“The semifinals of the 5th Martial Arts Alliance Tournament are about to begin! Ask both contestants to come on stage and prepare. Half an hour later, Pat, who had reappeared on the ring, announced that the match was about to begin.

The martial arts fans of the two in the audience had already begun to shout the names of their idols.

Raditz and Sammy ascended the competition stage one after another.

Standing on the competition platform, the condescending Sami said with an arrogant face: “If you want to escape, it is still too late.” When I get started, I won’t show mercy! ”

“Hmph! Let’s say a few more words now, there are not many opportunities left. Raditz sneered at his words.

“It’s been an exciting time, both of them have great fighting skills. Who will win, no one is sure. The game begins! ”

As soon as Pat announced the start of the game, Sammy rushed towards Raditz.

“Enlighten!” Sammy came up with a heavy punch at Raditz.

Bang! Raditz didn’t dodge either, blocking his attack with his left arm crossbar.

Sami immediately jerked upwards with his left foot, trying to kick Raditz flying. Sensing the danger, Raditz hurriedly backflipped a few times to dodge his attack.

Just as he was about to get up and fight back, Sammy had already come to him. Without warning, he kicked straight at Raditz, without any hesitation, Raditz kicked down hard with both hands and feet, and the whole person jumped up from the competition platform.

“Don’t try to escape!” Sami missed the blow and jumped with it. The two sides once again engaged in a fierce offensive and defensive battle in mid-air, and the crackling collision sound was endless.

After nearly twenty seconds of fighting, both sides jerked at each other as their bodies fell. With the help of this impact, the two quickly fell to the ground.

Without any pause, the two sides once again catapulted from their landing points, rushed towards each other, and began a new round of fighting.

In this way, the two hit from the competition platform to the air, and from mid-air to the ground. It went back and forth several times, and the fight was inextricable.

Referee Pat and the spectators in the stands were dumbfounded. For a while, there was no noise on the field, and everyone looked at the two people fighting on the stage obsessively.

Because the speed is too fast, ordinary viewers can hardly see the movements of the two.

After a few more minutes, Raditz’s hands and feet were too short because of his body, and he was finally hit by Sammy and fell on the competition platform.

At this point, the two sides that had been fighting for nearly ten minutes each occupied half of the competition platform and looked at each other.

“It’s only been so long since we separated, and this guy’s combat effectiveness has improved so much. Moreover, this body is too strong. Being hit by my punch didn’t happen at all. Sammy looked at Raditz, who was only panting slightly, and was greatly surprised in his heart.

You must know that more than a month ago, he abused the other party very once, and even deliberately broke his left leg. But who would have thought that after more than a month, Raditz not only recovered from his injuries, but also improved his fighting skills a lot. Strength, speed, if it wasn’t for confirming that the little ghost in front of him was the same person, he thought it was a different person.

‘Damn, this guy can’t stay! You can become so powerful in such a short time. If you give him a little more time, it will not be more powerful than now. At that time, the young master’s plan will not be… Get rid of it! ’

As soon as Sammy thought of the young master’s plan, the killing intent in his heart began to swell uncontrollably.

Raditz on the opposite side immediately felt his killing intent.

It’s funny that it killed me.” Are you going to make a bad move? ’

“Hmm… Drink! After a short break, Sammy clasped his hands to his chest before gulping. A surging momentum suddenly burst out from him.

The powerful momentum even distorted the air around him, like the heat that was constantly steaming over a campfire.

Some small gravel on the competition platform was blown around by this momentum, and some even flew to the stands. It crackled like rain.

Instead of complaining, the spectators who were hit shouted excitedly.

“Wow! I really didn’t expect to see the second stage transformation here. ”

“Sami Pavilion has done its best, and this Raditz is going to be unlucky.”

“I guess the tragedy of the last time will repeat itself.”

On the competition stage, Raditz looked at Sammy, who suddenly burst into momentum, and was speechless: ‘Isn’t this just violent anger? It’s like you can actually transform. ’

Although he said this, Raditz did not let his guard down. In private, he also began to slowly gather his breath.

Sami’s momentum in this state is to mobilize the ‘qi’ deep in the body and fill the entire body. In this way, both speed, strength and resistance to strikes will be significantly improved.

Raditz visually measured that Sammy’s combat power should now be around 260, almost comparable to several martial kings (when Raditz was killed in the original comics, Klin’s combat power was 206, and Vic 329 was used as a comparison).

‘260’s combat effectiveness, hehe, it’s exciting to think about. Raditz’s body couldn’t help but tremble.

After the last battle, the Saiyan special physique played a role in one time. Now his all-out combat power has reached 170, which is almost comparable to Sami in normal conditions.

If he is also violent, although his strength is slightly inferior to the other party, it will not be too bad.

Sammyhun, who had already completed his violent temper, was wrapped in surging qi. The originally loose martial arts uniform was also supported by swollen muscles, his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of blood, and his silver-gray hair stood on end.

“Ready?” Sammy clenched his fists and asked Raditz seemingly calmly.

“Hehe, if I say I’m not ready, will you still give me time to prepare? Fight if you want, don’t talk so much nonsense! Raditz half-squatted and posed.

“Hmph! Sharp teeth! Today, let me tear this smelly mouth of yours to pieces! Sammy snorted coldly and disappeared in place.

Raditz’s wide eyes narrowed suddenly.

“In the back!” As soon as Raditz sensed a huge ‘qi’ behind him, he was kicked by Sami from behind.

As he flew out backwards, Raditz quickly adjusted his body, knowing that Sammy would not give him a chance to fight back.

Sure enough, before he could land, Sammy appeared behind him, and his explosive fist smashed into Raditz’s back again.

Bang! Raditz in mid-air turned around and blocked Sammy’s attack.

“Do you think the same trick will work for me?”

Bang bang! The two sides fought fiercely again.

Sami’s combat power after the storm is amazing, and every move is full of destructive power. After only a few punches, Raditz felt a sharp pain in his hands. As a last resort, he accelerated out of Sami’s attack range.

“Want to run? Did you run away? ”

Sammy was unforgiving, and took advantage of Raditz’s turn to flee, speeding up, came to Raditz’s back, and slammed down with a heavy cannon.


Sami’s all went straight through Raditz’s body and smashed on the jousting platform.

“It’s Doppelganger! How can it be! Sammy was shocked and quickly looked up to look for Raditz’s figure.

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