Dragon Ball: New Life
1 A New Life
Planet Vegeta
"Congratulations," A strange reptilian doctor said, "Your son has a power of nearly a hundred."
No one in the room noticed a confused look on the child's face as they spoke.
"A power of a hundred? That sounds like something from dragon ball." I thought.
The last thing the I could remember was trying to argue with an overworked god about mistakenly killing me. If I remember correctly that god was supposed to allow me to be reincarnated due to his screw up. He was supposed to erase my memories of my past life, but I think I remember everything except personal details about myself or family.
I can remember likes and dislikes, but not names or appearances from my past life. That "god" must have been trying to cut corners. I can even recall all the media I consumed, which was a large amount. This told me whoever I was, I probably had no life outside of my job, whatever that was..
It was hard to see, everything was so bright and someone was holding me.
"Do you have a name picked out?" I was brought out of my internal musings when I heard the doctor ask.
"Yes, Raditz." I heard a woman answer.
"Oh, crap! This is Dragon Ball and I'm Raditz!" I screamed internally. I managed to calm down after being dropped in a incubator pod by a nurse.
"OK, just because you are Raditz doesn't mean you have to die like Raditz. Plus, you get to be a Saiyan. If you play your cards right this could be the best thing to ever happen." my mind was working in overdrive.
Once I managed to convince myself of the benefits of my situation I passed out in the incubation fluids with a smile on my face.
I guessed the incubator pods were designed to keep Saiyan infants sedated because I didn't wake up often and was drowsy when I did. A few times when I was a awake I saw a Saiyan woman visiting me.
She mentioned her name was Gine and that she was my mother.
When Gine finally removed me from the pod I was extremely happy to be able to move around. As it turns out I was in the incubation pod for a full three years. Thankfully, I was alseep for most of it so time flew by.
I was brought to a low grade home by my mother, Gine. The other nearby houses were of equally low grade quality. I wanted to begin training to avoid the path the original Raditz was on, but my mother wasn't useful in that regard.
Gine worked in a butcher shop because she wasn't much of a fighter. At one point, she was apart of Bardock's team before deciding she wasn't made for the life of combat. Bardock, my father, was always out on a mission so I had yet to even meet him.
While Gine worked I spent all of my time doing basic workouts; push-ups, sit-ups, and so on. All the time spent watching and reading Dragon Ball, in my previous life, gave me an idea about what to do. Actually doing it was another thing.
A month later, I was shadow boxing in my home when the door opened. I was expecting mother to appear as she always did around this time. When I spied the opened door I was surprised to see Bardock along with Gine. This was the first time I had seen Bardock. I been had wondering what the first interaction would be like.
"Yo, kid, how's it goin'." Bardock waved at me, "I'm your dad, Bardock." Even though I couldn't quite remember my adult life, being called a kid still felt strange. Also, what was with that super casual greeting from Bardock.
After an exceptionally large meal Bardock informed me that my trial was coming at the end of the week. I would have to go on a low level mission to clear a planet in order to determine if I would be worthy enough to join an attack squad. My father told me he was going to attempt to teach me a few things to help me survive.
Bardock whistled in amazement, "I can't believe you picked up flying in a couple of hours." I was floating around out back with him.
"It wasn't too hard, but I still need practice." I was flying around uneasy and nearly fell a couple of times.
"I thought it was going to take most of the week to be honest." Bardock laughed, "How about this as a reward for being a fast learner, I teach you something I was going to teach you when you got older. The Riot Javelin." My eyes light up with excitement I was going to finally going to learn a
Ki blast.
Wait a minute...
The original Raditz never knew the Riot Javelin. A devilish grin appeared on my face at the realization that I might already be better than the original Raditz, if this change to the story is any indication.
It took me two days to get the general hang of the technique. I remember Goku picked up the Kamehameha immediately after seeing it. He did practice the basics of the Kame style he learned from Grandpa Gohan for years, whereas I just started. So, I'm not too sure if the ability to acquire skills quickly is a Saiyan thing or just specific to me for some reason. So far, I can only manage the Riot Javelin twice before becoming too exhausted to move.
For the final days before my departure we sparred so I could learn some basics to fighting. Bardock seemed to be self taught because seeing his fighting style in person it really looks like a brawler's style.
Needless to say, I never came close to winning during all the sparring but I think I learned a lot. I guess it should be enough for wherever I'm going. Bardock was impressed with my tenacity. By the time the end of the week came I got my power up to one-twenty.
My father took a mission on the same day as my departure so he escorted me to the spaceport. Gine came along too because in Bardock's words she had a "Softness Illness." On the way to the spaceport father would greet people from time to time.
"Hey Bardock! Headed out?" a short haired Saiyan female called out.
Bardock loaded up and departed with his squad as I listened to technicians explain how to use the Attack Ball. As it sounded the attack ball was a round one person spaceship with a window on the front. It had fairly simple controls and seemed intuitive for the most part.
After I loaded in, Gine smiled and gave me a red hoop apparently for luck. I had always wondered why Raditz wore that red hoop around his arm. Turns out he got it from Gine, but where did the other one come from. I remember Raditz had two, one worn around his arm and the other around his leg.
My destination was a planet called Turos a primitive world. It was expected to be a quick job owing to the fact Turos had a full moon twice a month. Giving me plenty of time as a great ape to clear the inhabitants. After leaving the atmosphere of Planet Vegeta the travel systems of my ship engaged rendering me unconscious.
The planet was coming into view when I was awoken by the ships systems. The ball came to rest in a crater in a forest surrounded by toppled trees. The ship's hatch opened allowing me to step out. I could feel the difference in the gravity on this planet; it was less than that of planet Vegeta's. I felt so light here.
After examining my surroundings I flew up over the tree tops and used my scouter. I was able to locate a large group of people. For this to be classified as a low-level planet nobody that I have detected has had a power less than a fifty.
Some results came back as high as five hundred.
If this was where Raditz was originally sent I wonder how he handled it. I personally planned on not using the great ape form until I need to. It would take longer than necessary to complete the mission but I should be stronger by the end.
From the look of things most of the population on this world was currently engaged in a large scale war. The green skinned red eyed natives appeared to be in a feudal era based on the armor and swords the people carried. I observed the battle of the natives for two days. One of the armies was close to claiming a fortress belonging to the other side.
There were also amazing looking cavalry troops who rode large tiger like creatures. Too bad I had to wipe them out. I wasn't about to get killed this early for failure in my new life. I guess these natives can be consoled by the fact that Frieza is going to wipe out Planet Vegeta. Although I did plan on bringing Planet Vegeta back at some point, once Frieza wasn't an issue.
I appeared at the back of the army attacking the fort and began systematically ending the knights. It wasn't long before they stopped the assault and turned their attention to me. Most of the army continued attacking the fort fearing that the fort's occupants would launch a counter attack. The soldiers were all weak compared to me, but there were a lot of them. If I let my guard down any one of them could get a lucky shot in and kill me.
It was a good thing I watched them fight earlier because some of the swordsmen were quite skilled. I narrowly dodged a swipe from a sword by spinning around and using the moment to jump up and counter attack with a kick to the man's neck.
My breathing had started getting labored after killing over half of the army.
It was surprising to me to find that I found no trouble in taking so many lives. Maybe it was the Saiyan genetics or I was possibly a cold detached person in my past life. I just hoped I wouldn't turn into a complete maniac.
I was no longer able to continue fighting when the attacking army retreated. Even though it was my first life or death battle since coming to this universe I only felt excitement. I found a cave to rest in several miles away from the battlefield.
A few days later when the full moon happened I was sure to look at it to experience what a great ape transformation was like. Knowing what was going to happen I repeated the mantra "think" over and over again. When it was over I awoke in the ruins of a destroyed town with no memory of what I did the previous night.
In the end it took me eight months to clear the planet of its native population. I was able to get rid of most of them using my strength alone. A few villages got destroyed by my ape form. After many months of trying I was only able to learn to give my ape form simple directives. I still couldn't manage full control over it.
I took one last look at the now wrecked planet Turos before entering my ship to return home. When I reported my success in clearing Turos it turns out I was assumed dead. It was unusual for it to take so long clearing a low level planet with a moon. I was, however, praised for getting my power level up to one-forty.
Gine was pleased to see me walk in the door to our home. She gave me the second red hoop Raditz was known to wear as congratulations on a successful mission. She wanted to take me to the medical center to meet my new brother Kakarot. While I was out on my mission I missed the birth of the Dragon Ball protagonist.
"It is still going to be a few years before he is going to be able to come out of the incubator pod." Gine informed me.
She was looking forward to bringing him home. I didn't want to mention what was to come and burst her bubble so instead I just took another mission. For the next couple of years people joked to Gine I was trying to take as many missions as Bardock. The truth was I was just trying to get stronger while simultaneously getting the opportunity to search the mission archives for the coordinates of Earth.
In the blink of an eye three years had passed and I was back home from a mission. I hadn't seen Bardock again in all this time. Our missions were aligned in a way that we were never home at the same time.
"I have two surprises for you!" Gine beamed.
"What?" I was curious. Gine left the room and came back with her hands behind her back.
"Here you go!" she revealed a new set of armor. It had a black under suit with full length pants and the arms were sleeveless. I guess she thought I wanted to show off the red hoops she gave me. The boots were white and instead of gloves she got me bracers. The chest armor was the type Bardock wore in "Episode of Bardock." I looked like a fitting mix of the old Raditz and the new.
"This is great mom." I did like the gift, "What was the second thing."
"Your strength was recognized! Prince Vegeta requested you for his squad's mission!"
Oh no, this was the warning bell. Raditz was out on a mission with Vegeta when the planet gets destroyed. I definitely don't want to be stuck with Vegeta and Nappa for the next several years. Operation escape the planet was about to commence.
"I don't think I'm ready to join the prince, yet. I'm going to take another mission and if a position on his team is still open then I'll take it."
"Whatever you think is best. I believe in your skill Raditz you've come so far. You already have a power of two-hundred fifty and you haven't even turned seven." Gine tried to cheer me up. She thought I was feeling too weak to fit in Vegeta's team.
"It's fine." I reassured, "I'm going to get changed and head to the spaceport."
I had tried to avoid getting attached to anyone knowing everyone one the planet was going to be killed by Frieza, but Gine made it impossible. I didn't see her too much because of the missions I was taking. When I did see her she was very encouraging and caring. I wonder what people will think knowing Gine has become the savior of Planet Vegeta. Because of her I've vowed to myself to bring the planet and people back one day. I had thought about bringing the planet back before, but was on the fence about it. Now I was certain that I would make it happen. Before heading to the spaceport I visited Kakarot to say goodbye for now.
When I arrived at the spaceport I approached the mission desk. The worker at the desk was a middle-aged male. I had seen him a few times when I previously came through the spaceport. He looked like he recognized me because he gave a smirk as I approached.
"Hey Mr. Raditz, here to sign up for Prince Vegeta's mission?" deadpanned ready to logged me into the prince's squad list.
"Maybe next time. I want the Erabis mission." I answered.
"Whaat?" the worker was shocked, "Turning down the prince for a backwater planet. You'll never advance in rank like that. You really are Bardock's son." he laughed handing over the remote control to an Attack Ball. After I loaded into the ship I quickly changed the destination coordinates from Erabis to Earth.
"Congratulations," A strange reptilian doctor said, "Your son has a power of nearly a hundred."
No one in the room noticed a confused look on the child's face as they spoke.
"A power of a hundred? That sounds like something from dragon ball." I thought.
The last thing the I could remember was trying to argue with an overworked god about mistakenly killing me. If I remember correctly that god was supposed to allow me to be reincarnated due to his screw up. He was supposed to erase my memories of my past life, but I think I remember everything except personal details about myself or family.
I can remember likes and dislikes, but not names or appearances from my past life. That "god" must have been trying to cut corners. I can even recall all the media I consumed, which was a large amount. This told me whoever I was, I probably had no life outside of my job, whatever that was..
It was hard to see, everything was so bright and someone was holding me.
"Do you have a name picked out?" I was brought out of my internal musings when I heard the doctor ask.
"Yes, Raditz." I heard a woman answer.
"Oh, crap! This is Dragon Ball and I'm Raditz!" I screamed internally. I managed to calm down after being dropped in a incubator pod by a nurse.
"OK, just because you are Raditz doesn't mean you have to die like Raditz. Plus, you get to be a Saiyan. If you play your cards right this could be the best thing to ever happen." my mind was working in overdrive.
Once I managed to convince myself of the benefits of my situation I passed out in the incubation fluids with a smile on my face.
I guessed the incubator pods were designed to keep Saiyan infants sedated because I didn't wake up often and was drowsy when I did. A few times when I was a awake I saw a Saiyan woman visiting me.
She mentioned her name was Gine and that she was my mother.
When Gine finally removed me from the pod I was extremely happy to be able to move around. As it turns out I was in the incubation pod for a full three years. Thankfully, I was alseep for most of it so time flew by.
I was brought to a low grade home by my mother, Gine. The other nearby houses were of equally low grade quality. I wanted to begin training to avoid the path the original Raditz was on, but my mother wasn't useful in that regard.
Gine worked in a butcher shop because she wasn't much of a fighter. At one point, she was apart of Bardock's team before deciding she wasn't made for the life of combat. Bardock, my father, was always out on a mission so I had yet to even meet him.
While Gine worked I spent all of my time doing basic workouts; push-ups, sit-ups, and so on. All the time spent watching and reading Dragon Ball, in my previous life, gave me an idea about what to do. Actually doing it was another thing.
A month later, I was shadow boxing in my home when the door opened. I was expecting mother to appear as she always did around this time. When I spied the opened door I was surprised to see Bardock along with Gine. This was the first time I had seen Bardock. I been had wondering what the first interaction would be like.
"Yo, kid, how's it goin'." Bardock waved at me, "I'm your dad, Bardock." Even though I couldn't quite remember my adult life, being called a kid still felt strange. Also, what was with that super casual greeting from Bardock.
After an exceptionally large meal Bardock informed me that my trial was coming at the end of the week. I would have to go on a low level mission to clear a planet in order to determine if I would be worthy enough to join an attack squad. My father told me he was going to attempt to teach me a few things to help me survive.
Bardock whistled in amazement, "I can't believe you picked up flying in a couple of hours." I was floating around out back with him.
"It wasn't too hard, but I still need practice." I was flying around uneasy and nearly fell a couple of times.
"I thought it was going to take most of the week to be honest." Bardock laughed, "How about this as a reward for being a fast learner, I teach you something I was going to teach you when you got older. The Riot Javelin." My eyes light up with excitement I was going to finally going to learn a
Ki blast.
Wait a minute...
The original Raditz never knew the Riot Javelin. A devilish grin appeared on my face at the realization that I might already be better than the original Raditz, if this change to the story is any indication.
It took me two days to get the general hang of the technique. I remember Goku picked up the Kamehameha immediately after seeing it. He did practice the basics of the Kame style he learned from Grandpa Gohan for years, whereas I just started. So, I'm not too sure if the ability to acquire skills quickly is a Saiyan thing or just specific to me for some reason. So far, I can only manage the Riot Javelin twice before becoming too exhausted to move.
For the final days before my departure we sparred so I could learn some basics to fighting. Bardock seemed to be self taught because seeing his fighting style in person it really looks like a brawler's style.
Needless to say, I never came close to winning during all the sparring but I think I learned a lot. I guess it should be enough for wherever I'm going. Bardock was impressed with my tenacity. By the time the end of the week came I got my power up to one-twenty.
My father took a mission on the same day as my departure so he escorted me to the spaceport. Gine came along too because in Bardock's words she had a "Softness Illness." On the way to the spaceport father would greet people from time to time.
"Hey Bardock! Headed out?" a short haired Saiyan female called out.
Bardock loaded up and departed with his squad as I listened to technicians explain how to use the Attack Ball. As it sounded the attack ball was a round one person spaceship with a window on the front. It had fairly simple controls and seemed intuitive for the most part.
After I loaded in, Gine smiled and gave me a red hoop apparently for luck. I had always wondered why Raditz wore that red hoop around his arm. Turns out he got it from Gine, but where did the other one come from. I remember Raditz had two, one worn around his arm and the other around his leg.
My destination was a planet called Turos a primitive world. It was expected to be a quick job owing to the fact Turos had a full moon twice a month. Giving me plenty of time as a great ape to clear the inhabitants. After leaving the atmosphere of Planet Vegeta the travel systems of my ship engaged rendering me unconscious.
The planet was coming into view when I was awoken by the ships systems. The ball came to rest in a crater in a forest surrounded by toppled trees. The ship's hatch opened allowing me to step out. I could feel the difference in the gravity on this planet; it was less than that of planet Vegeta's. I felt so light here.
After examining my surroundings I flew up over the tree tops and used my scouter. I was able to locate a large group of people. For this to be classified as a low-level planet nobody that I have detected has had a power less than a fifty.
Some results came back as high as five hundred.
If this was where Raditz was originally sent I wonder how he handled it. I personally planned on not using the great ape form until I need to. It would take longer than necessary to complete the mission but I should be stronger by the end.
From the look of things most of the population on this world was currently engaged in a large scale war. The green skinned red eyed natives appeared to be in a feudal era based on the armor and swords the people carried. I observed the battle of the natives for two days. One of the armies was close to claiming a fortress belonging to the other side.
There were also amazing looking cavalry troops who rode large tiger like creatures. Too bad I had to wipe them out. I wasn't about to get killed this early for failure in my new life. I guess these natives can be consoled by the fact that Frieza is going to wipe out Planet Vegeta. Although I did plan on bringing Planet Vegeta back at some point, once Frieza wasn't an issue.
I appeared at the back of the army attacking the fort and began systematically ending the knights. It wasn't long before they stopped the assault and turned their attention to me. Most of the army continued attacking the fort fearing that the fort's occupants would launch a counter attack. The soldiers were all weak compared to me, but there were a lot of them. If I let my guard down any one of them could get a lucky shot in and kill me.
It was a good thing I watched them fight earlier because some of the swordsmen were quite skilled. I narrowly dodged a swipe from a sword by spinning around and using the moment to jump up and counter attack with a kick to the man's neck.
My breathing had started getting labored after killing over half of the army.
It was surprising to me to find that I found no trouble in taking so many lives. Maybe it was the Saiyan genetics or I was possibly a cold detached person in my past life. I just hoped I wouldn't turn into a complete maniac.
I was no longer able to continue fighting when the attacking army retreated. Even though it was my first life or death battle since coming to this universe I only felt excitement. I found a cave to rest in several miles away from the battlefield.
A few days later when the full moon happened I was sure to look at it to experience what a great ape transformation was like. Knowing what was going to happen I repeated the mantra "think" over and over again. When it was over I awoke in the ruins of a destroyed town with no memory of what I did the previous night.
In the end it took me eight months to clear the planet of its native population. I was able to get rid of most of them using my strength alone. A few villages got destroyed by my ape form. After many months of trying I was only able to learn to give my ape form simple directives. I still couldn't manage full control over it.
I took one last look at the now wrecked planet Turos before entering my ship to return home. When I reported my success in clearing Turos it turns out I was assumed dead. It was unusual for it to take so long clearing a low level planet with a moon. I was, however, praised for getting my power level up to one-forty.
Gine was pleased to see me walk in the door to our home. She gave me the second red hoop Raditz was known to wear as congratulations on a successful mission. She wanted to take me to the medical center to meet my new brother Kakarot. While I was out on my mission I missed the birth of the Dragon Ball protagonist.
"It is still going to be a few years before he is going to be able to come out of the incubator pod." Gine informed me.
She was looking forward to bringing him home. I didn't want to mention what was to come and burst her bubble so instead I just took another mission. For the next couple of years people joked to Gine I was trying to take as many missions as Bardock. The truth was I was just trying to get stronger while simultaneously getting the opportunity to search the mission archives for the coordinates of Earth.
In the blink of an eye three years had passed and I was back home from a mission. I hadn't seen Bardock again in all this time. Our missions were aligned in a way that we were never home at the same time.
"I have two surprises for you!" Gine beamed.
"What?" I was curious. Gine left the room and came back with her hands behind her back.
"Here you go!" she revealed a new set of armor. It had a black under suit with full length pants and the arms were sleeveless. I guess she thought I wanted to show off the red hoops she gave me. The boots were white and instead of gloves she got me bracers. The chest armor was the type Bardock wore in "Episode of Bardock." I looked like a fitting mix of the old Raditz and the new.
"This is great mom." I did like the gift, "What was the second thing."
"Your strength was recognized! Prince Vegeta requested you for his squad's mission!"
Oh no, this was the warning bell. Raditz was out on a mission with Vegeta when the planet gets destroyed. I definitely don't want to be stuck with Vegeta and Nappa for the next several years. Operation escape the planet was about to commence.
"I don't think I'm ready to join the prince, yet. I'm going to take another mission and if a position on his team is still open then I'll take it."
"Whatever you think is best. I believe in your skill Raditz you've come so far. You already have a power of two-hundred fifty and you haven't even turned seven." Gine tried to cheer me up. She thought I was feeling too weak to fit in Vegeta's team.
"It's fine." I reassured, "I'm going to get changed and head to the spaceport."
I had tried to avoid getting attached to anyone knowing everyone one the planet was going to be killed by Frieza, but Gine made it impossible. I didn't see her too much because of the missions I was taking. When I did see her she was very encouraging and caring. I wonder what people will think knowing Gine has become the savior of Planet Vegeta. Because of her I've vowed to myself to bring the planet and people back one day. I had thought about bringing the planet back before, but was on the fence about it. Now I was certain that I would make it happen. Before heading to the spaceport I visited Kakarot to say goodbye for now.
When I arrived at the spaceport I approached the mission desk. The worker at the desk was a middle-aged male. I had seen him a few times when I previously came through the spaceport. He looked like he recognized me because he gave a smirk as I approached.
"Hey Mr. Raditz, here to sign up for Prince Vegeta's mission?" deadpanned ready to logged me into the prince's squad list.
"Maybe next time. I want the Erabis mission." I answered.
"Whaat?" the worker was shocked, "Turning down the prince for a backwater planet. You'll never advance in rank like that. You really are Bardock's son." he laughed handing over the remote control to an Attack Ball. After I loaded into the ship I quickly changed the destination coordinates from Erabis to Earth.
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