145 points.

And now the Tea God's combat power was only about 70-80.

The difference in strength between the two was very obvious.

Satan's Iron Fist broke through the New Wolf Fang Wind Fist, and continued to rush towards Yamcha with the remaining force.

Feeling the huge force coming from his hand, the Tea God secretly thought it was not good!

He tried his best to twist his body, but still couldn't escape the fate of being hit.


Mark punched Yamcha in the chest.


The Tea God spit out a mouthful of blood and fainted directly!

Seeing this, the referee quickly ran over to check the situation.

Soon, it was announced that Yamcha was not seriously injured, but just fainted, and Mark won!

[The option is completed, and the reward has been issued! ]

At the moment when the referee announced Mark's victory, the system reward took effect in his body.

Mark felt a warm current flowing into his body.

He checked his combat power and it had reached 150 points!

Mark, who didn't care too much, took the opportunity to carry the still fainted Yamcha down the ring.

After a while, Yamcha woke up slowly after slapping his face.

At this time, Teacher Wu Tian on the ring also happened to defeat his opponent.

Yamcha looked at the master on the stage, and then looked at Krillin and Mark who were supporting him.

He said sincerely: "Mark, you are so amazing!"

"I thought I had become very powerful after hard training, but it seems that I still haven't practiced enough!"

"In the next world's number one martial arts competition, I will definitely defeat you!"

Clenching his fists tightly, the tea god regained his fighting spirit.

"No way!" Mark complained in his heart, but he said: "Come on! Try hard!"

In fact, even if Mark slacked off every day for the next two and a half years.

His strength would only be higher than that of the Tea God.

With 150 points of combat power, he would definitely be ranked in the top five in the current martial arts world on Earth.

The only people who can be stronger than him now are Tien Shinhan and Goku.

Mark really can't think of anyone else!

Moreover, this is only temporary.

According to the schedule, he will meet the little bald head Krillin in the next round.

He will also meet Master Kame and Master Crane later.

After a battle, his combat power will definitely increase!

While feeding Yamcha chicken soup, he watched the next game.

Soon, the first round of the game was over.

At the beginning of the second round, Mark and the little bald head walked onto the ring together.

After the salute, Mark once again had options in front of him.

[Option 1, defeat Krillin within one move, and reward breath control. 】

【Option 2, defeat Krillin with one move, and get the Afterimage Fist as a reward! 】

【Note: Breath control is a special martial art mastered by Namekians, which can senseThe enemy's breath strength and position can also hide your own breath. 】

There are only two options this time, and the reward is not combat power, but more rare martial arts.

Especially the control of breath.

This is definitely an ability that all Dragon Ball fighters have.

But it is not easy to obtain.

Krillin is different from Yamcha. He is very flexible in tactics during battle.

It is really difficult to defeat him with one move!

Mark glanced at the little bald head opposite.

This guy did not take the lead like the God of Tea.

Instead, he took a few steps back to ensure a reasonable position.

Mark thought about it and smiled like an auntie: "Don't be nervous, Krillin, I will definitely not hit hard!"

"Don't blink, I'll show you my strongest move!"

After Mark said this, Krillin did not respond, but stared at Mark more cautiously.

Mark was also very satisfied with this situation.

Mark raised his hands slowly to his forehead and roared: "Sun Fist!"

Instantly, a fierce light flashed on Mark's forehead.

The entire ring was completely covered by strong light.

Among the remaining contestants under the ring, only Kame-sen and Crane-sen, who were both wearing sunglasses, looked at Mark with stern faces.

"Damn it! How could this bastard know the moves of Crane-sen Ryu?"

The first one who couldn't hold back was Crane-sen, whose martial arts were stolen by someone else.

He cursed loudly, and Kame-sen heard it clearly.

Ignoring that Krillin was kicked out of the ring by Mark, Kame-sen was thinking about Mark's origins in his mind.

This guy is not simple!

Not only did he learn the Kamehameha of Kame-sen Ryu.

He even secretly learned the moves of Crane Old Ghost.

What on earth is going on?

Kame-sen was puzzled.

However, the confusion in the hearts of these two old men has nothing to do with Mark.

After kicking Krillin out of the ring, the system reward was directly credited.

Mark was worried that the kick that sent Krillin flying would be counted as a victory.

The system defaulted that this kick was an extension of the Sun Fist!

So, the reward was breath control!

Almost in an instant, the knowledge about breath control went directly into Mark's mind.

"He... Huh..."

With one breath in and one breath out, Mark tried to control his breath directly on the ring.

And outside the ring, Kame-sennin and Crane-sennin directly noticed the changes in Mark!

He was still the curly-haired boy, but his breath felt more obscure!

It felt a bit vague!

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