Dalot's words seemed to have touched the pain of Masked Black Goku, making this god, who was already on the verge of going berserk, even more crazy and angry.

"Shut up!

You are just a mere mortal, how can you understand the noble character in my words? Human beings are the cancer of this world.

Their existence will only cause constant conflicts and violence.

They are the only ugly embodiment in the beautiful universe.

It is ridiculous that the gods would allow such a cancer to exist in the world!

I ignore their atrocities.

My existence is to make up for the mistakes of the gods.

Those stupid gods will pay the price for this!

I am the one who allows the world to enter the Dawn Peach Blossom Land!

I am the only god!

"Masked Black Goku said a lot of crooked truths just to prove that he was right.

Dalot's ears were calloused after listening to so much nonsense from him, and a hint of impatience flashed in his eyes.

"You are such a nagging fellow. It is a waste of time to talk to you. Never mind. I wanted to play with you for a while. Now forget it. Your existence makes me sick!!"As soon as the words fell, a layer of scarlet aura surged around Dalot. His aura once again ushered in a qualitative change and improvement. The energy pool of the fourth stage of Super Saiyan was fully mobilized. Dalot was going to use the power of Super Saiyan 4 to end the battle!

"This energy... Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How can a mere mortal surpass me as a god? It must be fake!"The Masked Black Goku, who couldn't believe the cruel facts before his eyes, had fallen to the brink of collapse.

The next second, he gathered strength in his legs and rushed into the sky.

He was so angry that he didn't care about so much.

His status as a god was challenged, which made him unacceptable. He was so angry that he wanted to destroy everything!

"This planet has no need to exist anymore!! Let's turn into dust in the universe together with the Earth!! Saiyans!!!"The threat posed by Dalot was too great, so Masked Black Goku used all his energy to kill him.

Rose-red flames ignited all over his body. He put his hands together to form a sunflower shape. Rose-red and dark purple auras gathered in his palms. The majestic evil energy was constantly compressed because of his powerful hands.


The space was rippled, and the enchanting rose-red light and purple light blended with each other, blooming in the space, forming a gorgeous, beautiful and dazzling scene.

Beautiful things are often accompanied by destruction.

The energy gathered by the insane Masked Black Goku is enough to blow the earth and most of the universe into pieces!

The energy condensed into substance, and with a shout from the Masked Black Goku, it turned into an astonishing rose-red energy beam, carrying unparalleled, devastating and terrifying destructive power, rushing towards Dalot's position.

This is the powerful super killer move after he mastered Sun Wukong's body.

Super Dark Kamehameha Wave!

Dalot's transformation has also reached the critical point.

At the moment when the Masked Black Goku's Super Dark Kamehameha Wave was about to hit, a vast breath that was exaggerated enough to overturn the entire universe broke out, and in an instant, the Super Dark Kamehameha Wave containing infinite power was dispersed.

"No... Impossible!!!" The strongest attack was forcibly dispersed by the opponent's breath, and Masked Black Goku's eyes almost popped out of his head.

This was the strongest attack he released after burning everything, and the power was so powerful that even he himself could not resist it. Now, it was dispersed by Dalot's breath.

All this was so easy.

In addition to the excessive overdraft of divine power, his physical strength was also consumed by half, and he was on the verge of limit.

The high breath, after this final release of energy, became weak.

‘Whoosh~~!!’A burst of air-breaking sound was heard.

A ball of energy wrapped in scarlet light rushed from below to the front of Masked Black Goku.

The deadly sense of crisis coming from the ball of light made Masked Black Goku not to act rashly.

"I...can't...move?!"Having lost control of his body, Masked Black Goku felt more and more terrified and unbelievable.

The light ball in front of him...is Dalot!

This power, without any divine energy mixed in, is pure power! Pure energy!

As a god, he is superior to mortals in terms of energy level. Logically speaking, humans can never defeat gods.

But Dalot's sudden appearance overturned his cognition and disrupted his plans.

""Oh?! I see you look scared. Where did your arrogant look just now go?" Dalot's teasing voice came from the light ball.

The next second, the light turned into energy particles floating in the space.

Dalot appeared in front of the Masked Black Goku with a brand new look.

Red eye shadow, waist-length black hair, the clothes on the upper body disappeared, the muscles that were originally strong to be terrifying were wrapped in crimson hair, and the golden eyes stared at the Masked Black Goku with a piercing gaze. There was a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, highlighting the word"invincible".

This is the peak state of the fourth stage black hair of the Super Saiyan! It can also become a Super Saiyan beyond the Super Saiyan 4!

The normal 5,000-fold increase has raised Dalot's combat power to a terrifying level.

75 grooves.

Just the invisible pressure made the Masked Black Goku unable to move.

At this moment, the Masked Black Goku's emotions fluctuated greatly.

His pupils contracted, and his mouth behind the mask opened wide. Dalot's new form overturned his understanding of the Saiyans.

In his understanding, the Saiyans of the fighting nation became particularly powerful after wearing the breath of God.

But... Dalot's form is not a god! But he has power comparable to that of God! Even power that surpasses God!!

Moreover, from him, you can't see the restraint and unfathomableness of God, but all the strength is shown on the outside, pure violence, pure strength.

This is the state of Saiyans he has never encountered in many parallel time and space.

Similarly, it is also the appearance he hates the most, a savage monkey!

"Answer me... What kind of transformation is this?"Masked Black Goku couldn't hold back his excitement and shouted.

He wanted to get the answer from Dalot.

""Hehe~~!! I didn't expect you to ask me this. According to your personality as a god, don't you look down on human power? But I seem to see a deep fear in your eyes. If I guess correctly, you are afraid? Are you... afraid of me?" Dalot narrowed his eyes and laughed teasingly.

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