Powerful power, blowing everything around you, golden light dispersed.

Leaked out Vegeta III and Vitalis.

The golden king has hair and eyebrows, and Vegeta III's golden beard.

Cold and emotionless emerald green eyes.

Neither the Kurds nor Frieza dared to look directly.

Take advantage of the Kurdish and Frieza to be stunned.

Vitalis and Vegeta III quickly approached.

The strong golden light of "Fusion ~ Fusion" erupted again.

The gap in basic combat power is too large, and seeing that Vegeta III has also become a Super Saiyan, Vitalis contacts Vegeta III and chooses to fuse.

The powerful force attracted the violent Broly, and Gula took the opportunity to come to the Kurdish side. He took a fairy bean from Frieza. Almost beaten to death, damn Frieza, it was he who gave such a much stronger warrior a chance to grow.

The same damned Kurds, who don't know who to learn from, also waved so much, giving birth to two powerful Super Saiyans, and now the two fused, feeling the furious breath, and the murderous aura against their father and son, Gula felt ashamed to be with Kurd and Frieza.

It's all fucking too waves.

Fortunately, with Tagula, fused with the Kurds, it should be possible to suppress this person.

If Frieza and Kurds come, they will be defeated.

"Father, we also melt... Okay? Before he finished speaking, Gula's eyes flickered, and his father disappeared, replaced by a strange warrior standing in his father's position.

A wisp of bangs hung in front of his forehead and moved with the wind, a sky-rushing killing Matt hairstyle, and his turquoise eyes swept over Gura, making Gula's careful liver tremble. (Similar to Gogeta Eight, the protagonist is Goku with super two-hairstyle, and Vegeta III and Vegeta are also very similar, so it is probably the appearance of Gogeta, but with the same beard of Vegeta III, it should be a middle-aged uncle's version of Gogeta)

"Fusion~ It seems that you do know a lot of things, not only learned the control and perception of qi, but also learned fusion?" The voice with the voices of Vitalis and Vegeta III sounded.

"The fusion of Vitalis and Vegeta~ Well, it's not easy to choose a name, just call Vigeta" Holding his hands, the fusion warrior said.

"It may be troublesome for you to merge with the Kurds, although I would like to fight with your fusion, but please die first... Now I don't have the qualifications to wave," Vikita said lightly as she looked at Gula.

His eyes fixed on Gula who slowly retreated.

"Don't kill me, I was forced by the Kurds, it was the Kurds and Frieza who enslaved you Saiyans, I didn't participate, and I am today; I didn't kill a single Saiyan, it was all the hands of Kurd and Frieza..." Feeling his body out of control, Gula hurriedly said.

"Go and die... Dead Monkey" The flying Kurdish held a huge ball of energy and smashed it towards Vigeta.

Seeing that Vikita was attracted by Gura, Frieza rushed to Vikita at the same time, jumped up and kicked Vikita in the waist.

Fusion, powerful tricks.

In the blink of an eye, it turns things up and down.

Easily dodged Frieza's kick and sent Frieza high into the air.

Stretching out his finger a little, the energy bomb in Kurd's hand was flicked into the universe.

Grabbing Kurd's hand and throwing it at Frieza, he came first and crashed into Frieza.

Holding out his right hand to Gura, a small colored ball flew out, and Gura flew into the air with him, chasing his father and brother.

In a few moves, Xingyun flowed in one go, and several people had no power to resist.

At the moment when the three converged, a burst of colored light flashed, there was no explosion, no gunsmoke, and the father and son also disappeared.

Without a single residue left, he quietly went to Hades.

Whether to go to heaven or hell, that is Hades' business, but unfortunately Vigeta is still very weak and has not been able to extinguish the souls of the three.

In one minute, from the end of transformation, fusion, to the elimination of father and son, no more than one minute; The fusion warriors are terrifying.

And Broly, who has already stormed away and lost his goal.

Rushed to Vikita.

Losing his mind, great power needs a catharsis.

"A rare opportunity to play with you..." looked at Broly, who rushed towards him.

Vigeta rushed forward and grabbed Broly's face and knocked him down.

"In another place, Planet Vegeta can't withstand our battle anymore..." Grabbing Broly to teleport, he came to a barren planet.

The thin oxygen makes the planet basically lifeless, but for the two, it is just right as a battlefield.

Facing the big hand on his face, Broly's mouth began to condense strength.

After thinking about it, Vigeta did not dare to press back, after all, it was her own person.

Removing his hand, he gave Broly a scraper and let Broly's energy spray into the air.

Because Broly has not yet mastered his powers, Vitalis has not let Broly learn other tricks before.

After the current Broly ran away, he learned Frieza and Gula's fighting skills through fights with Frieza and Gura.

There is a strong shadow of Frieza and Gula between the moves.

It's a pity that this doesn't suit Broly.

So Vigeta started feeding Broly.

The skills that Vegeta III fights, Vitalis learns skills on Earth, and is constantly used by Vigeta to beat Broly.

The rampage Broly instinctively learns the enemy's tricks and becomes more powerful.

Twenty minutes later...

At this time, Broly's simple strength had caught up with the Kurds just now, but perhaps close to the limit of his age, and the speed of becoming stronger began to slow down as early as ten minutes ago.

Perhaps if it continues, it will seriously overdraw Broly's potential, and he is afraid that the car will be counter-killed by Broly, and Vigeta stunned Broly with a knife.

Holding Broly, who had returned to normal, Vigeta returned to Planet Vegeta.

Perhaps the surviving Saiyan warriors informed the people in the Spirit Time House that there are now a large number of Saiyans cleaning up the battlefield.

Search for the remnants of the tribesmen, level the land, and several powerful warriors who use their own strength to calm the erupting volcano and suppress the storm with their own momentum.

Looking at what was in front of him, Vigeta was speechless for a long time.

The other Saiyans saw Vigeta and did not bother.

Until the moment before the fusion was lifted, Vigeta glanced at the sky, and the powerful force dispersed the dark clouds in the sky, and the

sun shone on the earth again.

The light flashed, and Vikita split in two.

Fortunately, Paragas did not die, but was stunned and found by the searching warriors.

At this time, he held his son and left tears of emotion.

He survived death, and as the father of the savior Broly, he is now in a very emotional mood.

Looking at Paragas, who was holding his son, Vegeta III's hands trembled slightly.

His hands have killed countless creatures in his life, fast and steady, but today, he trembled several times.

Looking at Vegeta III's appearance, Vitalis smiled gratifyingly.

He knew that he had really changed these Saiyans, who were ruthless and ruthless, but once they were emotional, then emotions would become their most powerful source of strength.

At this time, Saiyans will abandon self-respect, abandon glory, and be crazy for feelings.

Papped Vegeta III on the shoulder.

"Don't be in a daze, start cleaning the battlefield and rebuild our home, you don't want little Vegeta to see you after he is resurrected, do you?" Vitalis said.

"Resurrection? Can it really be done? Looking at the departing back of Vitalis, Vegeta III decided to trust the change-making king once again.

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