When the red light faded, Dalot appeared in the sight of Masked Black Goku again.

Now, there is no change in his appearance. He is still in the state of Super Saiyan Fourth Stage Red Hair, but his aura has undergone a drastic improvement.

This state is a new state transformed by the power of the three Super Saiyan Fourth Stage Red Hair.

Super Saiyan Fourth Stage: The Ultimate Sublimation of Bloodline!

At this moment, his combat power has risen to an extremely terrifying point.

The normal increase of 200,000 times has raised his combat power limit to 3,000.

It is 3 times stronger than the current Super Masked Black Goku!

The combat power is exactly three times that of his!

Surprised by Dalot's strength, Masked Black Goku kept comforting himself in his heart, telling himself that Dalot's strength than him was just an illusion

"I see, this is what you rely on, your true full strength, compared to what you just did, it is indeed quite impressive, it is a pity, as I said before, no matter how mortals change, how they evolve, their essence remains the same, your life form is still mortal, but I am a god!! No matter what you become, you are destined to not be able to beat me!" Masked Black Goku still did not understand the situation, and said with arrogance and conceit

"Ridiculous guy, don't you understand the gap between us? You say you are a high god, but you use the human body of Sun Wukong and the power of Saiyan. You are a despicable villain, and you are worthy of being called a god?! Stop being complacent!!"Dalot didn't want to say a word, he just wanted to use his fists to let Masked Black Wukong recognize the situation.

The combat power is as high as 3000 grooves, allowing him to easily crush all opponents

"Hum~~!! You self-important human being, your stupidity is beyond redemption."Masked Black Goku said with disgust.

After that, he stopped talking, his whole body was in turmoil, his hands were clasped together, forming a sunflower shape, and the rose-red and black-purple auras condensed in his palms.

The next moment, a vast amount of energy gushed out of his palms like a tidal wave.

Super Dark Kamehameha!

He is already a warrior at the level of Qian Gou, and a casual blow can destroy the world, not to mention that this gathers a vast amount of divine power to blow up the entire universe.

If it were a warrior of the same level, he would not dare to resist his attack, but Dalot was not at the same level as him from the beginning. He accumulated power with his legs, crushed the ground, and rushed out as an aurora.

He collided head-on with the Super Dark Kamehameha wave of Masked Black Goku.

Dalot's body rushed through the energy and rushed straight towards Masked Black Goku.

Such a violent, simple, and direct fighting method shocked Masked Black Goku.

In a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Masked Black Goku and kicked him directly.


"It hurts so much... Even I, a god, was hurt by you?! All humans, especially Saiyans, must not be left alive!!! Not to mention you!! You are such an impolite person who has repeatedly offended the gods!!!" Roaring loudly, Masked Black Goku condensed the death sickle in his hand, rushed towards Dalot with all his strength.

This attack was indeed terrifyingly powerful and could even tear through space, but unfortunately, the speed was too slow. Strong men of the same level could dodge it, let alone Dalot who was stronger than him.

Dalot made an illusion and stood still in place, then instantly performed the afterimage fist.

With a feint, he deceived the sight of Masked Black Goku, and his real body appeared behind him, and he kicked down again.

Masked Black Goku was hit unexpectedly, and he fell to the ground in a mess.

Dalot did not rush to attack. He folded his hands across his chest and looked down at the aggrieved and angry Masked Black Goku from above.

""I've really learned a lot. A god who always boasts has such little power. It's really disappointing." Dalot said with a teasing smile.

The stimulation in his words made Masked Black Goku furious.

The energy pool of Super Saiyan Rose's second stage rioted, releasing like a tide. Suddenly, the wind and clouds surged, and the sky and the earth changed color.

"Damn human beings! Stop shouting! Desecrating the sacred body of God and defying God, this crime alone is enough for you to die hundreds of times!"Anger distorted the face of Masked Black Goku, turning him into a mad demon.

Dalot didn't give him a chance to counterattack at all. When he was about to turn around and attack with a gas bomb, Dalot appeared in front of him like a ghost and directly attacked with fists and feet.

This extreme speed and destructive power are both enough to explode the stars!

Every move carries endless destructive power, and every move is fatal.

Masked Black Goku was beaten so hard that he retreated repeatedly. Anger and self-esteem gave him the ability to counterattack and launched a counterattack against Dalot.

Unfortunately, his fighting method had long been seen through by Dalot. All his offensive trajectories were expected and perfectly dodged, and even the corner of Dalot's clothes was not touched.

The battlefield shifted.

Masked Black Goku and Dalot shuttled in space. In just one minute, the battlefield changed from the west to the mountains in the north, and from these mountains to the North Pole, and finally moved to the southern continent.

Ditch level���Units of force that reach this level are at the level of a God of Destruction.

The universe and the planets are full of battlefields, and even a single planet cannot accommodate the fierce battle between the two sides.

The earth has reached a critical point and is on the verge of collapse. If such a high-intensity battle continues, the entire planet will be disintegrated by the shock wave and eventually torn apart.

Such a change made Trunks, who was hiding in a human shelter, couldn't help but come out to check the situation.

He happened to meet his father Vegeta and his uncle Son Goku

""Dad, Uncle Goku, what on earth happened?!" Trunks asked in horror.

Vegeta and Son Goku did not answer him, but instead used their breath perception to focus on the battle between Dalot and Masked Black Goku.

In the breath perception, Dalot steadily overwhelmed Masked Black Goku.

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