The gap in strength made it difficult for the surrounding ferocious beasts to escape its pursuit, and it didn’t take long for the ferocious beasts around the vine mountain to be killed.

The great ape that had been killed had begun to swim far away to hunt the beast.

Raditz secretly waited for the blood-colored fruit to ripen.

After the great ape’s wild killing, another fruit was close to ripe.

There were a total of twelve blood-colored fruits on the Blood-colored Vine Mountain, except for the one that was eaten by the giant ape, and he planned to wrap all the rest.

I don’t know when the heavy rain has become much smaller and rarer. The group of ferocious beasts gathered in the distance did not decrease, but increased.

The lake, which was soon killed by the giant ape, was once again full of ferocious beasts. And the strength of these ferocious beasts is also gradually increasing, and there have been several combat power of around 250.

Almost all of them are kings of a certain group, just like the previous great ape leaders.

But now in the face of the evolved golden giant ape, they still don’t have enough to see.

A huge rhinoceros beast also wants to climb on the vine with its thick skin. But he never wanted to be grabbed and killed by an angry giant ape.

“Roar!” The great ape roared at them, declaring that this was its territory.

The gathered king beasts were not frightened by this scene, but slowly gathered together and surrounded the giant ape.

As if some kind of agreement had been reached, the remaining king beasts attacked the giant ape at almost the same time.

A tortoise-shaped ferocious beast crawled towards the giant ape first with a thick tortoise shell, and the bone spurs all over its body showed that it was not just defensive. It was followed by serpentine fierce beasts, leopard-type fierce beasts…

Bang bang! The great ape slammed its fist on the turtle shell full of spikes.

A wail came from the tortoise shell, and the turtle-type ferocious beast was actually smashed by the giant ape’s punch and bleed, and the spikes on the turtle’s back were also broken in half. The thick tortoise shell has several cracks, and the flesh and blood inside are faintly visible.

The giant ape also snorted, and his rough big hand was pierced several holes by spikes.

The rest of the king beasts did not stop, each exerting their own skills: the serpentine fierce beast sprayed purple venom from its mouth, the leopard-type fierce beast quickly attacked, and the porcupine fierce beast fired dozens of spikes…

Attacked by several king beasts, the giant ape panicked for a while. After all, it has just evolved, and its soaring combat power cannot be fully mastered. In addition, the previous chase consumed a lot of strength.

Just as the two sides were entangled, another fruit on the vine mountain ripened. The refreshing fragrance reappeared.

Raditz suddenly jumped out of the water, stepped on the lake with his feet rapidly, and left the place before his body sank.

Treading water continuously, Raditz simply walked on the ground, running towards the vine mountain at a very fast speed. And during the Earth Alliance period, the legendary light skill water drift is not much different.

After a few breaths, he came to the foot of the vine mountain, and the great apes and those king beasts also noticed that the fruit was ripe. All abandon their opponents and climb up.


At this moment, on the other side of the vine mountain, a huge ferocious beast suddenly jumped from the lake and pounced, and the lake splashed more than ten meters high.

This ferocious beast was very large, and the figure that jumped up directly covered the vine mountain. Under the huge shadow, it was difficult for the ferocious beasts to see its face clearly. But the powerful momentum of the other party had already made the ferocious beasts fearful.

The visitor is also a king beast, but it is a huge body, but it makes the other party a top king beast. Compared to it, the great ape is simply a baby.

The giant ferocious beast that soared into the air fell with a bang and wrapped itself around the vine mountain. The vine shook in all directions, and if it weren’t for the exceptionally strong vine, I am afraid it would have collapsed and destroyed long ago.

“Hiss…” spat out a long, forked slender tongue, three-horned pointed head, fine scales, thick body. The giant ferocious beast only revealed its face, but it was a giant poisonous python.

The poisonous python did not put the giant ape in his eyes, and looked at the ripe fruit as soon as it appeared.

The volleyed head seems to move slowly and quickly towards the fruit. When it felt the giant ape and other king beasts move their tails slightly, several king beasts were volleyed away like sweeping garbage.


“I’ve been guarding against you for a long time!” With a shout, the poisonous python’s head was hit by a sudden heavy kick.

The huge body shook and almost didn’t fall. And when it looked up again, it found that the ripe fruit had long since disappeared!

The poisonous python hurriedly searched left and right, and after a while, he found that there was a small dot at the top of the vine mountain. And the disappearing fruit was in his hands, slowly put into his mouth.

Swish! The poisonous python quickly twisted its body and climbed up, spraying a breath of poisonous gas towards Raditz on the way.

Raditz unhurriedly ate the blood-colored fruit in his hand, his feet lightly shifted to one side.

“It tastes good, like honey, peaches, and a bit like bananas.”

As soon as the blood-colored fruit reached his stomach, Raditz felt a warm current rising from his stomach and rushing towards the hundred limbs.

Before he could feel it carefully, the attack of the poisonous python came again.

“Instead of bothering you, you come to the door yourself.” It just so happened that I didn’t have enough ferocious beasts, so I used you as fertilizer!” Easily dodging the poisonous python’s attack, Raditz jumped down the vine mountain and landed on the poisonous python’s long body.

In order to climb the vine mountain, the poisonous python’s body wrapped around the mountain and climbed up in a spiral. Following the body of the poisonous python, Raditz ran as fast as if climbing a staircase.

‘There! As he ran, he saw a slight bulge in the body of the wriggling snake. Without thinking much, he raised his fist and smashed it down at the bulge!

Bang! The poisonous python’s body paused instantly, and then accelerated its squirming again.

Raditz knew he had found the right place, which was indeed the seven inches of the poisonous python, where the heart was. He jumped left and right to avoid the attack of the poisonous python while looking for the seven inches of the poisonous python.

In a few seconds, the seven inches of the poisonous python appeared in his field of vision again, needless to say, bombarded with his fists again…

A minute later, the poisonous python hung its head unwillingly, and its huge body gradually slipped down, splashing a large lake of water and disappearing into the bright red lake.

Only then did Raditz have time to carefully feel the changes in his body.

It seems that the body has been strengthened somewhat, but the increase in strength is not obvious. He clenched his fists, threw a few volleys in the air, and then hammered his chest, banging.

The strength has increased a lot, and the physical strength has also increased to a certain extent. However, the expected combat effectiveness did not increase much, probably only a few dozen.

“What’s going on? Is it because my strength is too strong? Or is this fruit not useful to me? ”

Raditz, who didn’t get the expected results, was a little annoyed.

Since there is a change, it means that it is useful. If you can’t eat one, I’ll eat ten! ’

If the blood-colored fruit wants to ripen, it must absorb the blood and flesh purification of the ferocious beast, and Raditz wants the fruit to ripen, of course, he must kill the ferocious beast to cultivate the blood-colored vine.

Fighting and killing are things that integrate into the depths of the Saiyan body. Without stopping, Raditz rushed down the vine mountain and jumped onto the nearest ferocious beast in the lake, and suddenly stepped out. Immediately, the head of the unlucky ferocious beast under his feet blossomed…

The already chaotic lake became even more chaotic and bloody after Raditz joined.

All the ferocious beasts it encounters, no matter how big or small, powerful or not, kill them all, leaving no one behind!

In addition to returning every once in a while to observe the ripening of the fruit, Raditz has been wandering the lake to kill the ferocious beasts.

The killing lasted from morning to night, and Raditz had eaten ten fruits one after another. Now only the smallest fruit on the top of the vine has not ripened.

The beast had not appeared on the lake for a long time, and Raditz had to return to the top of the mountain and wait.

After eating so many blood-colored fruits, the heat flow in Raditz’s body had grown several times. The constant flow of heat surrounding his body constantly transformed his body.

Compared with the energy of the forging technique, this heat flow is much simpler and crude.

Some weak and inaccessible places, such as the arm sockets, soles of the feet, internal organs and other places, have all been roughly washed back and forth hundreds of times by the heat flow.

At first, it was a little better, and the crispy numbness was heard. After he ate five pills, there was a feeling of swelling in his body, and there was a slight pain wherever the heat flowed through. After he ate eight of them, the trickling hot stream had already turned into a rushing river, which stopped impacting the meridians in his body all the time.

When he ate the tenth fruit, the rushing heat turned into pieces of small knives, constantly scraping every inch of muscle and bone.

The surging blood in his body seemed to be boiling, flowing rapidly in his body, making his body turn red. A trace of blood oozed from the skin, which was not much different from the situation of the great ape before.

‘Not enough! Not enough! Enduring the intense pain, Raditz gritted his teeth and roared.

Unconsciously, the original clear whites of the eyes have been replaced by scarlet, and others have begun to become a little crazy.

“Roar! Roar! ”

The roar of a great ape resounded in the lake and constantly echoed in the jungle. It was as if he was declaring his existence, and it was like provoking the fierce beasts around him to fight.

Around the lake, there are still some fierce beasts that do not participate in the scramble. After all, the blood-colored fruit is not the first time it has appeared. The ferocious beasts that had benefited before also knew their own situation and no longer mixed up with it.

But Raditz’s provocative roar drew them all. They decided to come and teach this unknown ‘newcomer’ a lesson.

Feeling those rapidly approaching ‘qi’, they are all more than 300 powerful fierce beasts.

Standing on the top of the vine mountain, looking at the fierce beasts coming one by one.

Raditz smiled silently, and then disappeared to the top of the mountain. By the time he reappeared, he was behind a blood-red beast like a burning lion.

Bang! The fist that smashed on the blood lion’s body only made the opponent take a step back, and did not hurt it.

Dogs that bite do not bark. The blood lion didn’t say a word, opened his blood basin and spat at Raditz.

A ball of energy the size of a basketball with a burning bloody light smashed into Raditz in an instant. The huge impact made him fly backwards for tens of meters before stopping, stirring up waves more than ten meters high along the way.

Looking down, the clothes on his chest had been burned out of a large hole, revealing some scorched skin inside.

The corners of Raditz’s mouth flashed with an evil smile: “Hehe, that’s interesting.” The previous fight was so boring that it didn’t get me excited at all. I hope you can satisfy me. Hehe, ahahaha…”

In the midst of evil laughter, Raditz rushed towards the blood lion. The other party did not show weakness in the slightest and rushed up head-on.

The two sides collided together on the surface of the lake, and with a loud noise, the huge shock wave scattered, pushing the surrounding lake water back tens of meters before slowly disappearing.

Bang bang! Roar!

Crashing sounds, roars, explosion flashes are intertwined to form a unique light and shadow effect.

Not long after the two sides fought, Raditz, who was already close to violence, gained the upper hand and pressed the blood lion to fight. Seeing this, the other ferocious beasts who came also began to join the battle.

Light foxes, ptarmigans, whirlwind wolves, dire crocodiles…

One after another terrifying ferocious beast joined in turn, and the wounds on Raditz’s body began to slowly increase.

But he was still not afraid, a pair of tiger eyes were round, and the violent aura was slowly released from his body.

He was more and more excited, more and more spirited.

Syllable! The blood lion was smashed in the head by him!

Rumble! The thunderbird was blasted into the sky by him!

Bang! The dinosaur crocodile was smashed into the bottom of the lake by him!

Swish! The Wind Wolf was killed by his waist!

Sting! The light fox was torn in half by him!


The powerful ferocious beasts that rushed to hear the sound were killed by Raditz one after another.

At this moment, he was already surrounded by a rich qi, and the pure desire to kill surrounded him heavily.

When all the surrounding ferocious beasts were killed by him, the blood-colored fruit on the top of the vine mountain finally ripened.

The fragrance regained some of Raditz’s senses, and he jumped to the top of the mountain to pick up the fruit and throw it into his mouth.

The fruit melted in his mouth, and a stream of heat far beyond the previous one spread out in his body.


Even though he had lost his mind, the pain of the powerful heat tearing his body still made Raditz roar to the sky.

There were no more ferocious beasts for him to kill. There was nothing left on the empty lake, except for the vine mountain under his feet, and he vented and hit the solid blood-colored vines.

Bang bang! One, two, three…

The rock-solid vines had already begun to shake under Raditz’s continuous blows.

Bang bang bang…

The roar of the blow continued all night, and when the sun rose the next day, only the last bit of the vine mountain was left to the surface of the lake.

“Drink!” Raditz threw his final punch with all his strength, and the last stub of the solid vine mountain was also shattered by him and fell to the bottom of the lake.


After stretching out all night, Raditz felt more comfortable than ever, and he raised his head to the sky and shouted. In the dark, a giant ape phantom appeared behind him.

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