Son Goku:"Vegeta, who do you choose?"

Vegeta:"Do I need to choose? Of course it's the guy who has the same face as you and is equally annoying."

As soon as they came up, the two began to discuss who would deal with Black Goku.

Son Goku did not compete with him, but instead stared at Zamasu next to Black Goku with eagerness.

He had no intention of actively dealing with Black Goku, and after a year of training in the Spirit Time Chamber, Vegeta's strength was much stronger than his current strength.

"Then, let me deal with Zamasu. I will seal him! Vegeta, don't lose. Last time, you lost miserably."Sun Wukong's mouth rose and fell slightly, and he teased.

""Hmph~~!! What a joke! I can beat the real you, so why would I be afraid of the fake you?!" Vegeta snorted disdainfully.

The next second, both of them simultaneously displayed their strongest states.

Super Saiyan God Blue!

After a year of training in the Spiritual Time Chamber, Vegeta's Super Saiyan Blue has been cultivated to the limit, reaching the point of full power, and the increase in combat power has also reached 10,000 times the normal level.

His combat power soared to 2200 穰.

After Sun Wukong was resurrected from the brink of death, his normal combat power also reached 1500 秭, but now his Super Saiyan God Blue realm is slightly inferior to Vegeta's, and his normal combat power increase is still only 8000 times.

This also caused his combat power to be only 1200 穰.

"Humph~~!! You Saiyans who don't know your own limits, you finally managed to save your life, but you still want to come and die again. I will never let you go this time."The Qi sword in his hand condensed, and Black Goku raised the corner of his mouth and said with an evil smile.

"You are the one who overestimates your own abilities! Dark Man!!!" Vegeta shouted, and rushed out with a rage, heading straight for Black Goku.

This sudden attack made Black Goku somewhat unresponsive, and he subconsciously caught Vegeta's punch.

The moment he blocked the fist, the force coming from it made Black Goku feel something was wrong.

【Huh?! This guy's power has suddenly increased a lot! 】 Black Goku thought to himself as his pupils shrank suddenly.

Without distraction, Vegeta's offensive was continuous and dangerous like a violent storm.

For a moment, Black Goku was suppressed and was constantly forced back by Vegeta. In a blink of an eye, he was thousands of meters away.

From beginning to end, Vegeta had an overwhelming advantage. Although the difference in combat power between the two sides was not very large, Vegeta's combat experience far exceeded that of Black Goku.

Whether it was close combat or the timing of grabbing and attacking, it was just right. Black Goku was beaten without any chance to fight back.

"Something is wrong!"Zamasu realized that something was wrong and was about to rush over to help Black Goku, but was kicked over by Super Saiyan Blue Goku.

""What are you looking at? Your opponent is me." Sun Wukong looked at Zamasu nonchalantly and said.

He already understood Zamasu's ability. He was just immortal, and his fighting power was just so-so. The kick just now could have killed this guy.

However, his immortality forced him to save his life.

"Stop talking nonsense to God! Humans!!" Zamasu stood up and glared at Son Goku with a ferocious look.

"I have fought with you in the past world. Your strength is just like this. To be honest, I am quite disappointed because you couldn't even take a single blow from me. You just used the Super Dragon Balls to become immortal, so you have the capital to fight me."Sun Wukong stared at Zamasu and explained word by word what happened in the past time and space.

Zamasu was surprised for a while when he was found out how he became immortal.

""I see. No wonder you knew I became immortal and have seen me in the past world? Then, how will you deal with me who has an immortal body? Even if you are as strong as you, the strongest warrior of the fighting nation, Son Goku, you may not be able to break my immortal body, right?" After being discovered, Zamasu's smile is as proud as it can be.

He still has this arrogant attitude, thinking that his immortal body is invincible, and no one in this world can stop him!

"It is true that I cannot break your immortality, but isn't it enough to just seal you?" Sun Wukong did not intend to hide it at this moment, and took out the sealing jar given to him by Master Kame from behind.

"Huh?! Just relying on... this little thing, you also want to seal me?!"After hearing what Son Goku said and seeing that the container used to seal him was just a shabby little clay pot, Zamasu laughed out loud, his eyes full of contempt and disdain.

"Humans are so pathetic and pitiful. Has your cognition reached this point? Do you think this broken clay pot can seal me, a god? Come on, I'll give you a chance. I'll stand here and I'll see how you can seal the god!" Zamasu shouted wildly.

He even put himself within the attack range of Sun Wukong.

His immortal body gave him enough confidence. Even if he faced the strongest warrior of the fighting nation, Sun Wukong, he would not panic at all.

"Arrogant guy, then experience it! Mafuha!!"The golden opportunity is right in front of him, and there is no way Son Goku will not seize it.

With a loud shout, he opened his hands, and a dark green light spread out like a tornado. Zamasu was swept by this light and became out of control.

He panicked, completely panicked.

【Damn it! What kind of trick is this?! Zamasu was terrified.

The Mafuha restricted his movements and controlled his body to fly towards a certain place. He looked closely and saw that it was the inconspicuous broken clay pot that Sun Wukong had just called the container used to seal him.

"Drink~!"With a muffled roar, Zamasu rushed into the broken clay pot.

The Mafuha was successfully performed, and Sun Wukong quickly sealed the top of the clay pot with a lid and affixed the sealing talisman given to him by Master Roshi.

Zamasu, a god with an immortal body, was sealed so easily.

"call~��Finally it worked. I didn't expect this guy to be so conceited that I could take advantage of him. Hehe, next I just need to get rid of that fake guy."After successfully sealing Zamasu, Son Goku was in a good mood.

He believed that the crisis of the future world would be resolved.

However, what he didn't know was that behind him, an uninvited guest was watching him coldly.

This person was the Masked Black Goku! The second Black Goku!

"Did you seal Zamasu?"Masked Black Goku said coldly.

"Well, he has been……??!!!!"Realizing that the situation was not good, Sun Wukong turned around quickly, every cell in his body screaming.

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