The edge of the North Galaxy, a planet named Lujia Star, is located on the edge, has little strategic significance, and the environment is extremely harsh, belonging to desert planets, there are a large number of desert monsters, and the value is not very high.

Of course, occasionally there are rich people who buy such planets for the construction of special attractions or to keep pets that require special climatic conditions, which still has certain strategic significance.

After investigation, the strongest biological combat power on the planet is only 684, which happens to be used as a penal colony after the birth of lower-level warriors.

The fighting nation Saiyan, the notorious race of the universe, warlike and cruel, has become more and more bad since it was adopted by the Kurds, and they have been fighting everywhere with scientific and technological assistance, slaughtering the planet's indigenous peoples, and then selling the planet at a high price in exchange for living materials and advanced technology.

Among them, babies born as low-level warriors will be cultivated in the cultivator for a period of time, instilling some Saiyan knowledge, basic energy manipulation and flying skills, and exiling them after finding a suitable planet.

Yes, exile, either complete the mission and allow the return, or fail the mission and die in battle, and then send other warriors to continue to attack the planet. It can be described as very cruel, and he has no pity for his cubs; Of course, intermediate fighters and advanced fighters are counted separately.

Vitalis, a lower-level warrior born with only 42 combat power, was assigned to the Lujia Star.

The endless sea of sand, rugged sand dunes, no vegetation, lifeless, perhaps because during the day, all kinds of monsters sleep in their territory, waiting for the arrival of their prey and the arrival of night.

A fireball suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance, with a tail dragged by a spark, quickly and forcefully smashed into the sea of sand, and the powerful force made a large pit appear in the sea of sand, and the gravel at the bottom even melted.

I saw a small white ball in the center of the bunker, and if you entered the interstellar era civilization, you could recognize this as the Kurdish Legion's standard single-person spacecraft at a glance. Fast speed, fast flight speed, convenient take-off and landing, high endurance, is the Kurdish corps fighting at the forefront of the fighters favorite of the fighters, of course, the native civilization can not be happy to see it.

Because this kind of pill spacecraft, in the Kurdish Legion, only those who have the ability to fight alone, the trash fish and the top are on large spaceships, and only a few special forces and Saiyans use this type of spacecraft on a large scale.

So seeing this spaceship means that the countdown to the destruction of this civilization has begun.

"Let me see, is there a small deflated three with combat power 5..." The smoke cleared, the hatch opened, and a short figure came out.

The hedgehog head that rushes into the sky, a strand of bangs in front of the left forehead naturally hangs down, and the left eye is wearing the latest combat effectiveness detector, although he is wearing the same combat uniform as a miscellaneous fish, but he looks like a protagonist.

Vitalis is still very satisfied with his appearance, although he is cannon fodder, and the protagonist Sun Wukong, who is also a lower-level fighter, has the same face, but it is much better than other lower-level fighters who are also assigned to this face, at least assigned to normal skin color, not as black as Darens, and also assigned the hairstyle of Goku Super Two, and enjoyed this handsomeness in advance.

Super Two Goku has a kind of cold coolness, and Vitalis' black hair and black eyes are more soft and handsome.

Vitalis is happy with his image.

"Didi Di Di Di ..."

"Oh, the highest combat effectiveness is actually more than seven hundred, really unreliable, really a barbaric people, no wonder the Saiyan population does not go up, it is really irresponsible, the strongest one is only more than six hundred, and do not consider the real-time update of detection data, just send the child out

" "The distance is only a hundred kilometers? Slipped away, there is still half a month before the next full moon of this planet, I can't afford to mess with it" I saw Vitalis raise the takeoff boat with one hand and quickly flew into the distance.

"Wow, after sleeping for a year and a half, my combat power has actually reached 78, the highest combat power of this planet is 734, this wave of ah advantage is in me, 780VS734, how can I lose?" Could it be that those people also take into account the possibility of the existence of native creatures becoming stronger in time, so they also take into account the variables of the growth of Saiyan cubs in the travel time? Am I wrong about them? "During the strategic retreat, I took time to look at my combat effectiveness. I found that my current self is much stronger than when I was born.

"But the lower-level warrior has no human rights, only six months after he was born, he was thrown into a spaceship for a year and a half of space navigation, and came to this damn planet to perform a slaughter mission, and sure enough, the gap between him and his previous life was too big..." Vitalis

was a person from another world in his previous life, where Saiyan, Frieza, and Kurd were all characters from a manga called Dragon Ball.

Because I stayed up late to read novels and play games, I didn't rest well, I didn't step on it when I got up in the morning to go to work and go downstairs, and I rolled down directly, and I don't know about the follow-up, but since I came to this world, I think it's already burping.

Retracting his thoughts, he flew for about twenty minutes, and saw a rift valley about ten meters wide and a hundred meters long in front of him, and it was estimated that he could not find a better place to live, and Vitalis flew towards the bottom of the valley.

"Just find a cave to live in for a while, rely on the life-support system of the spacecraft for a while, and go to Earth when the combat effectiveness is almost there" As for the mission? Joke, go to the earth to open up for yourself, and when he goes back, he will become the king, this task is still left to other people to do!

Luckily, I found a cave, but there were a group of unknown creatures with single-digit combat effectiveness, and the double-digit Vitalis naturally did not care, and walked in with the spaceship.

According to the position displayed by the detector, a few places were randomly selected, and one was rewarded with a small energy egg, the power is equivalent to an ordinary grenade, and the slag with single-digit combat effectiveness has no possibility of survival. Sensing that life was threatened, detectors showed that those alive fled quickly.

Sure enough, having power is different, and from beginning to end, Vitalis did not see what these creatures looked like, and it was easily solved.

Fortunately, the internal space of the cave is still large, the structure is also very stable, and it has not collapsed after several small explosions.

Go to the depths and put the ship down and sit cross-legged next to the ship.

Stretch out your finger and carve the words Earth, Super God Water, Sendou, Spirit Time House, Dragon Ball, Namex Star Dragon, Super Dragon Ball, and Adrat Star on the rocks on the ground.

"Hey, the earth is worthy of being the protagonist's old nest, not only many major events are happening on the earth, but also has so many treasures, with Saiyan blood, taking off in a short time is not a dream" "It's

now the year 732 of the new universe, Frieza just took over the legion, about five or six years the Saiyans will be destroyed, have to rise before the Saiyans are destroyed, it's a pity that the Saiyans are destroyed... I have to try my best to save the Saiyans, it is best to kill the Frieza father and son

, one hundred" "The combat power of Wukong in the Z period seems to be more than three hundred, boldly speculate that the current turtle immortal is about one hundred, the god counts that it has three hundred, give the god some face, the others are not threatening, for the sake of safety, exercise for a period of time, and go to the earth after about four hundred combat effectiveness"

To this end, Vitalis made a series of cultivation plans, get up at eight o'clock every morning, meditate for two hours, start running at ten o'clock, run for two hours, go to the spacecraft at twelve o'clock to supplement nutrition and take a nap by the way, get up at two o'clock in the afternoon to do an hour push-ups, squat for one hour, sit-ups for an hour, and then go to the spacecraft to supplement nutrition, start meditation at six o'clock, and go to bed on time at eight o'clock at night.

After making a series of training plans, Vitalis felt that he would soon be able to punch Frieza, step on Kurd, King God Realm, and Realm King God kneel to the Time Ring, lead the Super Saiyan God Legion to fight in various time and space, and become the strongest in all dimensions!

When the God of Destruction saw it, he had to hand over a cigarette and shout.

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