When Raditz returned to the cave where he lived, the small volcano finally erupted.

Even here, the magma column that soared into the sky could be seen, and the red magma sprayed in the jungle, and the fire burned in the sky. Strands of thick smoke flew into the sky with magma, and a piece of black pressure was crushed. The clear night sky is rendered as if the end has come.

The jungle was so frightened by this sudden natural disaster that they fled their homes overnight, and those who fled an hour later even spread here.

The eruptions continue until the middle of the moon before gradually stopping, and occasionally erupt in the second half of the night. It’s just not as powerful as before, and all that is sprayed is smoke and volcanic ash.

By the time Raditz woke up the next day, there was already a hill nearly 100 meters in the jungle not far away, and black smoke was still faintly emitting from it.

The originally silver-clad jungle was all covered with a thin layer of volcanic ash, which looked like it was not gray. When the sun comes out, the snow melts, and the volcanic ash flows down the snow, and the trees here will surely be more lush next spring.

Raditz also visited the volcano a few days later, and there were no flamingos lingering there. Even traces of their past life are obscured by magma, and soon this place will be occupied by other animals, and no one will remember that there was a thriving flamingo here.

Raditz, who had won the revenge, returned to his old life, exercising hard every day and training martial arts.

Occasionally, he would find time to go to the forest to find powerful beasts and conduct actual combat training.

After all, actual combat is the only criterion for testing combat effectiveness. Combat effectiveness is only cold data, and combat effectiveness that cannot be fully exerted is useless even if it is strong.

‘Qi’ is a term for the energy contained in the human body in the Dragon Ball world.

It cannot be seen or touched, but it can be felt by some people and scanned by special machines.

I remember that when Sun Wuhan taught Bi Dai’s childhood, he once said: ‘Qi’ is the energy or power contained in the human body, which everyone has in the body, but it is only a lot. The most intuitive manifestation is qigong waves.

However, being able to release qigong waves does not mean that you can feel ‘qi’. These are two completely different concepts.

The turtle immortals created the original turtle school qigong, and the crane immortals cultivated into knock knock waves, all of which are qigong waves. However, the latter is greater than the former, both in skill and attack intensity. Moreover, the original ‘Dancing Void Technique’ of the Crane Immortals also requires strong control over ‘Qi’. Of course, this is also a classic skill that many earth warriors are vying to learn.

According to the introduction in Dragon Ball, Goku can’t fly when he defeats the old Vic Great Devil, but the Tianjin Dinner Party. After drinking the Super God Water and unleashing his powerful potential, Goku can sense the evil ‘qi’ of the Vic Great Devil, who has become young in the palace.

Of course, the perception of ‘qi’ by the Celestial God and the Karin Immortals is different from that of ordinary people.

Since learning Qigong waves, Raditz has been trying to sense the ‘Qi’ in his body. Only by sensing ‘qi’ can you learn the art of dancing the void. The latter series of martial arts and moves have requirements for ‘qi’.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn’t sense the ‘qi’ in his body. When he is in an irritable mood, he will even go to the jungle to wreak havoc, vent his irritability at one time, and drive away loneliness.

On this day, Raditz sat cross-legged on the platform wearing only fur pants.

The snowflakes that kept falling in the sky gently fell on him. One piece, two pieces….

When Raditz’s body was submerged in snowflakes and turned into a tiny snowman, he remained motionless.

Suddenly, the snowman in the snow slowly swayed, and slowly, the shaking became more and more obvious.

With a click, the place where the snowman connects to the ground breaks. The snowman with only the upper body is strangely floating in the air, which is particularly oozing. If it is in a busy city, I am afraid that it has already been recognized as a supernatural event at this moment.

The snowman flying off the ground flutters erratically from side to side, swaying from side to side within a certain range. As the snowman rises, the snow on it gradually peels off and falls, revealing the Raditz inside.

When the seated Raditz flew five or six meters away from the platform, it gradually stopped shaking, and stood still at a certain point, as if it was fixed.

After about ten minutes, it slowly fell.

‘Whew~ finally achieved the goal. Raditz opened her eyes with a look of satisfaction.

It took nearly a month before and after, and he finally felt the existence of ‘qi’. I remember that it only took Bidelle a day to sense ‘Qi’, and it took a week to learn to fly.

It stands to reason that the talent of the Saiyans is not bad, and it took him so long to feel the qi. The only thing he could think of was the difference in age.

Raditz is now less than eight months old. At this age, on earth, he still nestled in his mother’s arms to breastfeed. Maybe the body is too immature, the ‘qi’ is still hidden in the body, or maybe the mental power is not strong enough.

In any case, I finally sensed ‘qi’ and learned to fly. Next, just practice hard and master it.

Then, entering the society of this planet is also on the agenda.

He has never forgotten his purpose for coming to this planet – to destroy life on this planet.

Only by completing the mission and returning to Vegeta Star can you get paid to build high-end cultivation rooms, spaceships, healing rooms… All of this requires money, and it’s a huge amount of money.

As the so-called poor culture and rich martial arts, since ancient times, martial arts training has been a very expensive thing. If nothing else, Saiyan appetite alone can exhaust an ordinary family.

Winter turned to spring, and in the blink of an eye, two months passed.

When the silver-clad jungle is covered in green again, the jungle that has been deserted for three months becomes lively again.

All kinds of hungry animals have come out of their nests to eat like crazy to replenish the energy consumed in this cold winter.

Raditz routinely finishes a full meal after a workout.

Before leaving, he detected his combat power one last time, which was clearly displayed on Scott: 103.

Hide the battle suit, Scott, and the battle suit in the cave, and find a few huge rocks to block the cave. He also smashed down the cliff outside to hide the cave. Raditz flew above the platform, looked at the familiar jungle around him, and was full of emotion for a while.

‘Goodbye, Jungle. ’

He said silently in his heart, and immediately turned around and flew towards the northeast. There was a small village there, and he decided to go there first to inquire about the specific situation on the planet before making his next move.

After flying for about an hour, the unchanged jungle changed a little. Some hills, clearings, and occasionally a stream cascading down the mountain and pooling into a river in the jungle that flows into the distance. A black shadow appeared at the end of the field of vision, and as it flew, the black shadow became more and more, and finally turned into a mountain range.

Raditz couldn’t help but speed up and flew for another ten minutes before coming to the vicinity of the mountains.

Looking down from the sky, dozens of circular houses are scattered at the foot of the mountain. A few wisps of cooking smoke rise, and occasionally you can hear the barking of dogs and the laughter of children.

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