The reason why he finally moved his parents’ names out was to prevent this group of Saturnians from making trouble behind their backs. In case of their East Window incident, with their name, the other party will also stop.

As soon as Raditz walked out of the Mission Center building, the three Passat came by.

“Boy, it’s pretty good. I didn’t even run! Well? What about your box? Passat walked up to him only to find that Raditz’s box was missing, and his face immediately changed.

Raditz glanced at him, “You should know what that thing is!” How could I possibly carry it with me, of course, in the mission center! Otherwise, if you are seen by anyone, you will not be robbed!” As he said this, Raditz looked at each other meaningfully.

After all, he was still a child, and his face was a little unnatural when Raditz looked at him like this, and he argued: “That’s your reparation for hitting me, how can it be considered a robbery!” ”

“Huh…” Raditz smiled at this and turned and flew towards the Great Ape Tavern.

Looking at Raditz, who flew away, a hint of color flashed in Passat’s eyes.

You know, although the Saiyans are a fighting race, their natural combat effectiveness is much higher than that of other races. But that doesn’t mean Saiyans have a lot of skills.

Fighting skills and combat experience are learned bit by bit, slowly accumulating. And one of the most notoriously difficult to learn is flying.

After all, this is a skill that requires a lot of energy control from itself.

Even Passat took three years to learn under his father’s tutelage (not all Saiyan children are sent to alien planets as infants).

Now he has learned the art of flying, then his combat talent …

‘This guy… Could it be that his father is also a superior warrior! Passat suddenly wondered if he was too reckless this time. After all, Raditz is one or two years younger than himself no matter how he looks at it, with a combat effectiveness of 250 and such a high talent …

‘Afraid of what! No matter how I say it, my combat effectiveness is higher than his! How can it be defeated! Shaking his head and shaking off the miscellaneous thoughts in his head, Passat flew with Raditz towards the Great Ape Bar.

It didn’t take long for the group to land outside the Great Ape Bar.

A giant ape nearly ten meters tall stood on a three-story small building and roared into the sky! Even in the air, the appearance of the Great Ape Bar is still very conspicuous.

It just so happened that there were two Saiyan warriors chatting at the door, and when they saw the four little ghosts, they couldn’t help but let out a sneer: “Haha, I said little ghost head, you don’t want to go in!” ”

“Do you want to drink?” That’s very spicy, I think you better go back to drink! ”

“No, it’s supposed to go home and drink milk.”


Looking at the drunken appearance of the two in front of him, Raditz was quite speechless. Drunkards are everywhere.

There is no rule on the Saiyan planet that teenagers are not allowed to drink alcohol (but in our country, it is better for young men not to drink when they are not adults), but no one prevents them from entering.

Don’t look at Passat’s arrogance, but when you get here, it seems a little restrained. After all, there are thousands of adults with combat power all around, and just finding one can crush a few of them.

He was like this, and he was even mentioned as the little brother who followed behind him. Inadvertently looking back at their fearful looks, Raditz wondered if they would run away halfway.

When he came to the bar, Raditz was about to order a drink before he remembered that he didn’t have any money with him!

The only money he had had was already used to pay for the treatment, and the task submission had not yet been completed, so there was no way to get paid.

“Rub! I forgot about this stubble. Raditz turned and shouted at Passat, “I said, you hurry up and get some wine.” ”

When Passat heard the payment, his eyes widened: “Why should I pay?” Pay for each other, Hugh wants to take advantage of me! ”

“I don’t have any money on me, so you still can’t fight?”

Passat: …

Reluctantly, he paid for the drink and ordered the cheapest beer next door. The two younger brothers had nothing and sat dryly on the side.

“Bartender! No one uses the ring now, right? ”

The bartender had been watching the kids since they walked in, and of course it was Raditz who interested him the most. Although the other three children were more combative, they appeared very restrained and lacked self-confidence. In his opinion, Raditz seemed very natural, and there was no timidity in his eyes.

“Of course not. Interested in trying it out with friends? ”

“What else can I do here?”

Ring the bell! After both parties have confirmed, the bartender rings the bell to notify the referee inside.

“Huh? Isn’t that Raditz? How does he go that way? Seliba was the first to notice Raditz and shouted at her companion.

“Really.” Several people who were chatting looked up one after another.

Bardock did notice the direction they were going, and combined with the bell just now, it was clear that Raditz was going to fight the other side.

“Oh, interesting. Just separated, this meeting will be tied to others! Go over and see! ”

At the moment, the other people in the bar were also attracted to it. After all, bar rings are common, but the two sides are children or the first time they have seen it.

The Saiyan referee also came out to see that both sides were teenagers, and one of them seemed to be a child.

“The little one has been very energetic lately.” It was not that he had not encountered this situation before, and he was not too surprised.

Raditz flew into the ring and started moving, as did Passat.

Seeing so many adults watching themselves compete with others, Passat, who was still a little nervous, had long forgotten his concerns just now.

“Haha! So many people, as long as I defeat him, I can not only win that box of Prola spars. After being known by his father, he may be able to teach himself a trick that has been hungry for a long time. Thinking about the scene that would squash Raditz later, Passat couldn’t help but smile.

‘This guy isn’t thinking about how to beat himself up!’ ’

Raditz shook his head, this contest must be won beautifully.

After all, this was his first match on a formal occasion since returning to Vegeta.

Although his combat effectiveness was recognized by Bardock, he wore the hat of a lower-level warrior after all. If you don’t show a little eye-catching, some future plans will still not be completed.

‘Be honest as a stepping stone to my return!’ At the end of the event, Raditz put on an offensive stance.

The same goes for the Passat opposite.

Without going into too much detail, the referee explained the rules and announced the start of the game. In fact, the rules are simple: fall to the ground, fall unconscious, fall out of the ring, or surrender is considered a loss.

After the referee announced the start, the opposite Passat suddenly accelerated towards Raditz.

“Boy, count you unlucky!” During the attack, Passat did not forget to ridicule Raditz. “My combat strength of 400 is not something you can compete with at all!”

Before the words fell, his attack was already in front of Raditz.

Despite being only six years old, Passat learned a lot of martial arts skills under his father’s instruction. The move is decent, the punch is strong and calm, and the footsteps are moved in an orderly manner.

It is a pity that in front of him is Raditz.

When he was about to hit Raditz, Raditz only accelerated to the side for an instant. By the way, he stretched out his foot and tripped over the other party.

Passat was shocked and hurriedly tried to turn around with one hand.

Raditz didn’t give him a chance, and his right hand was in the shape of a hand knife, and he quickly smashed the back of his neck three times.

Bang bang!

Without accident, Passat immediately lost consciousness and fell unconscious.

Only the surprised referee and the dumbfounded adult warrior remained.

“Did I miss something?” The warrior who had just lowered his head to drink saw the unconscious Passat on the ground and asked his companion.


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