"Drink~~!!!"With a shout, GT Vegeta mobilized the energy pool in his body.

The majestic aura spread in all directions. The terrifying aura was enough to subvert everything and cause a shock to the future world.

The future Son Gohan and the young Trunks behind him were frightened.

Is this terrifying aura really from Vegeta?

When the golden light was released, GT Vegeta directly entered the fourth stage of Super Saiyan Red Hair.

The normal 6400 times increase raised his normal combat power from 80 jin to 51200 jin.

"Trunks, Gohan, I have something I have to do. Before that, you stay here. If anything happens, the Earth will be left to you to protect!"After that, GT Vegeta stopped talking nonsense. He was resolute and rushed into the huge space-time rift at the fastest speed.

If you can't come back, then you can't come back!


The future space-time.

Located in a mysterious space.

Here, it is a vast expanse of white, with nothing, empty and void.

But here, there are two people.

No! To be precise, it is a person and an angel.

This angel, all Dragon Ball fans know him, he is Whis!

To be precise, he is Whis in the future space-time world!

"Even you can't deal with BLACK? Mr. Dalot, the human who is valued by my father."Whis in the future time and space, looked at Dalot, who was floating in the air, seriously injured and unconscious, and muttered to himself.

That's right, it was he who saved Dalot.

He received his father's will to save Dalot and guide him to defeat Super Masked Zamasu.

They are angels, because they are bound by the rules, they can't act casually, but they can train people.

With a thought, the angel's scepter waved, and the mysterious power was released.

Dalot, who was covered with wounds and dying, was full of vitality again.

His injuries were healed and his clothes were repaired.

He also gradually woke up from his coma.

""Where is this place?" Dalot said subconsciously.

Turning his head, he saw the angel Weiss.

"Weiss?! You……"Dalot was surprised

"Hohoho~~!! It seems that Dalot-san also knows me in other time and space. Then, the next thing will be much easier, and I don’t need to introduce myself."Weiss covered his mouth and laughed

"Who are you……"Dalot found something wrong. He stood up from the void, landed on the ground, and stared at Weiss. He immediately guessed that the Weiss in front of him was not the Weiss he knew.

"You are the Weiss of the future, right?" Dalot asked

"Yes, Dalot-san, I am the angel of the seventh universe of this world, Whis."Whis replied

"That makes sense... You saved me?" Dalot asked again.

Weiss didn't answer this time, but just nodded.

This time, Dalot understood.

When he was swallowed by the Holy Scale before he was on the verge of coma, he felt a mysterious fluctuation of spatial power.

When he opened his eyes, he saw this scene.

"Hehe~! I didn't expect that the person who saved me in the end was an angel. That's right! Whis, since you are an angel of this time and space, why don't you stop Zamasu? They come from three different parallel time and space, and have seriously violated the rules of this world. You... why don't you take action? If you take action, you can easily subdue him."Dalot raised the question in his heart.

In the original work, no matter how Zamasu made trouble, the angels never appeared.

If the angels appeared, how could they tolerate this guy's misbehavior?

He didn't believe at all that when the God of Destruction died, the angels would immediately hang up in the fountain and wait for the next God of Destruction to appear.

This is an angel! How could an existence with a higher position than the God of Destruction just hang up in the fountain and not appear because of the demise of a god.

There must be some unknown secrets behind this.

Faced with Dalot's questioning, Whis shook his head, and a helpless look appeared on his face.

"Mr. Dalot, it's not that we angels won't take action, but the rules are restraining us. The rules of the world don't allow us to take action. As angels, we certainly have the power to surpass all living beings, but we have to remain neutral. We have to follow the rules of this world."Angel Weiss sighed helplessly.

When this was said, Dalot was shocked.

Follow the rules of the world?

"So... the world consciousness of this time and space... acquiesced to Zamasu's crazy plan?!"Darot shouted in disbelief.

Whis nodded, indicating that what Dalot said was right.

With Whis's affirmation, Dalot was even more confused.

This world actually allowed Zamasu's crazy plan, and even the world consciousness could agree with this plan to eliminate humans... It really is! A hopeless world!!

"Hum~~!! This unreasonable world actually allows this madman to do whatever he wants. I have to stop this madman."With a disdainful snort, Dalot prepared to use teleportation again to stop Super Masked Zamasu.

This move was stopped in time by Whis in the future time and space.

"What do you mean? Are you on that guy's side too?!"Being stopped, Dalot's eyes were a little unfriendly.

If Whis in this future time and space stood on the side of Super Masked Zamasu, then... why did he save himself?

What was his purpose...

""Darot-san, I'm not trying to discourage you. Zamasu is now so powerful that it's beyond imagination. Even if you are reborn and your power is increased again, there is still a big gap between you and Zamasu. Going there without any preparation is just courting death. I have to stop you from doing stupid things." Whis from the future time and space said

"Prepare? What do you think I have to prepare for now? You angels are just sitting on the mountain watching the fight. There was such a big commotion, but you didn't take any action. The High Priest was nowhere to be seen. The God of Destruction also died with the demise of the King of the Worlds. Isn't it me who has to deal with this mess in this space and time?" Dalot sneered.

"It is precisely because of this mess that I have said so much to you, Mr. Dalot. Mr. Dalot, I am here at the behest of the High Priest to help you break through the original boundaries and achieve a higher level of transformation."Weiss revealed his real purpose.

Did he save Dalot at the behest of the High Priest?

"You... you want to train me? I'm not saying your method is stupid, do you think there is enough time now?" Dalot asked back.

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