Age 736...


A Saiyan spaceship just entered the atmosphere of the planet Earth and from the inhabitants of the planet, it looks like a meteorite or shooting star from some people's perspective.

Mount Sun…

In the forest surrounding Mount Sun, an old Man is practicing martial arts after returning from his little brother's place. As it is already midnight he decided to stop training for today and return back to his little house on the mountain when he saw something which really shocked him out of his life.

"No, no, no don't hit the house. Don't hit the house. Dear God, please don't let the meteorite hit the house I will do anything just don't let it hit the house. Alright, I promise to take an orphan in just don't let it hit my house. " the old man asked while looking at the flaming meteorite which is flying through the air with an unimaginable speed toward his house and he knows if that thing really hits the house his little house will be gone for good and he will have to spend the whole night outside so he promised anything that came in his mind at the moment.

As if The God had heard his prayer the meteorite really passed by his house from enough distance to not hit his house but this time it flew directly in his direction which shocked him even more and he started running toward the opposite direction from his house but the meteorite won't stop following behind him.

After almost 10 seconds the meteor finally crashed on the ground.

"Ahhhh~ " hearing the sound of the meteorite landing on the ground he breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to find a huge hole right behind him and his back drenched into a cold sweat thinking if it landed a few meters bear him he would be dead by now as he is thanking the God he remembered his promised and started thinking "Now where am I going to find an orphan??? "

As he is lost in this new problem he heard something cracking in the hole and looking down he saw a white ball like round thing in the middle of the hole.

"Did something weird coming from the space? " the old material artist asked with a serious face while considering if he should run or stay here to fight the strange thing inside the egg.


Hearing the sound of the cracking again as if time has slowed down for him he slowly saw the eggs from transforming in a car door like shape then opening.

"Is this some kind of a spaceship??? " the old martial artist's curiosity came to be as he jumped down in the hole from the high platform and saw a strange thing which he didn't imagine in his wildest dreams "A little boy??? "

As if hearing his shocked voice the boy with a tail inside the spaceship opened his eyes from his long 2 years of sleeping and looked at the old man with a curious face 'Am I already on Earth and who is this old man??? '

"I got it. it must be God's wish for me to raise you. " the old man said with a Solomon tone and raised the boy from inside the spaceship and said with a serious face "From this day forward you shall be known as Sun Reo the grandson of me the great Martial Artist Master Sun."

"Hey, old man can you let me down? " Reo who is already 4 years old and spend 2 years traveling in space asked with a wry face.

"You can talk? " Master Sun exclaimed with a strange face then thinking it is normal for a 4-year-old to talk he shook his head "Of course you can talk. "

"Ok if you are done please let me down. " Reo again asked.

"Didn't you just say from now on my name will be Sun Reo and I am your grandson? " Reo asked with a confused face.

"Right, Right you are my grandson and your name is Sun Reo. " Master Sun said with a nod then asked pointing at the spaceship "What should we do with this thing? "

"Can you please take it and hide somewhere? " Reo asked with a curious face.

"Sure. " Master Sun replied with a smile then added "Then I will take it to my hose and hide it in the basement. "

"Where is your house? " Reo asked with a curious face.

"Look over there on top of that mountain behind you. " Master Sun said with a smile pointing behind Reo.

"The moon. " while turning his head the first thing Reo saw is the moon and became shocked but after some time when nothing happened, he thought with a sigh of relief 'Oh! it's not the full moon. '

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