The Maruko spaceship rowed across the sky, landed strongly, and landed on the outskirts. Afraid of being injured by mistake, did not dare to fall in the city, the devil knows if there are masters to experience life here.

Some people flew to the sky, intending to see the liveliness, to see if it was a baby, not a baby to see the lively is also very good, but seeing this unique spaceship, quickly ran away, and even the timid have begun to start the spacecraft, intending to escape overnight.

This is unique to the Frieza Legion, and the personnel who ride are often ruthless people on annihilation missions, and their kills often need to be calculated by planet, cleaning up the aborigines, selling them to homeless and homeless rich people at a high price, and giving them assistance.

The current boss is the biggest real estate boss in the universe: Frieza. The former boss was also a well-known Kurdish.

Who doesn't get stunned when they see it?

That was a force that the Galaxy Patrol did not dare to touch.

Although he knew that the planet was a legitimate commercial legion recognized by the Frieza Legion, Frieza was the law, and the madman loved to watch fireworks, and no one dared to bet that Frieza would destroy the planet.

People who saw or indirectly knew the news of the violent landing of the Maruko spacecraft, the powerful basically ran away immediately.

Vitalis didn't know what a sensation he had caused, and he didn't care if he knew it.

At this time, he was flying towards the city, intending to find something delicious to eat first.

After walking around, I finally saw the food in the universe, and more strange delicacies than the dark cuisine passed down in the previous life abounded, such as a restaurant opened by a giant race, the pot boss, an unknown creature similar to an elephant, simply slaughtered and skinned and then thrown into it head-to-head, added some colorful condiments and covered the pot and began to cook.

Vitalis also flew up curiously to see, thanks to the good genes of the Saiyan, he had good eyesight and clearly saw the unknown creature's eyes wide, as if he wanted to use this godless eyes to see who had eaten it later.

Watching Vitalis, he was sick to his stomach, retched twice, looked at the chef with the giant kitchen knife, smiled awkwardly, and quickly left.

Resisting the thought of wanting to cut people, the chef is very annoyed, and actually gags on top of his good dish, which is to think his signature dish is disgusting? Isn't this insulting?

Feeling that his cooking skills were trampled on, he couldn't wait to chop the little garbage with two cuts. It's a pity that the iconic combat suit, the tail coiled around the waist, all tell him what the identity of this person is, this is someone who can't be provoked.

Dismissing the intention of dining on this planet, a passerby was arrested and asked where the spaceship was being sold and went straight to the destination.

After explaining the intention, he was taken to a room by an octopus head, which should be a high-class living room, simple decoration, white walls and ceilings, but the placement is not simple, I don't know what creatures have skulls, horns, fur, it seems that these creatures were very powerful when they were alive.

"It seems that no matter where you are, merchants are shrewd" As a Saiyan, how could Vitalis not see that the decorations of this room were very much in line with the preferences of Saiyans, Saiyans love to fight, and some warriors also have the habit of taking home the symbols of their prey after victory to show their strength and achievements.

Presumably if Vitalis were another race, it is estimated that he would not have been brought here.

Unfortunately, today Vitalis is not here to shop honestly.

At this time, the door opened, and a fish beauty walked in, yes, walked into a combination of fish and beauty, the lower body is humanoid, the head is a fish head, don't say, the figure is great, it's a pity.

"Powerful Saiyan warrior, hello, Ali Yurenqiang serves you wholeheartedly, may I ask you what you need..." People should not look, don't look at the head of the fish, the voice is very good. It's a pity that the mouth is on the top of the head, and the big eyes on the sides of the head also look at the mad.

So Vitalis doesn't plan to stay long.

"I am the Frieza Legion, the warrior of the strongest fighting nation Saiyan in the universe, King Frieza's number one horse boy Dodoria, you can call me Mr. Doria" Vitalis interrupted the mermaid and introduced himself as he walked to the window and looked out.

"This time I was ordered to go to Baba Star for a crusade mission, but the halfway spaceship was damaged, so I came here to buy a spaceship, now listen to me, I will say that there are fewer items next, you will explode with this planet!"

"Well... Okay sir, you wait a minute, I'll turn on the company's internal voice, from now on, the company will do its best to serve you" Hearing what Vitalis said, Yu Mei trembled and took out something similar to Big Brother, it seems that he is also a person who has seen the big world, and he was not scared and paralyzed.

"I want a 10,000-meter-class aircraft carrier, equipped with twelve 100-meter-class warships, by the way, go next door and fill me with a hundred servings of three-year high-grade nutrient solution, give you thirty minutes, delay the fighter, your race will disappear in this universe

, understand" "Ming ~ understand" wiped the cold sweat, the mermaid replied cautiously.

"Go down, get ready to call me"

The mermaid was amnestied, almost snatched the door and fled, fortunately this is an automatic induction door, there is no opening and closing of the door. Otherwise, it is estimated that opening and closing the door will torture this timid mermaid to death.

Looking at the mermaid who fled from the desert, Vitalis did not feel good in his heart.

This is the world of the strong, the Frieza Legion is famous, after all, Frieza at this stage is the undisputed emperor of the universe, and the vast majority of cosmic people only know Frieza, do not know the realm king god, let alone the destruction god.

So Frieza, who sets off fireworks in the universe from time to time, is a well-deserved uncrowned king.

Vitalis also had no choice this time, so he had to buy a zero yuan in the name of Frieza, after all, as a Saiyan cub, a lower-level warrior, or a scum who did not complete the task, where did the money come from?

The Maruko spaceship does not dare to drive to Earth, even if no one cares about a low-level warrior, but what if someone is curious about his dynamics? A Saiyan lower-level warrior who is only a few years old, does not complete the task well, runs around, and the destination is clear, if you track it down and send someone to follow the earth, then it will be the end of the calf.

After the destruction of the Saiyans, Frieza and his men are estimated not to care, but now that the Saiyans have not perished, Frieza is estimated to pay attention to the movements of all Saiyans, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, Vitalis does not dare to gamble, and is not qualified to gamble.

Therefore, I can only go around such a large circle and try to ensure that it is safe to go to the earth.

"Today I borrow the name of Frieza, I will remember your contribution to Frieza, my starting capital depends on you, thank you for your contribution to my future defeat of the evil universe emperor Frieza, when the time comes, it will be better to punch you less" After making a joke on his inner self, Vitalis once again strengthened his determination.

Everything is to clear the obstacles, to stand at the top of the scenery, to live freely and happily.

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