
With a loud sound, Raditz felt the craft spin a few times and slowly rise to a high platform.

“Didi! Aircraft self-test completed… There are no foreign objects over the launch pad… The auxiliary ejection table is ready … Please confirm the launch. ”

Looking at the pattern that kept flashing on the monitor, Raditz stretched out his right hand and pressed it slowly but firmly.

“Didi, confirm the launch. Launch countdown: 10… 9…… 8…… 7…… 6……”

With the sound of the countdown, the rubber recliner under him constantly squirms, deformed, and automatically adjusted to the state that best suits his body type. It also wrapped Raditz’s body from the side.

“3…… 2…… 1…… Launch! ”


As if hit hard by a blow, the aircraft suddenly accelerated and bounced off the launch pad at a very fast speed.

Under the action of huge inertia, Raditz’s whole person was deeply trapped in the rubber recliner, unable to move. The air suddenly became much heavier, and he was breathless.

Whoosh! Soon, there was a snort outside, and the transparent hatch was quickly glowing red. These are the flames and sounds produced by the vehicle’s friction against the air as it leaves the atmosphere.

This phenomenon lasted for about ten seconds, and suddenly it quieted down.

The fire red outside the cabin also gradually faded, and the vast space came into view, and the aircraft had left the atmosphere and entered outer space. Against the dark background, a huge planet not far away stood quietly in the starry sky, which was the moon of Planet Vegeta. Because of the filtering effect of the hatch, it is not afraid to transform into a giant ape.

The first time he saw the starry sky so clearly, Raditz was fooled for a while.

Under the control of the intelligent brain, the aircraft automatically sailed to the mission site of Karam Star. It was a remote planet two months away from Vegeta, and according to the data, the maximum combat power of intelligent beings there was only 300. Even the current Raditz can be solved as long as the great ape is transformed.

Space flight is actually very boring, and the vast and desolate universe is not only rare planets, but also larger stones, which are rare. The aircraft spends most of its time flying alone in the void, unable to distinguish between east, west, north and south, up and down, left and right.

On the second day of the flight, Raditz fell into a deep sleep. The craft was too small to hold much food, and he had to sleep to survive the long voyage. And this time is just right to digest the instilled knowledge.


About two weeks away from Planet Vegeta, three solo aircraft flew in the void towards the distant starry sky. Lonely planets are left behind by them.

Although the appearance of the leading aircraft is similar to that of ordinary aircraft, the configuration inside is much more high-end. Not only has the original instrument been replaced with the latest product, but many other functional parts have been added.

“Didi!” The aircraft sounds an alert. Himechi, who had been in a deep sleep, was awakened.

When she was fully awake, Himeuchi looked at the information coming from the machine, and a photo of Raditz lying in the aircraft in a combat suit appeared in front of her. Although the body and the surrounding cabins are very incongruous, it is not difficult to see that Raditz is actually very handsome and very handsome.

She touched Raditz’s little face, and a smile full of maternal brilliance appeared on her face.

“Child, I hope you like the gift that your mother has prepared for you.”


The spacecraft has been flying in the lonely universe for nearly two months, because the spacecraft has accurate star maps and spacecraft brain control. Raditz was fine, except for being woken up twice by an alarm set in the middle, and he spent the rest of his time in his sleep.

On this day, the aircraft made a dripping sound again.

The sleeping Raditz was woken up again.

“Didi! There is only 1 hour left until this destination, Karam Star, so please be prepared. ”

After 56 days of sailing, it is finally coming, and it is not easy!

After a simple personal hygiene and eating some advanced nutrient solution, Raditz began to operate the spacecraft to understand the target planet.

According to the information in the brain of the aircraft. Karam is a terrestrial planet about the size of Earth.

There is only one humanoid intelligent race named Dila on it. According to the super-large long-range Scottrade detection on Planet Vegeta, the highest combat power on this planet is only 300, and the rest have an average combat power of about 150. For Raditz, it was challenging.

He decided to land the spaceship in a remote place first, find a place to master some of the fighting skills in his mind, and then go to the people on the planet.

Calling up the map of Karam Star, it can be clearly seen that the oceans of the planet account for about 64% of the entire planet, and the rest of the place is occupied by four relatively large continents, and there are some scattered small islands.

Most of the Dila live on these four continents, surrounded by scattered island cities. Their level of technology is even worse than the original Earth, and they have not flown out of the planet, only some probe spacecraft.

After selection, Raditz decided to land on the edge of one of the continents, where there was a vast forest. There are also scattered mountains, grasslands and rivers.

It’s a great place to exercise. It is also more than 200 miles away from the nearest human town, and there is no need to worry about being discovered.

Go through the whole plan in your head and make sure nothing is missing. Only then did he put away the map and lie down.

Turn the hatch into viewing mode for an unobstructed view of the starry sky outside.

It is a small galaxy with only four planets except for one star. Karam is the third planet away from the star and has a moon, the Moon.

In order to ensure the survival rate of Saiyan babies, most mission planets contain one or more moons. In this way, even if the Saiyan children’s own combat power is not enough to solve the local intelligent creatures, they can transform into giant apes on the night of the full moon to solve it.

“Drip! There are still five minutes to go before the destination planet Karam, so please be prepared. ”

With the prompting sound of the flying machine, Raditz collected his mind and looked straight ahead.

There, a planet is slowly emerging from view, then gradually getting bigger.

It’s a blue-and-yellow planet, visible from outer space, with more than half of the ocean wrapped around the landing.

Soon, the craft came to the sky above the planet. Raditz manually stuck the craft in near-Earth space. At the same time, the geographical situation of the planet is scanned with the instrument that comes with the aircraft, after all, the previous data is scanned by a remote scanner on Planet Vegeta, which is inevitable to have some discrepancies.

A few minutes later, the basic geographical information of the planet had been scanned and sorted, and after his own screening, Raditz found the originally selected landing area.

Fortunately, except for an extra desert of hundreds of square miles, the environment is not much different.

Suddenly, the probe sounded a dripping alarm, and Raditz looked to see a small meteorite group passing through the area where the craft was located. In another ten minutes, it will enter the atmosphere of Karam Star.

‘Exactly, enter the interior of the planet with the meteorite group to avoid being discovered by the people on the planet. After waiting in place for a while, Raditz steered the craft carefully to the meteorite group and flew towards Karam at the same speed.


The familiar sound of friction sounded again, and the meteorite group that fell with Raditz began to glow and burn due to the intense friction as it passed through the atmosphere. Some small meteorites are directly burned to ashes, and only some large meteorites have a chance to remain and fall to the ground.

The roar outside is continuous, but the inside of the aircraft is very stable. Raditz also really admires the Saiyan, or Saturnian, scientific and technological ability.

“Bang!” With a loud roar, the craft slammed into a small hillside. The powerful impact directly knocked through this small hillside, and the residual force even caused the aircraft to fly hundreds of meters in the forest. Finally, he fell to the ground and smashed a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters and a depth of nearly ten meters.

The intense friction caused part of the soil to directly vaporize into black smoke and slowly rise.

“Drip! The external environment of the aircraft is excellent, no harmful ingredients have been found, and there is no need to wear a filter helmet. ”

After a crisp opening and closing sound, the hatch of the aircraft opened and one foot stepped on the ground.

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