Solar system, Neptune defense line.

Countless laser beams cut through the starry sky.

Under the dense artillery fire, about one-tenth of the ships in Frieza's army exploded!

Soldiers who could not survive in space died instantly.

But there were still many soldiers who survived!

However, Neptune was too far away from the earth.

They could not land on the earth in time just by flying.

Frieza, who was obsessed with landing on the earth and killing Mark, didn't care about the lives of these people at all.

He ordered a full-scale charge, and the Frieza army suffered heavy losses for a while.

However, relying on the advantage in numbers.

An hour later, the Frieza army broke through the defense lines of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars in succession!

After losing nearly 60% of its troops, the first ship also landed on the earth smoothly!

The battle to defend the earth officially began.

"Goku, Piccolo, go and help destroy the senior generals of the Frieza Corps!"

"Leave it to me, Frieza and his son!"

Seeing the enemy spaceships landing in all directions, Mark took the lead.

Each of Goku and his men has a combat power of about 10 million.

It is no exaggeration to say that there is no pressure to deal with these minions.

On the other hand, Mark is under great pressure!

After Frieza completed the mechanical ascension, his combat power did not decrease but increased.

According to the detection results of the high-power detector, this guy's combat power reached about 140 million.

And another powerful energy reaction, the combat power detected was also over 100 million.

There is no doubt that this must be Frieza and his son.

Locked by breath and detectors at the same time.

Mark soon came to the landing site of Frieza and his son.

The flying disc-shaped spaceship landed, and Frieza and his son flew out first.

"Oh, oh, oh! Long time no see, Mr. Satan!"

The well-mannered Frieza was the first to greet Mark.

Mark looked at Frieza with a strange expression, which made the king very unhappy.

"Mr. Satan, you look at me like this, do you not welcome me to visit the earth?"

Frieza asked Mark sensitively, and Mark smiled and said: "Of course you welcome me, after all, you came to the door yourself, and I don't have to run back and forth!"

"But I have a little doubt, I hope you can answer it for me!"

"Oh?! What questions does Mr. Satan have? Just ask! It's my privilege to you, so that you can die with your eyes closed!"

The two of them were tit-for-tat, and their words were full of gunpowder.

Mark heard the king say this, grinned and asked: "I wonder who revealed that my hometown is the earth? I want to know the truth..."

"Sure enough, as I expected, Captain Ginyu, you tell it!"

Frieza put his fists on his waist and directly ordered Captain Ginyu to explain the situation.

Captain Ginyu, who was a middle school student, also felt great pressure when facing Mark.

He didn't do that disgusting move, but directly stabbed Sandraman out.

Mark, who suddenly realized, sighed: "I have thought about it so much, but I actually forgot about it!"

"All doubts are solved, shall we start now?"

"Of course!"

Frieza gritted his teeth and spat out two words, and then a strong breath burst out of his body!

The body did not get bigger! The muscles did not expand.

But Frieza's combat power reached 140 million!

Such a change is enough to make Mark sigh: "I didn't expect that you have improved so much in just over half a year? You are really a genius of the Frozen Demon Clan, amazing!"

Mark's words were not a compliment, but a sincere sigh.

Without waiting for Frieza to speak, Mark pointed to the King of Kurd and asked: "Is this the King of Kurd? Don't you father and son need to join forces?"

To be honest, the moment Mark asked this question.

King Kurd felt his body suddenly sink!

His combat power of 100 million was directly suppressed to a little over 50 million!

Title - Punch the Nursing Home, start!

When Mark saw all this through the detector, he was secretly happy - this title finally worked!

Mark dared to fight two at a time.

This is also the confidence!

After saying this, the system options appeared in front of Mark.

[Option 1, be the first to kill King Kurd, and reward the special skill - Vacuum Breathing. ]

[Option 2, be the first to kill Frieza, and reward the special skill - Instant Movement. ]

[Note 1: Vacuum Breathing - a special skill to survive in space by consuming the breath in the body. ]

[Note 2: Instant Movement - the version of the Yadrat Starman. ]

Both options are very good, but Mark prefers the former!

Without waiting for Frieza to react, Mark took the lead.

However, the target was King Kurd!

This guy is the weakest, let's deal with him first!

10After the five-fold King-Fist was unleashed, Mark's combat power instantly soared to 225 million!

In the past six months, Frieza has made great progress.

Mark was not idle either.

Except for occasionally accompanying Tais, he spent most of his time adapting to higher gravity.

At present, Mark can already train normally under 150 times gravity.

The King-Fist multiple that can be tolerated has also reached 15 times!

With such hard training, the basic combat power naturally increases, reaching 15 million!

With nearly 230 million combat power, to deal with the Kurdish King who only has 50 million.

Before this guy could react, Mark had already appeared behind him!


A punch blasted open the combat uniform he was wearing.

Enter from the back and hit from the chest.

Mark held a lavender heart in his hand.

Puff! Puff!

The heart was still beating, but his master, the Kurdish King, looked at all this in disbelief.

"Sorry, I didn't expect you to be so fragile! I'll give you a ride!"

"Go to hell and repent! Bastard!"

Mark pulled his hand out of King Kurd's chest and blasted out a burst of magic waves.

King Kurd, who had completely lost his fighting power, instantly turned into a bloody mess!

[Confirm the option, the reward has been issued! ]

At the moment when King Kurd was killed.

The system reward has been issued.

The vacuum breathing method was directly imprinted in Mark's mind.

After a simple try, Mark found that he didn't need to breathe!

In addition, a thin protective layer will be formed around the body.

In the universe, in addition to the lack of oxygen, there are also various radiation attacks.

This layer of protection is used to resist cosmic rays!

This skill is really good, especially when encountering a guy like Frieza who doesn't follow martial ethics!

Last time, Mark stopped Frieza from blowing up the planet on Camilla.

I'm afraid this guy can't beat me, so he will fly directly into space to attack!

No matter what, as long as I learn this vacuum breathing method.

Even if Frieza doesn't follow martial ethics, Mark won't be completely passive!

Sure enough, just as Mark attacked the Queen of Kurd.

Frieza immediately turned around and flew into space!

Seeing this, Mark was about to chase him, but he saw the system option again!

[Option 1, kill Frieza in space, reward special skill - instant movement (Yardratt version). ]

[Option 2, kill Frieza on Earth, reward special skill - instant movement (Jebit version). ]

This is getting interesting!

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