“Is this the castle where Moria lives?” After running for more than ten minutes, Luffy and the others finally came to a gloomy castle.

“It shouldn’t be wrong, it must be here.” Sanji affirmed.

“Hey! Moria! Get out of here quickly! Luffy shouted with a long breath.

“Hey, Luffy, shouldn’t we sneak in? Aren’t you striking the grass and snakes by shouting like that? Usopp stepped forward and punched Luffy on the head.

“It’s okay with Usopp, we were going to fight head-on! And I’m afraid the enemy has long known that we are coming! Sanji spoke up.

“Okay.” Listening to Sanji’s words, Usopp said helplessly.

“Heehaha, Straw Hat Kid, you guys are finally here, the zombie army will catch them for me.” Suddenly, a sharp sound sounded, and a large number of zombies poured out of the castle and attacked everyone.

“Wow! What a lot of zombies, rubber machine guns! Luffy said that after using the fruit ability, he saw a fist shadow punched, and more than a dozen zombies were knocked out.

“Salt Star.” Usopp took out a slingshot and shot the salt bomb he made into the zombie’s mouth, only to see a trail of shadows fly out of the zombie’s mouth, and the zombies fell to the ground and stopped moving.

“Bastard, you guys actually know the weakness of my zombies, all zombies pay attention, block your mouth.” Secretly, Moriah sees Usopp defeating his zombies with salt and shouts angrily.

“Damn, these zombies block their mouths, Salt Star can’t shoot in, it seems that you can only use fire, Firebird Star.” Seeing that the enemy had cracked his tricks, Usopp quickly changed the bullet and shot a bird-shaped flame at the zombie.

“Sanji, you deal with these zombies, I’ll go find Moria.” Luffy, who fights an attacking zombie, says to Sanji.

“No problem, leave it to me! Ground meat kick. Sanji said with a trick kicking a dozen zombies.

“Moriah come out quickly.” Luffy heard Sanji’s answer and rushed forward.

Touch! Luffy had just run a few steps forward when he suddenly flew out.

“What’s going on?” Luffy touched his face and stood up and said.

“It must be the transparent person who can be invisible, he handed it over to me, Luffy, go find Moria!” Yamaji stood up and said.

“Is that okay? Yamaji. Watching Sanji nod Luffy said, “Then you be careful, I’m leaving.” ”

“How could it be possible for you to leave like this, give me death.” After saying that, the transparent man Abu Salom raised his fist and attacked Luffy.

Touch! “I said it, you’ll deal with it.” Yamaji said as he blocked Sarom’s fist with his foot.

“Can you see me?” Salom said in surprise when he saw his fist blocked by the other party.

“Although the eyes can’t see it, you can still be felt with the domineering color of seeing and smelling.” Sanji retracted his feet and said.

“I didn’t expect that you guys even learned domineering, that is a strength that only people with the strength of a lieutenant general can learn.” Salom was surprised to hear the domineering and surprised to see it, showing his figure, his Devil Fruit ability did not work against him, what was the use of invisibility.

“What’s wrong, a prototype has appeared.”

“Hmph, since you can see and smell the color, it is useless to be invisible, so you can also save some physical strength.”

“Since that’s the case, then go ahead!” After saying that, he rushed up.

On the other side, Solon stood in front of a cemetery and was stunned.

“Where is this?” The road idiot really has no cure.

“Hehe, there is another person here, we grab him and give it to Lord Moria, he will definitely reward us.” A wretched zombie said.

“Okay, let’s hurry up!” The two zombies jumped out at the same time as soon as they discussed.

“Hey, that green algae head in front hurry up and give us obedient surrender!”

“Huh?” Solon looked back at them and suddenly had an idea.

A few minutes later, two zombies with large bags sat obediently there, and Solon stood in front of them watching them.

“I’m sorry, this uncle, spare us! Attacking you was his idea. ”

“You bastard, didn’t you agree just now?”

“Okay, you two, now take me to where Moria is, or else.” Solon held out his hand and threatened.

“Yes!” The two zombies quickly agreed.

Liu Xuan’s side.

“Brother Liu Xuan, we seem to be on the wrong path, do you know the way?” Nami watched as she walked all the way and didn’t see anyone.

“This, I don’t know the way.” Liu Xuan said embarrassedly.

“Could it be that Big Brother Liu Xuan did it on purpose and wanted to be alone with me?” Nami looked at Liu Xuan and said.

“This,” Liu Xuan stammered with a red face.

“Okay, don’t tease you, let’s go over there and take a look!” Nami said and walked towards the north.

“Phew!” Liu Xuan took a long breath and followed, it was really torturous.

“Brother Liu Xuan, look quickly, there seems to be someone there!” Nami, who was walking in front, suddenly said.

Hearing Nami’s words, Liu Xuan sensed it with his breath.

“Found it.” I saw Liu Xuan’s figure appear behind that person in a flash.

“Hey! Who are you guy? What are you doing here? Looking at the person in front of him, Liu Xuan asked.

Someone behind him suddenly spoke, and the person fell to the ground in fright, “Who are you?” Could it be Moria’s lackey? ”

“Oh, aren’t you Moria’s subordinate?”

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