It is said that since Raditz defeated Leo, the development of the Martial Arts Hall has received funds and training preferences from the Martial Arts Alliance. In just three months, the Xinghe Martial Arts Hall has been almost renovated from the inside out, and many exercise equipment and rooms have been added.

Just now, he also saw that the entire street outside the martial arts hall had become a lot more prosperous, and many new houses were being built, which seemed to be shops and the like.

Raditz followed Grimm through the corridors to a room deep in the martial arts hall.

“Wow… Is this the gravity training room? ”

As soon as he entered the room, Raditz saw a huge egg-shaped object with a metal support underneath it to hold it.

Visually speaking, the height of this thing is more than ten meters, and the widest point is nearly seven or eight meters. The whole body is made of unknown silver-white metal, with only two or three traces of stitching.

“Huh… I always said that I didn’t expect to be able to finish it on time. There were many technical difficulties during the construction, but Lord Krudi sent several experts in related fields. Let’s go, let’s take a look inside. Green looked at the gravity cultivation room in front of him, his eyes full of pride.

Don’t underestimate this thing, it can be said that the technology it contains is almost all painstakingly created by the top scientists of Karam Star.

Not long after the construction was completed, some related equipment was still undergoing final testing. The outer shell of the gravity cultivation room is still connected to many line instruments.

Green pressed a few buttons on the console, and the eggshell opened part to form a staircase, and the two entered in turn.

The space inside is huge, almost as high as a two-story building. According to Raditz’s requirements, the space color is mainly light blue, and some nebulae are occasionally added for decoration. The sky above the cultivation room was drawn as a starry sky map.

At a glance, the cultivation room removed a pillar in the middle, and the rest of the things were gone.

“That’s the gravity generator and the console of this cultivation room.” Green said, pointing to the bar in the middle.

As mentioned earlier, the scientific and technological level of Karam Star is even more backward than that of the Earth of this world.

Although there are technological products such as hovercars, they are still slightly inferior to the earth in cutting-edge technology. At least there are no magic capsule companies and their capsules.

Speaking of which, when Sun Wukong was going to Nami Buster, he also asked Bulma’s father to help him transform the spaceship into a gravity room. It took only three weeks, which is still the time taken taking into account the characteristics of the spacecraft. And now Grimm, they just built a gravity cultivation room, it took three months…

“According to your requirements, you can generate up to 50 times the gravity… Although you are very strong, I still want to remind you. Do you know what 50 times gravity means? An object that originally weighed only a hundred kilograms is five thousand kilograms here! If ordinary people enter the gravity room, they will be killed by their own weight in an instant! Green said to Raditz with a solemn face. The worry in his tone certainly knew.

He smiled and said to Green, “Don’t worry, I know it.” Our human body is relatively special, even greater gravity can withstand it. ”

Coincidentally, the gravity of Karam is ten times that of Earth, just like that on planet Vegeta. This is also one of the reasons why the Dila people on the Karam Star are so strong in combat.

Green was skeptical of this, after all, Raditz’s strength was there.

“Okay then… Now I teach you how to use the gravity chamber. It’s a switch, you want to increase gravity…”

Under his guidance, Raditz quickly mastered the use of the gravity cultivation room. Seeing that he was happy, he wanted to experience it first, but was kicked out by Green on the grounds that the test was not completed.

“It will take two days at the earliest, and I will teach you then.”

Raditz had to leave depressed, but after he left, Green secretly wiped the sweat on his forehead: Baby, daddy can only help you get here.

The gravity cultivation room could not be used for the next two days, and Raditz originally planned to continue cultivating as before, but was pulled out by Bilida and others to go out to play and play together. It’s not a good thing to say that he is relaxed and relaxed, and that he is always training.

There is no way, Raditz can only follow them, but who can tell me why a little loli like Linda should follow.

After two days without cultivation, Raditz spent almost counting seconds.

Fortunately, Green finally completed the commissioning work.

Early that morning, Raditz entered the gravity training room.

When the door of the cultivation room was closed, several lights above were lit, accompanied by the starry sky pattern, which looked very different.

“Okay, let’s try it with twice the gravity.” Raditz is not careless, he is not yet two years old, his body is still growing, and excessive gravity will affect the growth of the body. That’s why he only let Green build 50 times gravity.


With a slight machine ring, the entire gravity chamber began to tremble slightly. This phenomenon lasted for a few seconds and disappeared, after which Raditz inexplicably added weight.

“Hmm! Here it comes! Raditz could clearly feel the invisible pressure in the air. Fortunately, the sensation inside the body is the most obvious.

Because the usual exercise cannot exercise the internal organs, even the internal organs of the warrior are still very fragile.

I tried to walk a few steps, but although it was difficult, I was able to move freely.

“Then increase it to 4 times.” Feeling able to withstand it, Raditz turned up the gravity again.

This time it was even more pronounced, and every time I lifted my foot, it was extremely difficult, as if I had been poured with lead.

Huhu~ Just ran around the gravity chamber, and Raditz was out of breath. The muscles all over my body were so sore that it was worse than a fight.

“Hey, hey… That’s what I want to feel. Huhu~ No, it’s better to start from the basics first, otherwise you can’t continue to practice in the gravity room. After barely running for a while, Raditz finally decided to adapt to the 4 times gravity before training in a targeted manner.

Basic training is nothing more than sit-ups, push-ups, etc.

Don’t underestimate these humble trainings, even in the late Dragon Ball stage, Super Race, or even Super 2, this training method is still the most effective.

Without a good foundation, even the most brilliant martial arts can hardly exert its true strength.

Just like Sun Wukong, he defeated countless strong enemies with the Realm King Fist. And the most important thing in using the Realm King Fist is to have a strong physique, otherwise the body will be shattered because it can’t withstand the power of the Realm King Fist.

When you focus on the time of something, you don’t even notice the passage of time.

Since the establishment of the gravity cultivation room, Raditz has stayed in it almost 24 hours a day to cultivate in addition to eating and going to the toilet.

In just two months, he adjusted gravity from 4x to 6x. That’s 60 times Earth’s gravity!

Correspondingly, his combat effectiveness has also developed rapidly, and it is almost reaching 550. I believe it will not be long before it reaches 600.

But a new problem was in front of him, and he was hungry.

Of course, the so-called hunger here does not mean that he has not eaten, but the nutrients and energy contained in the food he is eating now are simply not enough to keep up with his cultivation. It has even restricted the improvement of his combat effectiveness to some extent.

So he decides to return to the Jungle of Death, but there is no gravity chamber, so he can’t run both.

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