“Poof!” Bardock was beaten and vomited blood and flew out!

Instead of waiting in place, Durham continued to rush towards Bardock, apparently wanting to end the battle early.

Bang bang!

At this moment, three energy balls flew from a distance. Forcing Kalam to abandon the pursuit of Bardock and dodge the attack instead.

He dodged two energy balls sideways, and the remaining one was kicked into the sky by him and disappeared.

“Is Bardock all right?” The people who arrived were the three Dodebo who transformed into giant apes. After solving those Star-Confused warriors, he happened to see the flames bursting into the sky and the explosions were continuous, so he flew over to support.

Bardock coughed a few times and barely flew up: “I can still hold on.” Don’t be careless, this guy is a little strange. Hit me several burst balls, but nothing happened. I even suspect that he is not afraid of energy attacks at all! ”

“Not afraid of energy attacks? Then I’ll blast him with these fists! Toma snorted coldly when he heard this, and strode towards Durham who was floating in the air!

Because of his transformation into a giant ape, his current combat power is around 26,000, far exceeding the other party.

Staddling, stepping on the abandoned building, grabbing a broken floor slab and throwing it at the other party. When Dram’s view was blocked by the floor slab, Thomas suddenly accelerated and rushed over. With one hand clenched a fist and smashed through the floor, he directly grabbed Durham in his hand based on his previous impression.

“Haha! You are not planted in the hands of your Uncle Toma! Removing the floor slab, Toma looked at Durham in his hand, and his excitement overflowed.

Dram, who was caught, was not only not afraid, but also smiled with a successful conspiracy.

Although Toma was careless, he was not a fool, and when he saw his expression, he secretly said that it was not good, and his right hand suddenly exerted force, wanting to pinch the other party to death!

“It’s too late!” Dram sneered, broke free and plunged his hands into Thoma’s palms.

Immediately, a little blood flowed down Dram’s arm into his body. And as this blood melted into the body, some of the wounds on the body gradually healed. The originally somewhat pale face also turned bloody.

“Quick! Pull him out of Thoma’s hand! Bardock noticed something strange and hurriedly reminded him. At the same time, he himself flew over to support.

Sting! Durham, who had already sucked enough blood, suddenly broke free from Toma’s hands and brought a shower of blood. Thoma, on the other hand, passed out due to excessive blood loss and passively lifted the great ape state.

In just a few seconds, Dram actually absorbed more blood than Toma could bear.

“Damn miscellaneous! Die! “Babuzin almost went crazy when he saw Toma’s miserable appearance. When he opened his mouth, he sent out several giant energy balls to blast towards Dram.

“Hey, hey… It has been waiting for you for a long time. Durham smiled, and instead of dodging the energy ball, he rushed over.

Strangely, the energy ball that was hit not only did not explode, but its volume continued to decrease. It disappeared in the blink of an eye, and Dram who rushed into it appeared in front of everyone unharmed.

No, it should be said that a new one, a more powerful Dram appeared.

Everyone Scott clearly showed that the combat power of Dram in front of him exceeded 4,000.

“This…” Everyone didn’t know what to do for a while. Long-range energy attacks will be absorbed by the opponent, and close melee combat will be absorbed by the opponent. This is simply a hedgehog, and people have nowhere to start.

Dram was obviously very satisfied with everyone’s current expression, licked the blood on his body, and looked at everyone with a sinister smile: “Since you don’t attack, then I’ll go over!” ”

In an instant, Durham disappeared in place, and the next moment he appeared above Dodebo’s head.

“Go and die! Stinky monkey! “Durham kicked Dodpo in the head. All of a sudden, let the other party’s body tilt to the left side.

Thump! Like a boulder falling to the ground, the earth trembled.

“Don’t be proud!” As if striking a fly, Babuzin slapped Drumm to the ground. Smashed him into the ground for tens of centimeters.

papapa! Immediately, he stepped on him and tried to smash him into the dirt.

More than ten seconds later, when he stopped to see if the other party was dead, the soles of his feet were unstable and constantly rising. Before he could figure out what was going on, he felt like the sky was spinning and was thrown out.

The gray-faced Dram flew up from below and looked at several people with a scowl on his face: “You actually made me so embarrassed!” I will torment you and devour your souls!” ”

Swish! Several energy balls flew towards the three people who were still active.

The two who transformed into giant apes didn’t care, and blasted or bounced off these energy balls with one hand. The seriously injured Bardock was taken care of, and several energy balls came towards him.

His state was too late to dodge, and when the energy ball slammed, he immediately looked up at the artificial moon in the sky.

In an instant, another giant ape appeared on the ground.

Bang bang! The energy ball that was originally still powerful could only explode a scorched black on Bardock’s transformed giant ape.

The three great apes surrounded Durham in the middle and slowly approached.

“Hehe, what can you do with me? Am I not afraid of your attacks and want to be sucked by me? Durham folded his arms and flew fearlessly in the air.

“Really?” A female voice came from below.


Everyone turned to look, but it was Seliba, who had long been unconscious.

I don’t know when she woke up, and a fist-sized gray bead in her hand slowly bloomed with a dark blue light.

“I don’t know I ruined this, do you still have this confidence?” Seliba smiled at Draam and suddenly crushed the beads.

“Nope! Don’t you dare! I’ll kill you! “Dram has long lost the confident look he had just now. He suddenly rushed towards Seliba to stop her from destroying the bead.

Click! With the sound of glass shattering, the gray beads in Seliba’s hand instantly shattered into several pieces. Then it turned into a puff of blue smoke and dissipated in the air.

“Ahhh… Oh oh…” When the beads shattered, Dram who flew halfway let out an earth-shattering scream, and then his body fell to the ground as if he had lost gravity. Like a day’s mud, like a candle, it melts slowly.

In the next second, a translucent soul floated out from the corpse and let out a piercing scream!

“Ah! Damn it! Damn stinky monkeys! Ahh Small souls floated out of Drum’s giant spirit body and slowly disappeared in midair. Every soul carries a smile of joy and satisfaction.

It didn’t take long for Dram’s spirit body to completely dissipate in the air.

“Whew~ This guy is really difficult!” Seeing the enemy disappear, everyone came into contact with the giant ape form. After all, maintaining the form of a great ape still requires a lot of energy.

“Seliba, what was the bead just now?” Bardock asked.

Seliba shook her head, “I don’t know. I found it on this altar. Watching it keep glowing, faintly connected to that monster. Thinking that it should have a relationship with the other party, it can be regarded as a mistake. ”

“No matter what, you saved our squad!”


At the same time, not only Bardock’s squad fell into a bitter battle, but also thousands of Saiyans who were fighting outside were all under siege to varying degrees.

Almost 15% of the combat squads were killed, and the rest were severely reduced. For a while, the alarm bell of Planet Vegeta was loud, and King Vegeta rushed to the combat headquarters overnight and sat in command.

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