The battle between the two sides entered a white-hot stage.

Dalot and Masked Black Goku, the battle has entered a climax, both sides attack and defend, you chase and I hit.

During the battle, Dalot discovered that Masked Black Goku's power is still increasing during the battle, and his speed and strength are increasing.

【Has Sun Wukong's body been developed to this extent? His growth rate is a bit fast.……】Feeling the unusualness of Masked Black Goku, Dalot was shocked.

This guy's growth rate is so fast that it even reminds him of a certain demon.

The legendary Super Saiyan Broly!

When he fought Broly, the opponent's strength was not strong at the beginning, but as the battle continued, Broly's combat effectiveness continued to increase, and even he was terrified.

Fortunately, Broly was successfully killed in the last burst.

But the Masked Black Goku in front of him showed a growth rate that was not inferior to Broly.

During the battle, his combat effectiveness was skyrocketing, and he himself was also growing.

The opponent was imitating his own fighting style and looking for weaknesses.

This is a bit tricky.

"Drink~~!!!"A muffled roar erupted from the Masked Black Goku's mouth


Dark red lightning intertwined, causing bursts of sonic booms in the space. A dark and evil rose-red aura gushed out from Masked Black Goku's body. His energy increased again, and his combat power also increased.

Dalot seized the opportunity and distanced himself from Masked Black Goku again. After careful perception, he couldn't help but become dignified.

This guy is a complete demon. He is more monstrous than a monster because he has gone astray.

Such a dark, deep, and cold evil aura made Dalot gasp.

Through the ability granted by the dragon, he saw that Masked Black Goku's combat power data had risen to an astonishing unit, 20 grooves.

This guy is twice as strong as he is now.

Just growing in battle has improved so much.

"Hum hum~~~!!! Great, you are the opponent I have always longed for. Apart from fighting with Sun Wukong himself, you are the first existence that makes me so excited. Human, you should feel honored for this. In the endless parallel time and space, you are the first existence that has supported me in the second stage of Super Saiyan Rose for so long!"Masked Black Goku is obsessed with improving his own strength.

He can grow in every battle, but today is an exception. Fighting with Dalot, he feels that the potential in his body has been fully released, and the fighting power is like a tide.

The feeling of boiling blood all over the body and soaring fighting power is simply too wonderful.

"Hum?! Do you regard me as the cornerstone of your journey to becoming stronger? I hope you won't regret it later.……"A smirk appeared on Dalot's face. Facing such an arrogant Masked Black Goku, he planned to let him experience what despair was.

Just now, I was just playing with you. Do you really think you are an omnipotent god?

Moving his arms, Masked Black Goku stared at Dalot with a cold gaze and said in a deep voice:"Let's start again, Saiyan, I will usher in another transformation! As the nutrients for my strengthening, you should feel honored for this." As soon as the voice fell, in a blink of an eye, Dalot took the initiative to attack. This time, the golden aura around him was more violent, and the momentum increased several times in an instant.

The energy pool of the fourth stage of the Super Saiyan was mobilized, and the power expanded in an instant. Carrying unparalleled destructive power, he rushed to Masked Black Goku, compressed the energy and gathered it in his fist, and hit it with a destructive blow!

‘pound~~~!!!!’The sound of air explosion suddenly exploded.

The heavy collapse fist, carrying unparalleled power, hit the Masked Black Goku hard, and ruthlessly repelled him.

The energy pool of the fourth stage of Super Saiyan was mobilized, and the overwhelming combat power displayed by Dalot directly exceeded 30 grooves.

Although he has not yet completely transformed into the fourth stage of Super Saiyan, with his current mastery of the fourth stage of Super Saiyan, he can also exert some combat power without transformation. The repelled Masked Black Goku showed an unbelievable look on his face.

"Impossible! Your could it suddenly become so heavy?" Masked Black Goku exclaimed.

This power was completely beyond his expectations. Could it be that this guy in front of him had always been acting and never showed his true strength?

"I said, if you regard me as the foundation of your strength, your end will be miserable."Taking advantage of the victory, Dalot rushed towards the Masked Black Goku.

This time, it was his turn to completely control the rhythm of the attack.

The fierce attack swept the Masked Black Goku like a storm.

Facing the fierce attack, the Masked Black Goku gritted his teeth, risked everything, and fought head-on.

A fierce battle was about to break out.

‘BANG!!! POUND!!! BANG!!! POUND!!! BANG!!! POUND!!!……’

In the collision of hand-to-hand combat, both sides exerted their strength to the extreme. Lightning fell from the sky one after another. The island where the battle took place was also torn apart by the impact of the aftermath and finally sank into the sea.

The space was rippled and swayed by the impact of the splashing aftermath.

Both of them had entered the tenth dimension, the ditch-level warriors, and had reached the point where they could destroy the universe.

‘Boom!!!!!!! 'The explosion resounded in all directions, and the white light bloomed again in an instant.

Layers of ripples overlapped, pouring out in all directions, sweeping the world at an extremely alarming speed.

The earth was torn apart, and the sea rolled.

Facing Dalot's fierce attack, Masked Black Goku felt unprecedented pressure.

This was the most difficult battle he had fought since he got this body.

The power of Dalot overwhelmed him! He was forced to defend, which made him doubt himself.

Is the strongest warrior of the fighting nation really Sun Wukong?

The Saiyan in front of him was much stronger than the Sun Wukong he met in many parallel time and space.

You know, he crossed countless parallel time and space, and killed dozens of Sun Wukongs with the power of Super Saiyan Rose Second Stage. He thought he had surpassed the original body, but was severely taught a lesson by another Saiyan.

Anger and frustration made Masked Black Goku's eyes flash with a trace of scarlet.

His mask also glowed red at this moment.

This dark mask began to burn his life, giving him stronger power.

"Haaaaaaaaaaa~~~!!!!"A high-pitched shout erupted, Masked Black Goku's momentum grew, and his energy expanded again.

"Huh?!" Feeling the rising energy, Dalot showed a surprised look on his face.

The energy increased again? This time it was because of an external force... It was this mask!!

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