Obsessed with his own power, Super Masked Black Goku turned his gaze and looked at his arms in fascination

""Hehehe~~!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha~~!!! Is this the power after fusion? With this power, no one in the world can stop me, no matter the God of Destruction or the Angel, they can't hurt me at all!" After the fusion, Masked Black Goku became more arrogant, narcissistic, and arrogant than before.

But it must be said that this guy's combat power is stronger than he thought.

Just in his normal state, he has a combat power that is comparable to one-third of his normal state.

This combat power is enough to rival Son Goku and Vegeta in Dragon Ball GT in his native time and space. The

Masked Black Goku that Dalot fought before had a normal combat power of only 8,000 Zi.

Black Goku's normal state is only one-fourth of Masked Black Goku, only 2,000 Zi.

After the two merged through the Potara earrings, their power surged again, and in their normal state alone, they reached an astonishing 50 Zi.

【It was not in vain. If I had killed this guy just now, it would have been a lot less fun. Now, his power might bring me some pressure. 】With his mouth slightly undulating, Dalot became more interested in Super Masked Black Goku.

"Damn... we still failed... this aura... is of god level, this guy is so strong……"This kind of divine aura and profoundness made Vegeta dare not act rashly.

Sun Wukong beside him also understood how serious the situation was at this moment.

""Let me try a little bit to see how strong this new body is." While talking and laughing, Super Masked Black Goku lowered his head, with a playful evil smile on his face.

In just a blink of an eye, he took action. Before

Vegeta and Son Goku could react, he teleported between the two of them, and with a heavy punch and a whip kick, he directly blasted the two away.

The terrifying force caused the two to fly backwards in an instant, rubbing against the ground to form a terrifying gap.

"So fast...speed...power too...poof~~!!"With just one blow, Super Saiyan Blue Goku couldn't maintain his current state. He spurted out a mouthful of blood, staining his clothes and the ground red.

His Super Saiyan God Blue transformation collapsed and returned to normal.

He was dying, but he still had a little consciousness.

At the same time, he also realized how small he was. Is the power after the fusion really that terrible?

But the power of a single punch was enough to beat him to the brink of death, completely losing his fighting power...

Moreover, this guy hasn't transformed yet, he's just in his normal state...

The difference! Too big!

They could all defeat the previous Black Goku, only Masked Black Goku was a little more difficult to deal with, but the difference was not that big, at least he couldn't do a clean and neat kill like now.

Now, the opponent is in a realm that they can only look up to. Even if he exceeds the limit and activates the 20x Kaio-ken, I'm afraid he will be indifferent and nothing will change.

This overwhelming power and divine power reminded Goku of the God of Destruction Beerus. Has this guy... entered the realm of Lord Beerus?

【I can't just give up... I have to help……】Sun Wukong struggled to stand up and live, but the movement would involve his physical injuries, almost making him completely unconscious, and he kept shaking on the spot.

He knew very well how serious his physical condition was. In his current state, it was a miracle that he was still alive.

The ribs in his chest collapsed completely because of the blow, and the bones exploded. If it weren't for years of training that made his body indestructible, I'm afraid he would have become a corpse now.

On the other hand, Vegeta, whose combat power was one kalpa higher than Sun Wukong, was also in a dying state after enduring the fatal kick from Super Masked Black Goku. Compared with Sun Wukong, his condition was not much better.

Anger and unwillingness made him struggle to stand up.

He was also injured and grimaced in pain.

"You two should just stay still for a while. If you keep moving, you will die." Dalot's voice rang in their ears.

At this moment, Dalot, who was at the peak of the fourth stage of Super Saiyan black hair, was looking at the Super Masked Black Goku in front of him, admiring his own powerful strength.

Although this guy's fighting power was different from his, the difference was not very big.

Dalot could feel that after the two Black Goku merged through the Potara earrings, their power had reached an unimaginable level.

Even he did not dare to be careless.

This trip to the future world just met his wishes.

"Hey, you've been talking to yourself for a while, haven't you? Don't you want to test your strength now?" Dalot teased and hooked his index finger at the Super Masked Black Goku in front of him, provoking him.

Provoked by Dalot, Super Masked Black Goku turned around and looked directly at Dalot.

"Human, I admire your courage and your strength, but the only thing that puzzles me is, do you still think you have a chance of winning? Human power is always human power, but I have evolved again and transformed into the supreme god! Do you... think you can still defeat me as easily as before?"Super Masked Black Goku shouted arrogantly. Such narcissism and arrogance made Dalot laugh.

What is the meaning of not crying until you see the coffin? This guy is a typical example

""You are such a nagging idiot. I've heard enough of your nonsense. I'm still waiting for you to crush me to death, BLACK!! If I guess correctly, the one who is in control of the main consciousness now is the guy wearing the mask before, right?" Dalot's eyes narrowed and he smiled.

In response, Super Masked Black Goku did not answer.

"So what if it is? So what if it isn't? We are the same person. The effect of the Potara earrings is just to bring us back together. Well, enough nonsense, let me send you off, Saiyan!" With a cold snort, Super Masked Black Goku mobilized the dormant divine aura in his body.

Even more sinister and terrifying than before, the powerful evil spirit gushed out of Masked Black Goku's body, and his hair stood up in an instant, turning into a sky-high rose red.

Super Saiyan Pink Full Power!

Combat Power Data 50 Grooves!

This combat power is not much different from Dalot's Super Saiyan 4th Stage Black Hair Peak.

"Unknown Saiyan, I stand at a height far higher than you. This universe, this world, and the truth of all things are all in my eyes. In the end, I found that humans should be destroyed... The only flaw in all things created by God, especially the Saiyans. You should feel honored to die in my hands and become the souls under my knife, right?"

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