After Bardock Jimai left, Raditz did not immediately start the plan in his heart, but practiced at home for half a month.

According to Saiyan custom, Saiyan babies who complete the planetary trial mission have half a year to a year to rest.

This is the time left for them to conduct targeted training on their home planet.

Although there is an approximate bug such as a knowledge indoctrination machine, combat is not rigid knowledge in books after all. It needs to be learned and put to use, and different people have different needs.

Taking advantage of this rare free period, Raditz decided to increase his combat effectiveness a little more.

After all, this kind of comfortable exercise environment may not be available in the future.

On this day, he was doing basic exercises in the gravity room, but the communicator on Scott was ringing.

“Is it Lord Raditz? I’m Herba. I have completed the task you assigned, do you have time to come over now? A somewhat panicked voice came over the communicator.

Helba? The Saturn who received himself?

It took a while for Raditz to remember what he had almost forgotten.

“I’ll be here in about half an hour.” After hanging up the communicator, Raditz went out of the gravity room and briefly washed before flying towards the city.

In this uninhabited forest, Raditz tried to fly at rapid speed for the first time.

Fully amplify the perception of ‘qi’ and confirm that there are no Saiyans in a radius of more than ten kilometers. Release the suppression of ‘qi’ in the body.

The already fast speed has increased by nearly five times in an instant! The speed of nearly 100 meters per second has exceeded that of most cars. The surrounding trees fell back so rapidly that they could hardly see their original appearance. The howling wind was already like a sharp blade, giving him a tingling sensation.

Raditz quickly arranged a ‘qi’ cover on the outside of his body to protect himself.

“Only now has released about 800 combat power, if all of them are released, will it exceed the speed of sound?”

Thinking of doing it, Raditz’s suppressed power was released again.

As the ‘qi’ increased, his flight speed also continued to increase, almost one second at a time.

Soon he was already soaring to 150 m/s, 180 m/s, 210 m/s… The surrounding scenery is already connected, whether it is a large jungle or a hill, fleeting.

As the speed increases, so does the resistance of the air. When the speed approached 300 m/s, he felt a huge force blocking him in front of him.

“Is this called a ‘sound barrier’?” Looking at the air surrounding the body, it was almost a transparent wall. The urge to break through it suddenly arose in Raditz’s heart.

‘A little sound barrier wants to stop me Raditz too!’ Since that’s the case, then break it for me! Raditz unleashed his fighting power again. 9000,1100,1100……

The increase in combat effectiveness caused his stagnant acceleration to increase again. 320 m/s, 330 m/s, 335 m/s…

As the speed gets closer to the speed of sound, the greater the resistance ahead. At this time, a transparent air mass like fog had formed around Raditz’s body.

“Ah! Break my !!! ”

Raditz’s burst of gas made him suddenly speed up again, and soon approached the speed of sound.

344 m/s, 345 m/s, 346 m/s. When the speed exceeded the speed of sound, the atomizing resistance around Raditz suddenly exploded, making a sound like a gas balloon deflating. But this sound is much deeper and more powerful!

Burst! Burst! Burst!

Almost after the first sound barrier is broken, the next moment the second newly formed sound barrier is broken. This was followed by the third, the fourth…

Raditz flew wantonly over the jungle, passing tall trees and low shrubs as if they had been hit by a tornado, and the debris and leaves flew with the wind.

In less than two minutes, he covered nearly 50 kilometers. Although it was still some distance from the city, there were already Saiyans living nearby, and he had to slow down.

About ten minutes later, he arrived at the mission building and found the Saturnian named Herba.

However, there was another Saturn with him, not one of the original three.

Raditz frowned.

“Lord Raditz would rather rest assured, this is my son, Hebara.” Seeing that Raditz was angry, Herba hurriedly explained, “He is working in the Vegeta Star Ship Manufacturing Center, and has the right to dispose of the Prola spar in your hand…”

Spaceship manufacturing center? The Saturn man in front of him looks like he is only in his twenties, and he has such great rights.

“Can you get a high-end one-man aircraft, or a multiplayer spaceship?” Raditz thought for a moment and asked.

Hebala didn’t expect Raditz to ask these questions, and after a moment’s pause, he replied without thinking: “It can be, but it requires a lot of troublesome procedures.” Don’t know what you need? ”

“If you can get it, let’s solve the matter at hand first.”

Raditz led the two to the access area in the mission center and took out the box of Prola spars.

In a closed room, Hebala tested it with professional tools: “A total of 5,643.36 grams, some of which are premium. The initial estimate is 130 billion GM. ”

Previously, Raditz was expected to be around 100 billion, but after all, he is not a professional, and more is better than less.

“In the system, the value of Karam Star is 125 billion. If we operate internally, we can drive the price down to 120 billion. But I hope Lord Raditz will grant me a request. Hebala looked straight at Raditz, not paying any attention to the hint his father gave him.

“Oh? How dare you say it! Hehe, aren’t you afraid that I’ll kill you in anger? Raditz spoke, and his powerful momentum burst out at the same time. The hidden thick aura almost instantly frightened Herba to the ground.

Although Hebara’s face was pale and shaky from the momentum, he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

“I hope you don’t kill us after we’re done!”

As soon as his voice fell, Raditz disappeared in place, and by the time he appeared, he was already floating in front of Hebara.

The floating Raditz grabbed Hebara’s neck and picked him up: “Looks like you already know what I’m going to do!” ”

The strength in his hand continued to increase, and within seconds Hebala was already blushing and his neck was thick.

“I think what you did… We still need our help. Ahem… We can be your servants… Serve you for life! Do you feel like… Ahem…”Herbala barely finished his words in a pitch-shifting tone.

Raditz stared at him with both eyes, and he stubbornly raised his head to look at Raditz. There was not a hint of fear or flinching in his eyes.

Ten seconds later, Raditz let go of his hand, and the unreliant Hebara fell down.

“Ahem…” After regaining his freedom, he quickly took a big breath of fresh air, coughing a few times from time to time.

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