The Demonized Super One-Star Dragon immediately took a fighting stance after seeing Dalot, locking onto its prey like a hunter.

The next second, it gathered strength in its legs and burst out at an extremely terrifying speed in a short period of time, running towards Dalot like an aurora.

""So fast!" Such a rapid speed made Dalot, who was in full power, exclaim in surprise.

The huge iron fist ruthlessly smashed towards Dalot's face.

‘Boom!!!! ' A loud bang.

The powerful iron fist hit Dalot's arms.

The terrifying force caused ripples in the space. The ground under Dalot's feet shattered and his legs were embedded in the mud.

It was just a punch. He barely blocked it with all his strength at the full power of the first stage of Super Saiyan.

"This place is really interesting, it's just an illusion created, but it has a stronger fighting power than the real thing!" Dalot grinned as he stabilized his body tremblingly.

While Dalot was talking, the offensive of the Demonized Super One-Star Dragon did not weaken, but became more fierce and sharp.

The huge fist, carrying a terrifying destructive force of overwhelming power, poured down towards Dalot.

Suddenly, Dalot's pressure doubled.

Caught off guard, the Demonized Super One-Star Dragon seized the flaw and kicked him away.

This is not over yet.

The Demonized Super One-Star Dragon teleported to the position where Dalot was about to arrive, clasped his hands, and smashed down with a sledgehammer.

Dalot, who was hit hard, fell like a cannonball and hit the ground fiercely.

The stinging pain on his back made him involuntarily take a breath.

"This blow... is really painful!" Enduring the stinging pain in his back, a golden light flashed in Dalot's eyes.

The energy pool hidden in his body was mobilized by him again.

This time, he directly crossed the peak of Super Saiyan 2 and entered the extreme state of Super Saiyan 3.

The normal increase of 600 times raised his combat power to a terrifying 9 grooves.

Blue and white arcs jumped up and down all over his body, and Dalot's breath became more and more terrifying.

His cold eyes looked at the phantom above, the Demonized Super One-Star Dragon.

Even Sun Wukong and Vegeta in the local time and space may not be able to force him to use the combat power of Super Saiyan 3, but the phantom created by the Dark Forest through this weird ability did it.

This is really a frightening and terrifying place.

After adjusting his state, Dalot rushed towards the Demonized One-Star Dragon.

Super Saiyan As a third-level human, he is so powerful. This overwhelming fighting power is much stronger than when he faced the Demonized One-Star Dragon in the form of Super Saiyan 4.

In just a blink of an eye, the Demonized Super One-Star Dragon was easily killed, and then the phantoms of Super Baby and Super No. 17 were destroyed.

However, these have no corpses after all, they are just phantom copies created by the Dark Forest with its strange ability.

Unless you can have no distractions, drive away everything, and completely empty your mind, you will not be entangled by these defeated opponents.

Dalot naturally knew this, but now is not the time for him to have no distractions.

The main purpose of his coming to the Dark Forest is to fight again with the enemies he had fought before.

It would be too boring to end the training like this.


The surrounding space was rippled.

The phantom copy that was killed by Dalot just now appeared again, and its size became larger than before, and its strength became more terrifying.

Not only that, some people who were defeated by Dalot in GT also appeared.

Frieza, Cooler, King Cold, Cell, Evil Thought, Hildegang, Evil Kid Buu...

These people are all opponents that Dalot has encountered before.

"Good man, this place is a replica of all the enemies I have ever met. Well, let me experience the feeling of fighting with you. After all, there is only one evil dragon, which is not enough for me to warm up my body." Dalot moved his arms, his eyes lit up with a high desire to fight, and smiled.

The next second, the ten evil warriors led by the demonized super one-star dragon rushed towards Dalot at the same time.

Facing the attacks of these counterfeiters, Dalot was not afraid and rushed forward.

In his words, just do it!!


On the other side of the earth.

On Kame Island.

Sun Wukong, who was sent back from the eleventh universe by King Kai, rushed to the island where Master Kame lived as soon as possible.

There is only one way to deal with Zamasu's immortality, and that is Mafuba!

Back then, his master Master Kame risked his life to use Mafuba to seal the first generation of Piccolo.

Of course, his death was caused by his own lack of strength and forcibly using Mafuba.

His strength is tens of thousands of times stronger than Zamasu.

It's not an exaggeration to want to seal a little Zamasu?

When he came to Kame Island, Sun Wukong visited Master Kame.

After learning about his beloved disciple's needs, Master Kame was also stunned. He didn't expect that this Mafuba, which had been forgotten for many years, could come in handy at this moment.

Master Kame was also a little proud because he could teach Sun Wukong again. Although the opponent's strength was already far different from his, it was undeniable that he was still Sun Wukong's teacher, a lifelong teacher.

There are still many mysterious things about him that Sun Wukong cannot learn.

For a genius like Sun Wukong, practicing Mafuba is a piece of cake. He only needs to watch Master Kame perform it once to learn it perfectly. He taught Sun Wukong the method of performing Mafuba, and also gave him the Sealing Magic Jar and Sealing Talisman that he had stored.

Just when Sun Wukong got the things and was about to leave, Master Kame called him back.

"Hey, Wukong."Master Roshi shouted to Sun Wukong who was about to leave.

""What's wrong? Grandpa, is there anything else you want to tell me?" Sun Wukong stopped and turned to ask.

Turtle Hermit hesitated and shook his head after a moment's hesitation.

"Goku,���Do you remember why you wanted to practice to become stronger in the first place?" asked Master Turtle helplessly.

"The reason why I first practiced……"Muttering to himself, Sun Wukong recalled the past training scenes in his mind.

At first, he didn't know why he wanted to become stronger. It seemed that he wanted to protect Bulma from getting hurt while collecting dragon balls, and also to become stronger himself... until more and more powerful enemies appeared later, forcing him to become stronger to protect them.

"Become stronger……"Sun Wukong subconsciously uttered two words.

Get stronger.

Get stronger, just get stronger, there is no other reason.

After getting this expected answer, Master Roshi sighed helplessly. This disciple has changed.

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