“Captain, I feel that Kaido is not dead, he should have escaped,” Vegeta walked to Liu Xuan and said.

“I didn’t expect that Kaido guy was really fatal, he didn’t die under that kind of attack, and his immortal body was really powerful. Forget it, I’m afraid I won’t be able to find it now, and the task now is to quickly spread the news of our defeat of Kaido, so that we can complete the task of becoming the Four Emperors and get the designated character card. Liu Xuan thought about it and felt that the task was still important, as for Kaido, let him go this time.

“Got it, Captain.” Vegeta said and went to help find the treasure.

Seeing Vegeta leave, Liu Xuan turned around and flew towards 5 kilometers from the coast, just now saw a few small yellow dots on the system interface Liu Xuan asked the system what the yellow dot represents, the system said that this is the function of detecting the enemy, the red dot represents the enemy, the yellow dot represents the intermediary force, and the green is his own person. Liu Xuan asked him why he didn’t say it earlier, this will not appear in the sea of beasts, the thief group kind of situation, the system you did not ask to make Liu Xuan speechless, it is really a pit host system.

Not far from the yellow dot, Liu Xuan saw a large boat parked in the sea and flew over.

“Hey! You’re Doflamingo’s guys, did you get his phone worm? Looking at the forces on the attribute page, Liu Xuan said to several people on the deck.

Xiba is a squad leader under Doflamingo, and was sent out by the pat this time to see the results of the battle between the Dragon Pearl Pirates and the Hundred Beast Pirates, so that they can report to Doflamingo.

The aftermath of the fierce battle just now was too great, they left the ship for 5 kilometers to survive, and when they saw Kaido defeated, they opened their mouths in surprise, and when they were about to report the situation to Doflamingo, Liu Xuan’s words almost scared him to death.

“What people? Come out and I see you. ”

“Hey, I’m up there, didn’t you say you saw me?” Liu Xuan’s words made Xiba raise his head.

“Liu, Liu Liu Xuan.” Xiba saw Liu Xuan fall to the ground in fright, and stammered.

“How did you see me surprised? Didn’t Dovermingo ask you to come and see the results of our battle? Bring Doflamingo’s phone worm, I’m going to say a couple of words to him. ”

“Yes, it’s Master Liu Xuan.” When Xiba heard Liu Xuan’s words, he quickly handed the phone worm to Liu Xuan.

“Bu Bu Bu Ba Buk, how about Siba, who won?” When the phone worm connected, came Doflamingo’s voice.

“Brother Ming? I’m Liu Xuan, I don’t want to talk nonsense with you, there is only one thing you have to do, that is, spread the news that I defeated Kaido, I will become the new Four Emperors, understand, Brother Ming? Liu Xuan didn’t talk nonsense with him, and directly stated the purpose.

“Captain Liu Xuan is really powerful, even Kaido, one of the four emperors, lost to you. Rest assured, I will definitely spread this matter to the world. Doflamingo said with a weird laugh.

“That’s good.” After Liu Xuan finished speaking, he hung up the phone worm, threw it to Xiba and flew back.

“Finally gone, obviously a child, actually has this momentum, what a monster.”

On the other side, Doflamingo called several of his cadres to tell them about Liu Xuan’s explanation. “There are more and more monsters in this world, and it seems that a new era is about to come, hahaha.”

Not to mention that Doflamingo’s efficiency is really high, but in just a few days, the news that Kaido was defeated by the Dragon Pearl Pirates spread all over the world, and Liu Xuan also successfully became one of the four emperors, although there was some resistance, but under the strong crushing of Vegeta and others, they all chose to submit.

On Cake Island, Aunt was throwing a tantrum: “The hateful stinky boy actually refused me, and Kaido, that bastard was not only defeated, but even lost the position of the four emperors to Liu Xuan, the smelly boy, so that the faces of the four emperors were lost.” ”

“Mom, calm down and don’t be angry.” Several people hurriedly persuaded.

“However, I really didn’t expect that Kaido monster would lose to the Dragon Pearl Pirates, it’s really incredible.”

“Huh?” As soon as Kriji finished speaking, he was frightened by the aunt and closed his mouth.

“Kli frame, let them stop the action against the Dragon Pearl Pirate Group first, it is easy to be picked up by others now.” Auntie thought about it and said.

“Yes, Mom.” Kelijian was stunned, his mother actually calculated it like this, but when he thought about it, he understood that Liu Xuan is now one of the four emperors, and if he fights with him, he will inevitably lose both and get hurt, and then he is afraid that he will be seen by others and picked up cheaply.

“Well, go down.”


Headquarters of the Navy

“This Liu Xuan has made such a big thing a few days since he beat Tianlong last time.” Sengoku, who was sitting in the main seat, said.

“It’s so terrible, I really didn’t expect that Kaido monster to be defeated by a child.” The yellow ape said with a lazy look.

“Hahahaha, I know the strength of that guy from Vegeta, and I do have that kind of strength.” Kapu haha smiled and said, this time the meeting Karp did not sleep.

“Hmph, evil will eventually be defeated by justice.” Chi Inu said coldly.

“Anyway, the power of the Dragon Pearl Pirates has taken shape, and it is impossible to deal with them.” The green pheasant said lazily as he lay on the chair.

“Then increase the bounty, Vegeta to 1.5 billion, Liu Xuan 1.2 billion, that pink fat man 1.3 billion, the old man with the turtle shell on his back 1 billion, and that Xilu is also 1 billion, others don’t need to change.” Okay, let’s adjourn. ”

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