“Who is so bold?” Tucker asked.

“That’s him, just now I said that my captain is you, and he even said that the garbage captain has never heard of it.” Katy said with added oil and vinegar.

“What? Dare to insult me, are you looking for death? Hearing Kat’s words, Tucker said to Pete with an angry look.

“Yes, he dared to insult our captain who was really looking for death, and dared to say that he was a subordinate of a sea thief who offered a reward of 800 million.” Katy was on the sidelines.

“What? He is a subordinate of the sea thief who offered a reward of 800 million Bailey. Tucker said without panic. The 800 million sea thieves themselves are no opponents.

“Captain, you really believe it, he’s just bragging.” Kat saw you, and Tucker’s terrified face reminded.

“You bastard, why didn’t you say it earlier? Shame on me in front of such a person. Tucker said as he turned back and gave Kat a slap.

Say sorry! Katy said in his heart, and you didn’t ask?

“Stinky boy, you don’t take pictures with bubble pee, just like your bear, you dare to say that you are the subordinate of 800 million sea thieves, I see that your captain is a little sluggish.” Katy didn’t dare to get angry with Tucker, so he had to pour his anger on Pete’s body.

“You are not allowed to insult our captain.”

“Yo, you’re still angry, how about you just say it? Your captain is a little sluggish. Kater said mockingly.

“You give me death.” Hearing that Kat was still insulting Liu Xuan, Pete suddenly punched Kat, slammed into Kat’s face, knocked him five or six meters away, and lost several teeth.

“Bastard, it depends on the owner to beat the dog, I dare to do it in front of me.” Tucker punched Pete in a fit of rage.

Pete saw his fist coming at him, and quickly blocked it with his arms, but Pete only trained for a few days, and was not yet the opponent of 200 million pirates, and when his arms touched Tucker’s fist flew out like he was hit by a truck.

“How about a stinky boy? You know how good I am. Seeing Pete being beaten by himself, Tucker said with a smug look.

“So what, I won’t admit defeat, no one can insult our captain.” Pete stood up embarrassed and said.

“Then you die.” Hearing Pete’s words, Tucker said angrily.

“Hey, Pete, why am I so slow, the captain is in a hurry.” Liu Xuan and his party just arrived at the door of the bar when they heard Pete’s voice, and Klin said first.

“Captain.” Hearing Klin’s voice, Pete looked at the door, and then Liu Xuan and the others just walked in the door.

“Pete, what’s wrong with you, why are you covered in injuries?” As soon as he came in, he saw Pete covered in injuries and asked.

“Who are you?” Seeing Liu Xuan and his group, Tucker asked.

“Who are you again? Could it be that you did Pete’s injury to me? Liu Xuan saw Tucker and didn’t say.

“Oh, you are the captain of this guy, he dares to provoke our Iron Rhinoceros Pirate Group, it’s really out of his strength.” Tucker said disdainfully.

“Hey, these guys seem to be very familiar, where did you see them.”

“yes, I’m familiar too.”

“I remembered that they are the Dragon Pearl Pirates, and the captain offered a reward of 800 million Bailey’s pirate group, and his deputy captain was even higher than the captain’s reward, reaching 1 billion Bailey.”

“Oh my God, didn’t they leave? How did you return to the Chambord Islands? As soon as Tucker finished speaking, there was a discussion in the crowd.

“What, a reward of 800 million.” Tucker was stunned when he heard this.

“That is Liu Xuan, the captain of the Dragon Pearl Pirates.”

“Don’t call me a kid.” Liu Xuan shouted

“That’s Vegeta, the God of War” “And Green Devil Bike, Number Seventeen, Wolf Boy Yamucha, Three Eyes Tianjin Rice. ”

“This, this is Klin the Bald Guy.”

“Bastard, don’t call me a bald guy.”

“The people of the Dragon Pearl Pirates have arrived, and there are three people who don’t know each other who are new to joining?”

“The entire pirate group offered a reward of 3.7 billion Bailey, which is simply too strong.”

“What the guy said is true, how is this possible.” Tucker whispered in cold sweat.

“Hey, I’m asking you, you hurt Pete.” Liu Xuan said impatiently.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know he was your crew, please go around me.” Hearing Liu Xuan’s words, Tucker said tremblingly.

“Pete, you go call back.” Liu Xuan said to Pete.

“It’s the captain, it’s a shame on you.”

“It’s okay, I’ll be trained later.” Liu Xuan said.

“Huh?” Hearing Liu Xuan’s words, Pete was taken aback.

“Just kidding.” Liu Xuan said with a smile.


After some tossing, Tucker’s beaten nose and swollen face stood in front of Liu Xuan and laughed.

“What else does Captain Liu Xuan order?”

“We came here just to ask for directions, nothing else, do you know how Xia Qi’s bamboo BAR goes.”

“Know know, it’s in Area 13.”

“Got it, you get out.” Liu Xuan listened.

“Thank you, Master Liu Xuan.” Tucker said and ran away.

“Okay, let’s go to Area 13 too.”

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