When Raditz woke up from his slumber again, he was awakened by hunger!

Under the dim light of the instruments inside the aircraft, Raditz’s pale face from hunger was reflected on the hatch that startled him.

And the corpse of the wolf-type creature was still inside the aircraft, with a slight stench. In this way, he has no appetite at all, and if he is not hungry before, he will not drink raw blood.

Forget it, let’s go out and find a place to make a fire and barbecue, now even if you go hunting, you don’t have so much strength. Touching his more shriveled belly, Raditz decided to fill his stomach.

I don’t know if the big guy is gone.” I don’t want to eat raw meat anymore, and it’s still smelly meat. With a few mutterings, he opened the viewing mode of the hatch.

What he didn’t expect was that he was not in the deep pit when he landed, but underwater!

How so? Raditz quickly turned on the scanner on the aircraft, only to find that he was now in a large river. It was already more than a dozen miles away from the landing site.

He vaguely remembered that when he fell asleep, the flying machine seemed to be pushed by something.

Scott’s scan showed that there were no high-powered creatures nearby, and he maneuvered the craft to slowly ascend and fly out of the water.

When the aircraft came to an altitude of tens of meters, he found that he was in a large river nearly 100 meters wide. Both sides of the river are tall primeval forests, and the nearest bank has a newly crushed passage that extends into the forest.

The trees in the passage lay vertically on the ground, and some had even been bitten off. Judging from the bite marks, the perpetrator’s body is large and his teeth are sharp, and he should be a giant carnivore. Similar to the Tyrannosaurus rex, it should be the big guy with a combat power of 120 that he detected.

Fortunately, it has left, there is a clear indentation on the riverbank, footprints, the other party should have walked downstream along the riverbank.

Let’s get out of here first and find a place to barbecue, it’s too dangerous nearby. Raditz piloted the craft up and flew towards a mountain range in the distance.

What he didn’t know was that just as the aircraft flew away, a huge black shadow suddenly flashed underwater.


Find a small cave near the top of the mountain, which seems to be an abandoned bear cave. After confirming that it was safe, he stopped the craft at the entrance of the cave, found some branches and hay, and began to roast the creature he named the dwarf wolf.

Soon the meat was grilled, and although there were no seasonings or salt, Raditz was still very happy.

The Saiyan had always had a good appetite, and the meat of the dwarf wolf, which was larger than his body, was all eaten by him. I even collected a lot of nearby berries, which can be regarded as eight points full.

At present, the main problem is to adapt to and coordinate the body as soon as possible and give full play to the combat effectiveness of the body itself. 37 combat power can’t beat the dwarf wolf of 20, it’s not a laughing death to say it.

Basic exercise is undoubtedly the most effective method.

In memory, Saiyans also have relevant exercise courses, but most of them have corresponding supporting facilities, either some people are training, and even some are directly with raw beasts. Although this method is obviously for the improvement of combat power, he does not plan to use it.

‘Let’s take your time. Basic training is done in the early stage, and then the right opponent is found in the forest. After thinking about it, he still started with a conservative method, after all, he was too small, this is not Vegeta Star, injured and has a healing device.

Only when you grow up and have resistance can you train for danger.

First, let’s get some exercise after dinner.

After finding a flat place, Raditz cleaned up and started doing push-ups.

1,2,3…… 30,31…… 123,124…… 307,308,309。

Phew~ Only at this time did he feel a little tired in his body.

The physical fitness of the Saiyans is really not covered, and now they are only a little tired. Well, not yet to the limit, go ahead.

Three hundred and ten, three hundred and eleven, at this time his arms began to tremble slightly

…… Five hundred and one, five hundred and two… A little sweat slowly oozed down the edges of the combat suit.

…… One thousand and twenty, one thousand and twenty-one, one thousand and twenty-three… At this time, under him, sweat had flowed into a small pool, reflecting his immature and resolute face.

“I can do it! Sun Wukong’s 2 combat strength can withstand such high-intensity training, why can’t I! And my soul is still an adult, and I can’t compare to a child! ”

One thousand and zero… Twenty-eight, one thousand and zero… Two…… Nineteen, a thousand… Three…… Ten!

Whew… The last three strokes Raditz almost gritted his teeth and insisted. At this time, his arms were obviously much more swollen, and he was almost catching up with his thighs.

“This… Phew ~ really TMD cool! “Lying on the ground panting heavily. The feeling of numbness all over the body does not seem to be so uncomfortable. And he can clearly feel that the body is slowly recovering, and the food just eaten in his stomach is being rapidly digested, absorbed, and turned into energy to replenish the lack of energy in his cells.

When his arm was a little better, he got up and moved a few times and started doing sit-ups!

1,2…… Ninety-eight… Two hundred and thirty-two… Seven hundred and eight… Nine hundred and ninety-eight, nine hundred and ninety-nine, one thousand!

This time it seems that it is not as laborious as just now, and it seems that the body has become accustomed to high-intensity training.

The swollen part of the arm due to the intense exercise has recovered, and now there is no discomfort. Raditz strikes while the iron is hot and starts practicing squats, followed by frog jumps.

Six hours had passed since this was done, and it was already a little dark. During this time, he only rested four times, each for three minutes.

The effect of high-intensity exercise is obvious, although the combat effectiveness has not increased, the body is more coordinated than before, and the arm swing is more powerful.

Of course, this was not without cost, his stomach was hungry again.

Seeing that there were no more berries on the bushes around him, Raditz had to take Scott to hunt down the mountain.

This time there were no surprises, and he easily hunted three goat-like creatures. Each of them had nearly a hundred catties, which really made him work hard.

Dinner is still a barbecue, but this time with the addition of a seasoning. While hunting, he found several plants similar to peppers, cumin collected back. When I put some in the roast, the taste is much better, and it is no longer so difficult to swallow.

After eating and drinking, a new round of exercise begins.

For the rest of the period, in addition to going out hunting and sleeping. Raditz has been exercising without a slack.

There is really not much time left for him, the enemy is too strong, and if you do not work a little harder, there is no possibility of winning at all. Think of the combat power of Friesha, which has a high combat power of 530,000, and now he is less than 50. The gap of 10,000 times, not to mention that he still has two stages and three stages of transformation, and the combat power of that million units is even more admirable existence.

Following push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and frog jumps, Raditz added running up and down the hill carrying boulders. Hit the trunk 1,000 times a day, ten times a day, and gradually increase the amount of training.

Occasionally, he would go down to the river to practice swimming, after all, swimming is a sport that exercises the muscles of the whole body. It has a great effect on body coordination.

However, after accidentally scanning a black shadow with 300 combat power, he stopped going to the river, at most bathing in shallow water.

Even with that glimpse of the shock, the dazzling scarlet combat power still impressed him.

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